The Back on the Wagon Team!

Hey everyone!! I am struggleing to get back on the wagon of healthy eating and exercising. I know I'm not the only one, so how about starting a team and focusing on helping each other get back to it! All you have to do is post your struggles, frustrations, and accomplishments!! So how about it?? Who's with me??:smile:


  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
  • ammccarter
    Yeah I definitely know what you mean!!
    I just decided to come back on the site on a wim and I kinda just realized that I need to remember my goals and do it...
    I work swing shift and that doesn't help my energy level or my waist line, but I know that excercise helps!:ohwell:
    Well you posted three weeks ago and I just found your post....How are you doing???
