new and feeling overwelmed



  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Lentils & pulses a good source of protein & fibre as well as filling you up. Fruit good too. I have trouble eating much bread, potato, pasta & rice following gastric bypass surgery. Pulses have really helped to make me feel full without the bloating of the carbs!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Nuts, avocados, and yogurt are great ways to add calories and nutrients without adding carbs.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I don't see how it is possible for you to be going over on your calories and still be in starvation mode. You should be eating the calories you gain from doing exercise.

    So lets say that MFP has told you to consume 1400 calories per day. If you don't exercise you should eat 1400 and you won't be in starvation mode. If you eat your normal allotted amount of 1400 and then exercise, burning more than 200 calories, you will net less than 1200 calories for the day. When you net less than 1200 you are entering "Starvation Mode". So using that same example, eat your 1400, exercise burning let's say 300 calories, then eat 300 more calories. This will ensure that you are staying at the predetermined deficit that MFP has set up for you.

    I hope this makes sense. Also, just read through the message boards here, there are many people who have asked and answered many questions that will help you.

    I need an explanation as to WHY someone would eat back the calories that they burned off with excersize. That makes no sense. If you are supposed to eat 1500 calories a day, that's what you eat and that is it!

    Because MFP has already built in the calorie deficit for your loss in the "base" calories.. so any more that you burn on top of that through activity must be replaced.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    moderator edited

  • CherylGardner
    CherylGardner Posts: 75 Member
    I need an explanation as to WHY someone would eat back the calories that they burned off with excersize. That makes no sense. If you are supposed to eat 1500 calories a day, that's what you eat and that is it!

    You eat back your calories because it is the balance of a proprer deficit between calories consumed and calories burned that matters. If you are constantly targeting 1500 calories per day and then go for a run that burns a lot of calories and don't eat any of them back, you are going to go into starvation mode, easily. Your body will hang onto every calorie you eat and store it as fat because it's afraid it won't get enough in the future to maintain function.

    You need to watch your deficit - for most people, you must keep it to about 500 calories or you'll go into starvation mode, pure and simple.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    Peanut butter!! Its great on apples, bananas, carrots, celery, and even a spoon. You can also add peanutbutter to a smoothie; my favorite it a frozen banana, PB, skim milk and some ice (if I have the room in my diary I'll add some hershey syrup too) :wink:
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    A few almonds, feta cheese, hummus, olive oil, olives and peanut butter should do the trick. These things will also make you feel fuller for longer. :)
  • Beans are a great source of protein, iron, fiber and some have calcium. I like adding garbanzo/chickpeas to everything.:smile:
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Its fun to boost your metabolism, and let your body do the work! Try this: boost it first thing in the morning before eating: just a quick vigorous walk/jog for 15 min. Now eat breakfast: 1boiled egg, half a slice of toast, a few strawberries. 2 hours later repeat this with a longer walk/jog maybe 30min. Now eat another small meal, low carb again: a slice of Roast Beef, a slab of red bell pepper, 1 small cracker. 2-3 hours later, repeat. This little routine will get you started on a good fat burn.

    Tip: use an herbal appetite suppressant like Hoodia (get a reputable brand). Use fat metabolizers like extra-virgin coconut oil (4tbs/day), cinnamon (1-2tsp/day), cayenne pepper, black pepper. These seriously rev up your metabolic fat burn and keep you in control of your food choices (appetite under your control).

    The Hoodia take between meal (works great after about 1-2 days of taking it). The coconut oil tastes wonderful on toast or a cracker with cinnamon as a dessert (tastes so good! And burns off your body fat!!!) The peppers taste great on meat and eggs (put a nice dose on a couple of bites of the eggs, for example).

    A cup of green tea (use stevia extract to sweeten, no milk!) right before you do your first morning workout).

    I love this! I lost 4 lbs last week doing this kind of routine. I feel awesome.
    :) MinMin
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    I agree with the eye roll....temporary fix...
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  • SummerAlaina
    SummerAlaina Posts: 11 Member
    I don't see how it is possible for you to be going over on your calories and still be in starvation mode. You should be eating the calories you gain from doing exercise.

    So lets say that MFP has told you to consume 1400 calories per day. If you don't exercise you should eat 1400 and you won't be in starvation mode. If you eat your normal allotted amount of 1400 and then exercise, burning more than 200 calories, you will net less than 1200 calories for the day. When you net less than 1200 you are entering "Starvation Mode". So using that same example, eat your 1400, exercise burning let's say 300 calories, then eat 300 more calories. This will ensure that you are staying at the predetermined deficit that MFP has set up for you.

    I hope this makes sense. Also, just read through the message boards here, there are many people who have asked and answered many questions that will help you.

    I need an explanation as to WHY someone would eat back the calories that they burned off with excersize. That makes no sense. If you are supposed to eat 1500 calories a day, that's what you eat and that is it!

    The reason why you would eat back your exercise calories is because MFP is already calculating a deficit. I'll use myself as an example. I am guessing that before I started using MFP I was consuming 2000-2200 calories per day. According to my info, and wanting to lose one pound per week, MFP has told me to eat 1530 calories. This in and of itself is a deficit compared to what I was eating and what my body needs to maintain weight. If I were to exercise and burn approx. 350 calories, I would only be netting 1180 calories for the day. I know their is debate about whether or not starvation mode is legit but I am simply trying to explain in terms of how MFP calculates things. At 1180 calories I would be considered in starvation mode. If I were to eat back my 350 exercise calories I would be back at 1530 which is still a deficit, therefore I still lose weight.