Exhausted after lifting weights



  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I am in agreement of possibly adding some 'complex' carbs back into your menu. There are oats,, brown rice, quinoa (careful on that....some people like it and others don't..lol), barley, flax seeds, wild rice and lots of other good things you can incorporate.
    I am not saying to go wild and crazy...lol. But maybe check out what a serving will do for you. I think checking out what works for is the smartest approach.
    Sounds like you are doing a good job on the lifting. My only extra advice on that is to stretch like crazy on the break periods. I find I recover quicker if I stretch....allot.
    good health to you :-)
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    Im prone to these symptoms, and I'll have half a protein shake before & half immediatley after working out. With some electrolytes ( propel, coconut water, gatorade , powerbar fruit gels) during the workout. There is a difference between working to fatigue and feeling as if you'll just fall over and bump your head. My blood sugar can bottom out easily, sometimes I need a piece of candy or protein drink during my workout to make it to the end.
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member
    I guess the best way to describe it is that my arms and legs feel like jello, but my stomach also gets upset. I feel sort of like I may need to throw up. I know that soreness is a good thing, but I feel physically drained and almost to the point of feeling ill.

    I don't have any blood sugar issues that I know of. I do have hypothyroidism and Grave's disease which I take medication for. Normal worksouts are in the morning at 5, with nothing to eat before hand. I'm just not one of those that can eat and then work out. Three days a week I run (doing Week 8, Day 3 of C25K this week) and then two other days I try to lift the weights.

    I am on a low carb diet because my doctor recommended it. Nothing extreme, but it has helped with the weight loss. I usually will have a protein shake about an hour after finishing and I take a multi-vitamin.

    I have lifted weights before and not felt like this, so I wasn't sure if it was something normal or not. I have managed to keep up with the cardio aspect, so I guess I just need to keep trudging along.

    Thanks for all the responses, it is greatly appreciated. :)

    Before you go dramatically changing your diet, try these to get a more focused idea of what's going on.

    Option 1. Have 1 oz of nuts in the a.m. With a handful of berries. If this solves your issue, you're probably having sugar issues

    Option 2. If you just started working out like this, your body just needs more time to get used to this training and you're working too hard right now. Usually The pressure receptors (baroreceptors) in your neck are not used to the high blood pressure that comes from working out with weights and your blood vessels open up (vasodilation). In response. This is associated with nausea, dizziness and excessive fatigue.

    You should feel pretty much back to normal in 1 to 2 hours after your workout.

    Let me know if u have more questions but one of those should be your answer :-)

    For more workout info: wellfitlife.me
  • Ninikins2
    Ninikins2 Posts: 73
    This happened to me a few times after I first started lifting. Once I got home and couldn't move off of the bedroom floor I was so wiped out. I couldn't even stand to get up to take a shower for a while! Another time I thought I'd go get groceries afterwards, and I was so weak, I had to hang on to the cart extra hard and cut shopping short. I think it's just because your body is not used to it. I'm fine now after workouts. Make sure you have your protein shake immediately afterwards, but don't pound it either. As long as you get it in within half and hour. Stay hydrated and don't lift on a full stomach, but I wouldn't recommend lifting after not eating for a long time either. Good luck hun!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I can relate to early morning workout nausea. Caffeine definitely adds to the upset stomach so if you usually drink tea or coffee, maybe reduce it to just one small cup before the workout, or even better, if you can wait until later in the morning after the workout.

    Also I know for me just having something very small in my stomach helps. Here are two of my favorite low-carb options that are no more than 2-3 bites tops: like Morning Star Veggie Sausage Patties (80 calories, 10g protein), or 2 Banquet Turkey Brown-n-Serve links (66 calories, 6g protein).

    Congrats on starting a lifting routine, many women could learn from you! Don't give up and stick with it, you will get stronger and it will get easier. I recommend keeping a log to track your progress also.