
I am curious to see who has suffered injuries during their journey on their new life style to be healthy and fit. I am down 46 pounds, I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week, doing zumba and yoga. I went out to play basketball with my husband and his friends and I got hurt. I tore my ACL in half and "shredded" my menisci. I had to have surgery on my knee - I now have a donor ACL (yes, someone else's ACL has been placed in my leg with screws in my bones and they took 80% of my menisci out. I am currently going through Physical Therapy 3 times a week. I know that I hadn't lost the weight, I wouldn't have been out there playing at all. I am very happy with my lifestyle change and I am still on track - even though I am not able to exercise. I haven't officially "weighed" on here since my surgery since I am not allowed to walk without crutches or a HUGE brace on my leg - but I did, however, weigh myself with my brace and it was less than before my surgery. My question is: Anyone out there get on track with the lifestyle change and get hurt/injured trying to acheive their goals? Are you still on track with your food? I have been over more than I have wanted to be, but I did give myself a few weeks to eat what I wanted, though I still tracked everything I ate and still cooked healthy. I must not be doing to bad, I still have a loss, even with wearing my HUGE knee brace! :) It's still doable while injured - Don't give up!! :)


  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Ankle injury, achilles tendonitis, partially torn calf muscle - nothing as serious as an acl though. I'm not a pleasant person with an injury, I get sooo frustrated that I can't workout. Then I start getting stressed, but can't do the one thing that will relieve the stress. Amazing I'm not divorced! Only thing I could do was to be really good about my food. Once I could do something, I worked really closely with my trainer, couple of times even increased my sessions from once a week to three times a week, to make the most of what I could do.
    Good Luck!
  • Although my injuries are not quite as severe, I understand your frustration. EVERY time I start up a fitness routine, I, in some way, seem to get hurt. The two biggies are my Achilles tendon, which does not COMPLETELY tear, but, I get little microscopic tears which requires ice and stop exercising. (Yeay!...sarcasm there) I sit..I am trying everything AGAIN. I have lost approx 8 lbs now, and go to the gym and know what sets some things off. Like, for instance, I can't have any incline on a treadmill, etc. I wish you well on your fitness improvements...HANG IN THERE! :D
  • Rockstar_sister
    Rockstar_sister Posts: 65 Member
    I am going to Physical Therapy and I "ride" the bike to warm up - unfortunately - I can't pedal all the way around. I go as far as I can then go back the other way. My speed? .1 mph.... I do this for 8 minutes and I burn about 10 calories - I thought about chewing gum just to burn a few more calories! lol. I did ask about burning calories and lifting weights, toning, etc. Since my Dr told me I had to "pause" my gym membership for SIX MONTHS!! I was upset about that. Luckily, my son has gym equipment in the garage that I could go out there and do something out there, but guess what? I haven't been out there yet?! I am cutting myself some slack, I am 2 1/2 weeks out from surgery - I will get out there. I am still walking with crutches and when I do walk, I still can't walk a long distance. I still have a HUGE knee brace that goes over half way up my thigh and half way down my calf. I'll get there! Even if it's a couple of months. Not so concerned at this point! I knew a few "friends" on my page had suffered minor injuries, but I wondered if anyone else had serious ones.

    To the torn calf - OUCH!
    To the torn achiles - DOUBLE OUCH! I couldn't imagine either of those!
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    I've had knee issues since I was a teen (multiple dislocations, PT 3x previously). Thought I damaged my meniscus at the end of Feb., MRI showed it turned out to be just a strain, so no where near as serious as your injury. Had to use a cane and brace for 10 days or so and was in PT for 6 weeks. I logged my PT as cardio - 10 minutes of stretching and 20 minutes of strength training (I did lots of different leg lifts, balancing exercieses, progressed to weight machines). Those minutes were lower than the 2 sessions a day I was doing, they were really estimates, but it makes me feel good to log some exercise. My weight plateaued during the PT, actually went up some but I was pretty swollen for a couple of weeks, but logged just about everyday to keep my eating in check. I emerged with much stronger better feeling knees and more limber which helped my back (desk jobs are bad for your back). After PT my weigh loss progressed again. It will be a much longer road for you, have patience, watch your eating and I hope they give you some fun new exercises. I continue to do the stretching and weighted leg lifts at night plus some back exercises while I watch TV, important for me to keep my knees healthy. Good luck in your recovery!