your first 10k run?

bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
I plan to train for and finish my first 10k race this summer. I want to run the whole thing. I have NO idea what a good goal for time is though. What was your time on the first 10k you ever ran? I just thought Id see what other people said to get some kind of idea. Thanks guys!


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was aiming for under 60 minutes, and ended up with 53:12. :smile:
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I just ran my first 10K on Saturday (not a race) and it was 1:09:19. I was just setting an easy pace - I did walk a little up the biggest hill, and I also had to keep running off the road because there was a bike race on part of my course.
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    I too will be a running a 10k soon :) Wish you all the best, OP *tags along topic*
  • bholmes21
    bholmes21 Posts: 59 Member
    I was aiming for about an hour and got 1:03. Just find a pace that is comfortable to you for your first race. You can do it! :)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My first 10K race was yesterday. My goal was 55:00 my official time was 55:28. The first time I ran 10K (not in a race) was March 19 of this year and I did it in 58:16.

    I started running in November and ran my first 5K in February.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    thanks guys! hoping for a few more replies and then maybe i will take the average of the times and try to beat it by a minute or something aha. i really have no idea what to shoot for. i will hopefully have a better idea by the time race time gets closer and my running is better :)
  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck on your first 10k.
    I ran my first 10k a year ago. My time was 47:36
    I am elite runner, so it's pretty good.
    This year, I am doing my first half marathon! Whoo ho!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    awesome - good luck! :) that time is pretty awesome. i think i will be aiming for just under an hour based on other peoples answers. id love to hear some more times though!
  • runnergirl1017
    If you have run a 5k double your time and add 3+ minutes for the extra mileage. Your goal time is individual! Runner's World has a smart coach program that will give you all the info you need training and goal time too! Best of luck!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    good idea! thanks :)
  • slambiase
    slambiase Posts: 23
    I was aiming for under 60 minutes, and ended up with 53:12. :smile:

    That is fast! I have been running for years and my best is 57 min. Average is an hour and change
  • slambiase
    slambiase Posts: 23
    Good luck on your first 10k.
    I ran my first 10k a year ago. My time was 47:36
    I am elite runner, so it's pretty good.
    This year, I am doing my first half marathon! Whoo ho!

    47 is a winning time! Awesome. Well above the average runner or first-timer
  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck on your first 10k.
    I ran my first 10k a year ago. My time was 47:36
    I am elite runner, so it's pretty good.
    This year, I am doing my first half marathon! Whoo ho!

    47 is a winning time! Awesome. Well above the average runner or first-timer

    Yep. I trained soo much for it and it payed off.
  • phasney
    Ran my first 10k on Saturday 3rd Nov 2012.
    Signed up for it 3 weeks prior to run
    Didn't do any workouts etc prior to signing up
    Sprained ankle two weeks prior to run doing some cross country fast walking with a little run here and there
    50 year old, 5 - 10kg overweight
    Training consisted of doing the odd walk up a mountain with no more attempts at running after spraining ankle.

    Ran the 10k in 51:35.51

    Hurt like hell on the Sunday. But was still chuffed with the time.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    October 6th Coalville 10k - (16st 13lb / 107.9 kg) 1:05:51 - Garmin showed it as being only 9.75 k but it was very hilly, muddy and wet.

    November 11th - Robin Hood 10k - ?

    Been training a lot more as I injured my foot before the last one so hopefully will improve, seem to struggle going over 9/9.5 kph though.

    I feel a lot fitter now but am still heavy, weighing myself later so hopefully lost some, (put on 1 lb / 0.2 kg last week) also been doing weights to strengthen my core.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    November 11th - Robin Hood 10k (16st 9lb / 106.1 kg) 1:02:46

    I even sprinted the last half a km
