Just had a baby!

Hi, just had a beautiful baby girl 7 weeks ago and my doctor has given me the ok to start exercising. I went from 115 to 161 and would really like to loose at least 10 lbs before I have to go back to work in 6 weeks. Breastfeeding has helped some, but not much. does anyone have any suggestions about what type of exercise I should do to get a jump start? I was pretty active before and in the first 2 trimesters of my pregnancy but had to be put on bed rest in the last 3 months ( hence the massive weight gain). thnx in advance! :)


  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member

    How about just walking more? I expect you don't have a great deal of time at the moment. There are some great videos on youtube or order something like the 30 day shred dvd and do that every day (20-27minutes per day) and the results are normally huge!

    Again, congratulations - enjoy being a mummy :)
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Back to work in 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!! Really? We get 26 weeks maternity leave in Ireland.

    When I had my daughter I found workout dvds the best cos you only need 30mins in your house. Walking also worked wonders for me. I'd walk 60mins in the morning and she'd sleep the entire time.

    Try any of the 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. Also have a look on youtube for post pregnancy workouts to keep it safe for the first week or two. Search for post pregnancy pilates workouts.
  • rcnemw
    rcnemw Posts: 2
    I'm in the same situation as you and I tried many diets before but I found I was always thinking of food. Myfitnesspal is working brilliant fo me in my first week I have lost 10 pounds and feel fantastic. Maybe you could just do this for now and add exercise in as you go along. Good luck x
  • Back to work in 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!! Really? We get 26 weeks maternity leave in Ireland.

    the work benefits in pretty much all other first world countries are better than the US. 26 weeks would be awesome. i heard that there are shorter working days in most other countries as well.

    ps. sorry, this really isn't on the topic of the baby weight
  • velvetred14
    velvetred14 Posts: 18 Member
    Congratulations, and going back to work so early. Just enjoy your little bundle. I should think you will begin to lose weight running about after her. Lots of walks (weather permitting) and gentle exercise with the aid of my fitness pal I think the weight should come
    off. The very best of luck to you. Vx
  • vivmurray
    vivmurray Posts: 22 Member
    im in ireland too and actually on maternity leave...im back in 6 weeks tho! my baby is 4 months and i found 30day shred great because kyle would only sleep about 20 mins at a time so i could fit it in! walking was great because as pp mentioned baby slept the whole time!! i also do zumba workouts off youtube! i find zumba cardio party great cause its only 30 mins long! and it really gets you pumped! hope to help...and a big congratulations mama!!
  • So, while breast feeding the recommendation is about a pound a week for weight loss so you don't lose your milk supply. But, everyone is different so watch your body and if you feel your milk supply dropping cut back. And drink lots of water. What worked for me was watching my calories in addition to exercise. Finding shorter workouts and walking are both great suggestions. The insanity program is really intense and the workouts are about 40 minutes so a little longer than 30 day shred, but a greater calorie burn. Watch your knees on either one of those though (biggest injury in both is knees, make sure knees dont go past your toes). Running up and down stairs is a killer if you have some in your home. Also, if you have someone who can watch the baby for you try to work out then. I know in the early weeks I had to stop even during a short workout for either my baby or my 4 year old. One day it took 2 hours to do a 1 hour workout. My baby is 4 months old and I am just barely back at pre pregnancy weight, but I only gained 30 pounds (had about 15 to lose about 1 month after giving birth). Be patient, it will take time but you can do it!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i was on bedrest in all my pregnancies, too, and gained alot as well. the key for me was to get up and move, and to stop eating so much! LOL since i was so sedentary, i ate all the time. once i cut those calories and exercised, the weight came off. (by the way, if you're breastfeeding, you really only need an extra 200-500 cal per day, even though i was starving all the time while br-feeding, most of that is thirst, and i just thought i was hungry. DRINK ALOT of water!)
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    Back to work in 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!! Really? We get 26 weeks maternity leave in Ireland.

    When I had my daughter I found workout dvds the best cos you only need 30mins in your house. Walking also worked wonders for me. I'd walk 60mins in the morning and she'd sleep the entire time.

    Try any of the 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. Also have a look on youtube for post pregnancy workouts to keep it safe for the first week or two. Search for post pregnancy pilates workouts.

    Holy cow women, everyone I know goes back after the okay at 6 weeks! It would of been awesome to have 26:)

    To the OP, as everyone else said you should really concentrate on getting up and moving whenever possible. That will help a ton. Get your diet as clean as possible and add in the cals for breast feeding so your supply will be good. Start off with easier exercises like walking until you feel like your ready to move on to more difficult ones. If you feel up to doing the 30ds as others have suggested, I would do that b/c it gives you AWESOME results.
  • Wow! Thank you everyone for replying! man I would love a 26 week maternity leave! I will google the 30 day shred. So far I've been putting baby in my moby wrap and walking to school to pick up my 7 yr old...20 min each way. So I think thats helping some. I have also taken into consideration the calories I need for my milk supply, but I'm pretty good there! I feel like a cow lol. Today I threw out all the sugary stuff from the cupboard and will try to eat as clean as I can moving forward. Thanks again everyone! Wish me luck!