Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
Let's use this thread to post our info until the Group Pages are working.

Thanks! Now let's go after it!! :-)

How many pounds are you hoping to lose this month?

Have a great week!
Your Fearless Leader, Mysty :- )


  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


    Blessings to ALL!

    This is my first challenge, so I'm so very PUMPED!
    Thanks so much for the many invites!
    Still pretty new to MFP.

    I know our goal is 5 pounds for the month, but I'll take more for sure!

    Just want to be a lot more healthier...THAT IS MY TRUE GOAL!

    Date: May 1, 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Current: 6
    Month Goal: 1 (hopefully more...would like to see a zero)

    Week 1 challenge: "Challenged to do something you have NEVER TRIED BEFORE!
    It has to be something GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!

    Any excercise was always a challenge for me because of being born with lung issues. I'm already a miracle!

    *****This week for the first time since high school my husband will assist me in doing "PUSHUPS".
    I will keep you posted ....OH LORD!
    Date: May 8 , 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Month Goal: 1

    Weight Difference:
    Calories burned for the week:

    Week 2 challenge: "Challenged to
    Date: May 15, 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Month Goal: 1

    Weight Difference:
    Calories burned for the week:

    Week 3 challenge: "Challenged to
    Date: May 22, 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Month Goal: 1

    Weight Difference:
    Calories burned for the week:

    Week 4 challenge: "Challenged to
    Date: May 29, 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Month Goal: 1

    Weight Difference:
    Calories burned for the week:

    Week 4 challenge: "Challenged to
  • gigishiree
    gigishiree Posts: 62 Member
    I'd be so happy to drop the minimum of 5lb. ive been at a brick wall for the last 2 weeks. No weight loose, no drop in body fat nothing - i actually gained a pound! so ive upped my calories so that i net at least 1200 after working out. (sigh) i hope this doesnt screw me up for the next few weeks :(
  • gigishiree
    gigishiree Posts: 62 Member
    Date: May 1, 2012
    Team Color: Ruby
    Current: 165
    Month Goal: 160

    Week 1 challenge: "Challenged to do something you have NEVER TRIED BEFORE!
    It has to be something GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!

    JUICING and adding smoothies to my diet
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    My SW 184 GW 179 for Month a May Challenge on Team Ruby's! Go Team!!!!!
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    One day at a time!
    Perhaps you're losing inches?

    Don't fret it....You'll achieve your goal.

  • mrshbrn
    mrshbrn Posts: 22
    Hey guys!!!! What exactly is the challenge?
  • Hello gang!! Let's DO This with a BANG!!

    Team RUBY!!!

    SW 292
    GW for May 284

    I haven't quite determine my additional challenge to try something new yet. I'm considering trying one new food and a new type of exercise or activity, I've never done before, for this week.:happy:
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Remember the challenge is to try something this week you've never done before. I will post all challenges (each week) on this thread!
    Let's have 100% participation in the challenges! We can do it!!!

    Let's go Rubies!! :- )
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Let the game begin *Jigsaw voice*
    SW: 161lbs
    GW (for this month): 156lbs
    GW (overall): 125lbs
  • fitohgee
    fitohgee Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone,

    SW 143.2
    GW for May 138

    Challenge for the week - I started Jillian's 30 Days Shred today!

  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member

    SW 130.6
    GW is 125

    Challenge is to eat a atkins protein meal bar since I've never had one, cause I can't think of anything else better

    Hope everyone does well
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Great job team!! :-) We are going to knock this thing out of the park!!!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    MEMBER CHECK IN BY : KathyRN2000 SW 252, GW 247

    Thanks Kathy! Good Luck!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Looks like I forgot to post my own here! HA! SW _ _ 4 Goal: _ _6 (8 lb loss)
    Challenge. To download a podcast on fitness/nutrition.
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    Started my new work out feel great! Ready to do it again tomorrow! Good Luck to all!!! :) We got this!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    That's fantastic!! I smell the faint aroma of ..... VICTORY! :- )
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning Rubies!

    Everyone feeling good on day two? I've had a few sips of coffee, so things are great here! Apparently my car was on auto-pilot this morning... I made it to work sans coffee...
    I'd like to give our team on more little challenge for today. Let's make sure we drink (and log) at least 8 cups of water.

    Everyone in??
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    Good Morning!! How is everyone doing! Just say GREAT, and then make it happen! :) Well I did something that should go in the record books for me: I started modified "PUSHUPS" .... 5 wall pushups, and 5 knee pushups...... after my stationary bike riding. My work keeps me more sedentary because the bulk of my day is sitting at a desk mentoring. (mainly single parents) Lifestyle Changes: I am starting my day even earlier (5am), adding excercise as a part of my devotional time, PLAN MY MEALS AHEAD OF TIME (as much as a week, so they don't plan me)...LOL..will not be working into the late, late hours (as often), will not be eating at my desk, and I actually will start taking a 1 hour lunch break, and two 15 min. breaks. I set my own hours, my office is where I live, so I can be flexible. I LOVE encouraging others, but it is time I add quality "ME" time to my schedule. WILL YOU JOIN ME? Lots of love .... ((hugs)) SMILE NOW!! MAKE IT A BRIGHTER DAY!!!..... WE CAN DO THIS! *********************************** The more you weigh, the more energy you will use to push yourself up. That is why, according to, a 200-lb. person will burn 13 calories in a minute of pushups. It might not sound like a lot, but a three-calorie increase (over the calorie total for a 150-pound person) is actually a lot for a minute of activity. A 200-lb. person will burn 64 calories in 5 minutes of pushups. Similarly, a lighter person will burn fewer calories doing pushups. A 130-lb. person will burn only eight calories during a minute of pushups, and 41 calories during 5 minutes.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Congrats! That is fabulous!!! :-)
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    I'm in! I'm sorry I haven't been home to get my SW but I'll log it tonight.

    My challenge for the week: I'm going to do a 5-mile race. I've never done a race before!

    Looking forward to our results! I'll be upping my water today (-: