Starting Over

About 18 months ago, I started this weight loss journey. I was 372 pounds, sitting in a scooter in Wal-Mart when I decided I wanted a change. I was one more week away from suicide. I know that in my heart. I couldn't even walk to the mailbox without needing to stop for a break. I wondered where that kid was that played collegiate soccer, that was becoming a world class climber? Sure, those things were almost 17 years ago, but I knew this was not the end destined for me. I knew it would hurt like hell, I knew it would be a struggle, but I decided right there, in Wal-Mart to lose 200 pounds.

It was difficult at first, started out with changes to my diet - nothing crazy, just got rid of the booze, the carbonation and drank at least a gallon of water a day. No more pizza and a lot more small meals. I stopped rewarding myself with food. After a couple of weeks of this, I had lost 12 pounds and was at 360 pounds, I knew then and there I was on the right path and never again would I spin in circles or weigh 360 pounds. My ex-wife said I was impossible to live with, I would never change, it was impossible. I knew then she was right, I M Possible.

It got easier, I could breathe better and my asthma started receding. Before I knew it (not to diminish the journey that is another story), I was at 280 pounds - I had met a girl, I was doing very well at work, I had taken up hiking again and was loving life. A complete 180 degrees from where I was at. I started running and again, seemingly very quickly, I was down to the lowest weight I had been in 7 years, 245 pounds. Clothes fit, people were proud of me. I felt like I was unstoppable, this was too easy.

Fast forward to today. Life stepped in, through a wedding and getting ready for a baby, I got lazy again. I am not running, I am not making good food choices. I am back up to 290 pounds. It is VERY depressing. I thought this was easy, and honestly, it is - to a point. I have been losing the mental game. I am at that crossroads again, where I can chose to sit and watch life begin to pass me by or I can chose to acknowledge that for me, weight will always be an issue and that I will have to fight until I die to beat this thing. The easy road or the hard road?

Which do you think I took? Which would you take?

I have a long road back to 170 pounds, but the first step is to take a step. I DO have to start over. It is back to chicken and veggies every night for dinner for me, it is turkey or tuna sandwiches and carrots for lunch; it is oatmeal for breakfast and a Clif bar or almonds and banana for snack. THAT worked for me. That works. It is hours on the bike, it is sweating out 1 more rep and now it is also doing laps in the pool.

I signed up for my first triathlon in October. Yes I will have to compete in the Clydesdale category, but I will compete. I will weigh 60 pounds or more less by then and I will finish and I will have met one of my lifetime goals, to be a triathlete. To be an athlete again.

And that is just for starters.

Are you with me?


  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    I understand what you are going through. I was always an athlete. I always weighed 130 lbs. and could eat whatever I wanted. Then I got older, got married and had 2 amazing kiddos. When I delivered my youngest, I think I was close to 290, but I am not really sure b/c I stopped looking. I hate the physical person I have become, so I am making a change. I am currently at 229, but creeping down slowly. It's a long, hard road, but I am ready to travel it!

    We got this!
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    Very inspiring and compelling story! You can definantly do this!!! Its that UMPH thats hard to get..and you have it!!! I cant wait to hear more about your journey ahead!!! YOU ROCK!!!!
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    Great post. I feel like I am starting over every day. I am finally at the place where I am getting familiar with myself and comfortable in my own skin. I just want the skin to have less underneath it. You' ve done the hard part which is to start, we may have to start over and over again, but, isn't that life. Figure out what works for you, what is substainable and build on that consistently. I am with you, this process is bite by bite, foot in front of the other one more time, and having compassion for yourself, all days won't be great, but we must make the best out of it.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I did the same exact thing, working towards nothing could stop me, 15lbs from goal and then life through a few curve balls and now I gained almost everything back.

    I thank you for your story, I needed it!

    We can do this!!!
  • 360nomore
    360nomore Posts: 11
    Thank you all for your quick comments on this, it makes me proud to be part of this community.
  • jewels68
    jewels68 Posts: 89
    Your doing a great job. I was at 278 at my highest. I got down to 169 two years ago. Started going back to all my bad habits about a year ago. Now I'm at 190 this morning. I've been in a downward spiral these last few months. After reading your story, I have to change things up and get going again.

    Keep it up!