I wanna run a half marathon in 2013

My goal is to run a half marathon in 2013. I love running. Its just I can't run more than a minute without giving out of breath...in other words I'm very out of shape. I know its possible I just don't know where to began. I used to play softball when I was little so I do have some athlete in me buried under this fat girl suit! Any tips or advice would be great!!!


  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Check out couch to 5K. Its a great beginner program. From there build up a base of 9-12 miles a week. Once you have the base check out Hal Higdron half marathon training plans.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    ^^ I agree. Do C25K and then work up to a regular weekly base mileage that you sustain year-round. Then, next spring, start a half marathon training program - Hal Higdon is very popular.

    I love running.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Thank yall. Is it possible to run when I need to lose 60 lbs? I'm 203 now! and wanna be 140 that is my ultimate weight goal!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    me 2! i'm working on a 5k now. i think it just takes practice and patience. and yes you can run at 200
  • s35keith
    s35keith Posts: 121 Member
    In one year I quit smoking and lost 50 pounds. I also ran my first 5k in a little over a year and a half I ran my first 10k and half-marathon at the age of 47. Next stop marathon! I started by walking the dog around the block. So, YES you can do it!! Just start a plan and stick with it. Enjoy your first half-marathon!
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    Here is the training program I used to train for my very first half.

  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Yes, you can definitely run now. I started Couch to 5K in Jan of 2011 and completed it in March. I weighed 258 lbs when I started.

    I just ran my first half marathon on March 18th, 2012.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    c25k is totally great! I'm starting week 9 the day after tomorrow and I can't even believe I can run for almost 30 minutes now. Just 2 months ago, I was proud to just run the 60 second intervals of week 1!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Here's what you need:

    Properly fitted running shoes - go to a reputable shoe store whose goal is to make runners; not sell shoes.
    Wick away socks.
    Do the C25K.
    Weight will start coming off.
    Build up to a 10K
    More weight will come off.
    Pick a half marathon. I'd go flat, but if you live near hills/mountains then you'll be fine with them in your half.
    Get to know Hal Higdon and/or Jeff Galloway up close and personal.
    Pick a plan.
    Stick with the plan.
    Weight will come off.
    Repeat different weeks of your plan as you feel necessary.
    Weight will continue to come off in the event you don't over compensate for your exercise calories burned.

    Depending on which half you're shooting for, you have plenty of time.

    I'll be finishing up my 50th state in 2013. I'm doing a half marathon in every state. 37 medals to my credit thus far. 46 by the end of the 2012. Four more in 2013. July 4, 2013 in WY I will cross my 50th state Finish Line. I'm getting ready to email the race director and ask for bib #50. I've already picked out my red, white, and blue running attire. How fun is that!

    You'll be fine. Did I mention find a plan, stick with the plan, trust the plan. And shoes. Don't cheat yourself out of this goal by training in shoes that will cause you pain.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    You can do it! If you want some inspiration - here's my story!

    May 4th 2011 - 205lbs. I spent the first 4 months or so walking my dogs, and generally getting fitter and dropping the pounds. I also did things like Zumba, Pump and a spin class at the gym. I had dropped 31lbs when I went overseas for a holiday in July

    17 August - back at it and luckily hadnt gained weight! Started off jogging / walking around mid-September and had lost another 15lbs (now total of 46lbs) when I went overseas again to celebrate my birthday at the end of October. I was running/walking 5kms (3 miles or so I think) but I was walking 50% of it at least.

    4 November - came back from holidays and had gained weight. Entered into a 3.6km fun run with the sole intention of running the lot. Race day came, I was approx 170lbs and I did it - non stop 22:20!! An average km speed of 6:10.

    That was it - I was hooked. I ran my first 5kms non stop on 10 November in 36mins. I ran that a couple of times a month until I had it under 30mins. On 2nd December I hit 29:42 and I decided to start increasing my distance. Each week I added 500m untl the end of December when I was running 8kms and I entered a 10km race.

    23rd January I set out to run 10kms and did it - 57:53. My race was on 27 January, so I thought I really should run the distance at least once! Until this point I had only run in the mornings and my race was at 4pm. Boy - running in the afternoon knocked me for a 6! I had heat (its summer here in Australia), wind, food and liquid to deal with. It was a hard run - but it felt amazing when I finished in 58:51. I weighed 151lbs by this point.

    For the next month I continued running 10kms 2-3 times a week, continuing with my other gym routine. Then end of February arrived and it was the cut off for early bird registrations for the Australian Running Festival half marathon. I remember the day so clearly - I was going to enter the 10km race, but suddenly I felt the urge to register for the half. I emailed my friend (who is a runner) and said 'stop me now if you dont think I am ready, but otherwise I am going to do it!!' she replied with ' YOU CAN DO IT!" and I registered. I found a beginners training program and followed that as best as I could for the remaining 8 weeks before the half. I increased my distance on my long runs over time, and I cross trained with my regular gym routine and added in things like hill sprints, hard efforts and intervals. I was loving it! I had a couple of weeks where I over did it and was sore, so went light for a few days - but overall I tried to follow the plan as much as I could.

    15 April 2012 - Half Marathon day. I had one goal - DONT STOP. I didnt - and I loved it. The adrenaline, the people, the people watching, the fashion (I love shopping for running clothes haha!), the crowd, the cheering - everything. I ran the best I ever had - 1:55:46. The best day of my life, and the greatest achievement I have ever completed. I weighed 145lbs

    Now.... Ive entered my next race - travelling interstate on 1 July to run the Gold Coast half marathon and then at the end of October I take my adventure international - I'll be running the Auckland half too in New Zealand. This is my life now. Im down to 140lbs (I am 5.1") and still have 10 or so pounds to drop. I focussed on my running and the weight just fell off. Running was my priority and its changed my life.

    And yes - I agree. Good shoes, socks and a plan - these are a must! Be prepared to go through quite a few shoes until you find ones that are perfect for you. Try gels and water and everything during your journey. Read running magazines, make friends with runners and use their tips and tricks.

    Friend request me if you'd like a cheering squad. I love to cheer!!! Good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!