not losing weight and feels like giving up

**HELP** i dont seem to be losing anymore weight (as of nearly 2 months now). im always under my cals and i do exercise. i even thought that maybe i was putting myself into starvation mode so increased my cals from 1200 to 1400 and ended up putting on over 4lbs in just a few days. im getting married in under 11 weeks and this is stressing me out even more. i dont know what else to do. anyone have any ideas?


  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Don't stress about the initial gain when you upped your calories. That's normal. You were definitely eating too low for someone of your age and so close to your goal. You may need to gradually increase it even more.

    1) You need to make sure your calculations are correct as far as your calorie goals. Have you calculated your BMR? If not you can go to fat2fit or fitnessfrog for online calculators. You should never NET less than your BMR since that is the absolute minimum your body needs to function.

    2) Change up your workouts. Your body may have adjusted to the kinds of workouts your doing. If you do the same thing all the time, then the body adjusts and you won't burn as much. Also, make sure you are lifting some weights. Since you are closer to your goal, you need to make sure you're spending some time building muscle. I've lost more fat since I started using weights than I did when I was only focused on cardio.

    3) Look closer at the macronutrients in your food. What are your levels for protein, fat and carbs averaging for the week? How much sugar and sodium are you eating? These are all factors that can stall or limit your progress.

    If you're still worried, there are lots of groups focused on eating more to lose. They can give you even more information and help you analyze what you're doing.
  • Revenga1980
    Don't worry the 4lbs isn't fat, it's impossible to gain that much weight in that short of time. It's likely water retention. Stick with it and try and kick up your exercise routine a bit that should help.

    I'm going through the same thing but I notice changes in my body but not the scale. The scale is not your friend, it is fickle and will try and demotivate's like the evil devil on your shoulder telling you to give up. Don't do it though and btw from your picture you look beautiful so keep up the good work. You'll be stunning on your wedding day no matter what!
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    So say you did give up... Where would you be in a month or two? If you give up then you will reverse any progress you've made so far! Is that worth it?
  • ThenewMrsGill
    ThenewMrsGill Posts: 12 Member
    thanks guys on fitness frog it said 1450 and thats to maintain my body weight at rest. so if i slowly increase my cals up to that and im waiting for my 30day shred dvd to turn up so hopefully that will help. ive joined a gym too, i have a 17month old so it can be hard to do other exercise apart from walking but im wanting to make it work so fingers crossed. should i just increase my cals by about 50 a week? it that slow enough or too slow?
    thanks Revenga1980 everyone love a compliment.
    fat2fit said my current bmr is 1474.
    thanks again guys x
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    Glad you decided not to quit! =D