help needed

So am need of HELP.... please be gentle with me

Im 5ft 5, 141lb... I want to be roughly 135lb or just smaller all over. I carry my weight around my stomach and thighs, i have large ish shoulders which i kinda like, just want to tighten up my middle area/loose inches all over.

I have set MFP to loose a pound a week, and have been reaching my calorie intake for the past few weeks, up some days down others.
I swim for 45 mins 3 x a week, use cross trainer x 1 week for approx 30 mins and i use x box kinect fitness evolved 2 x for approx 45 mins using there cardio/personal training settings.

I have been doing this for 4 weeks now, and have not lost anything intact i have put on pound, and gained inches all over

I am in need of some advice as to what i can do to stop me quitting, and feeling down.

Many many thanks


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    At so close to goal, you shouldn't be trying to lose 1lb a week. My guess is that you're not eating enough. How much are you consuming, net (after your calorie burn is recorded)?
  • LexyLou_5
    LexyLou_5 Posts: 43 Member
    1360 is my daily calorie,

    today burnt 530 calories from exercise

    NET 1452

    all used up today actually -92 oops
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Not necessarily a bad thing. Just plugged your numbers into Fat 2 Fit Radio and got this shiny little graph:


    Have a go at picking the number that matches your lifestyle, and eating to that. You'll probably want to also work on weight training or toning exercises if your goal is to lose inches and get a better overall figure, though I'm certainly not the one to help on that as I'm currently cardio-only.
  • LexyLou_5
    LexyLou_5 Posts: 43 Member
    oh thats fab, thank you

    i do toning on the x box kinect exercies game type thing... i might up my level thou.

    1928 seems a lot compared to what I'm on now, i have changed MFP to loosing 1/2 pound a week and seeing how i go on that 1610

    i know i don't need to drop a lot of weight, I'm inbetween uk dresses sizes which is a pain and am bit flabby round stomach area...

    thank you for your help
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey! i know weight troubles are the worst. Are you taking measurements?? that should give you a better idea of how you are doing. Also, you can try switching up your calories every day so your body doesnt get use to what you're doing. If you are interested, i have a ladies only support group on fb. Send me a msg. We would love to have yOU!!