Does anyone have a cheat day?

Now don't get me is not like I am trying to rationalize the idea of having a cheat day, where mouth meets apple fritter in delicious sweet bliss (although that is what I am craving right now), however, I am wondering if anyone allots themselves a "cheat" day to exceed their alloted calories for the day in order to satiate the "bad/junk food monster" inside? Or do you work the not-so-good-for-you food into your calorie intake for the day? I know that my purpose in joining is to become a better version of myself, I also know that I do not want to fall off the wagon. Is having a naughty once a week or every other week just a gateway to old habits?


  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    I have a great many cheat days :/ somehow ive still managed to lose weight on schedule. I exercise a lot, it helps i guess ha.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I have a controlled cheat day (it's actually called a refeed/carb-up) because I follow a low carb diet. So I don't allow myself whatever I want but I do get to enjoy some foods that I normally don't allow myself to eat.
  • mroger801
    mroger801 Posts: 91
    Usually, I will try to build in the less good foods into my daily allotment. I do this either by doing a little extra work-out or mentally saying "this is okay." May is full of birthdays for me, so I know that there will be cake and that I will enjoy it. Its just about making sure that not every day is a less than good day.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    I feel like cheat days lead to a free for all and bad choices. I allow a cheat *meal* once a week and I also eat w.e I want for the most part but in moderation (or at least try to)
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    I LIKE to work it into my calorie routine, but I don't sweat if I go over one day (not too much over though). The past several years, my wife and I use Friday night as our cheat meal + dessert. I am NEVER successful at losing weight if I deprive myself.
  • jenessae
    jenessae Posts: 23
    I try to not deny myself of anything. A couple of bites of whatever I am craving usually satifies my need. But, occasionally on the weekends I will have a whole piece of that birthday cake or that candy bar. If you deny yourself daily, it will most likely lead you to a binge. Moderation is key.
  • yungnold
    yungnold Posts: 33 Member
    Cheat day? what's that! Can't cheat on what's suppose to be a lifestyle change!! LoL
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I've stopped planning cheat days, but if I have a day that's horrible (usually due to stress, craziness at work... or, on the flip side a happy occasion like a party), I just skip logging and consider it "cheating" because I didn't play by the rules.

    I am trying to minimize the number of "cheat days" that I have, but they do happen from time to time. That's life (for me anyway). Tomorrow's another day, as the cliché goes!

    When I allowed myself a scheduled cheat day, I always ended up having 2 or 3 because they were too much fun ;-p

    I also try to work out like crazy the day after a "cheat".
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yes I do. Usually on the weekend one whole day no exercise, lots beers and whatever want to eat.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I don't really have a "cheat day", but weekends are the hardest for me to eat healthy foods. Weekends for me are usually VERY busy so I normally get take out because I'm rarely home.

    I do have an occasional day though where I need some chocolate or ice cream, or both! :)
  • zoeelizabeths
    zoeelizabeths Posts: 93 Member
    I personally can't eat the things I really crave. There are some treats I let myself have, but others that I stay away from because if I have it once I will have it ten times that day. For example, I can keep a dark chocolate bar around and only eat a square or two a day, but if I have peanut butter cups in the house, I will eat them all in one day.

    That being said, when I allow myself "cheat" meals, it's more like I go out for a nice meal that might be more than my allotted calories but is still balanced and healthy and won't lead to further binging. So I might go out for sushi or Indian Food or a burger or something like that. But I still try to keep it relatively healthy.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    A cheat day can either help you or kill your efforts. I allowed myself small cheat things like a cookie here or there throughout the month, and then I lost it. I've been off track for about 2 weeks, and now I'm back. I think special events can pass as small cheats? Like, birthdays, anniversaries, whatever kind of event that you go out to eat. Be sure to pick something as healthy as possible, but we all know restaurant food isn't all that great. I don't think here or there will be a big deal, but you have to be smart about when you have that chocolate, cookie, whatever. I would plan it a week or so ahead. And be like "If you reach this mini goal, you may have a cookie." No, you shouldn't reward yourself with foods, but it could still possibly help. This is the idea that I'm trying next. To see how it goes for me.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Yes on the weekends I do. But I try my best to stay in or at least close to my calories limit. This is after the hard way forever. I find people who have actual cheat days, never lose the weight. They spend the entire week trying to lose all the water weight they gained that weekend.. So I find the way I do it now works better. Then once a month I allow myself to indulge at a restaurant with my fiance or my girlfriends. It keeps me on track and i don't feel like I am depriving myself of the food that I enjoy.
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    One day every other weekend I let myself go nuts. Still losing weight eating disgustingly yummy food here! :drinker:
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I have cheat days, not very often, maybe once a month, but even so, I don't go overboard crazy, maybe an extra 500 calories or something. Usually my cheating involves potato chips or something salty. :laugh:
  • E6165
    E6165 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I wouldn't actually say a cheat day, but I try not to deprive myself of what I want. A little bit of goodness is ok. I look at this as a lifestyle change not a diet. I know, a lot of people say that but really I want to be able to eat healthy, make healthy choices and have portion control. I think once we have portion control we can indulge in a little something sinful every now and then as long as it doesn't become an everyday thing. Good luck to you! :)
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I don't call it a cheat day. If I know I'm gonna eat out I'm mindful of what I have the rest of the day. But yes I sometimes eat things not set in my normal routine.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Cheat day? what's that! Can't cheat on what's suppose to be a lifestyle change!! LoL
    Man... if only I were perfect... my house and car would always be clean, my lawn would be perfectly mowed, I'd leave work on time every day, always look flawless, never be late to anything, always say the right thing in those awkward social situations, my eating would be perfect and I wouldn't need this silly website ;-p

    But... since I'm far from perfect, all of the above aspects of my lifestyle require cheats, work-arounds and improvisation at times. My eating habits are not exempt.

    Just my two cents... being a little sarcastic, and I get the lifestyle thing, but for it to work for me as a lifestyle, it's gotta allow some wiggle room.

    All the best!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I try to occasionally work some of the not so great stuff into my allotted calories but yeah there are occasional cheat meals, days, or (in the case of this weekend) multiple days :embarassed: but they are random. Sometimes planned, sometimes not. This past weekend I wasn't feeling very good, sick with a cold for the first time in over a year and I felt so drained that I gave in to what sounded good. The flip side is today my body almost instinctively reacted to such an overload of food by barely being hungry. I was surprised but excited to find that maybe finally my body is regulating itself, fingers crossed.
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    I say everything in Moderation and you will have more success changing your habits than if you deny yourself any treats whatsoever. I still enjoy my 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks a day, or that packet of crisps if I want.

    Do deny yourself all your favourite things as this will just lead to binging.