Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
Hey everyone, I am lets say a coffee enthusiast (Sarcasm!!!). No really I have to have my coffee and alot. I have one to two medium iced coffee's a day with cream and sweet and low (no sugar). I used to drink 3+ extra light and extra sweet per day before I started my dieting. How does everyone feel about coffee and dieting, I am so curious to hear what everyone knows as far as it being ok or actually harming your diet. Thanks for your responses and feel free to add me as a friend! I need motivation!!!!


  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I honestly think it's fine if you go easy on the cream, my only suggestion would be if you can handle it maybe switch to skim milk instead. I'm a coffee lover too and I always carve out some room for a caramel macchiato with sugar free syrup and nonfat milk, the only calories come from the milk which has protein so I allow it. As long as it's in moderaton and you're eating relatively well I personally don't see a problem with it! Good luck on your weight loss xo
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you, I know the cream isn't that great for you. With my diet (1200-1300 calories a day) I think its okay. But curious to hear what other people do :)
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I don't have any scientific basis for this or anything, but these are my thoughts:

    Plain coffee is good for you. I think it has antioxidants, etc. If you like your coffee black then that's how I would drink it. I just can't stand the taste of drinking black coffee, so I use cream and no sugar.

    Coffee with cream and no sugar is pretty low carb. I don't think the calories are too bad either, there's just more fat from the cream. You could drink coffee with sugar and no cream, but I believe that's just as many calories and way more carbs. Personally, I choose fat over carbs, because I've found that low carb works for me.

    It's so confusing, but to answer your question, I think coffee itself is good for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There was a link to an article from the Harvard School of Public Health posing this same question in a newsletter last month. It's a rather long article. Here is the link if you'd like to read it.

    here is the first section
    What is it about coffee?
    Remember when people (and their doctors) used to worry that coffee would harm their hearts, give them ulcers, and make them overly nervous?

    In excess, coffee, and more particularly, caffeine, can cause problems. But the fretting about two or three cups a day, or even more, is fading as study results suggestive of health benefits from coffee keep on coming in. Coffee drinking is associated with a lower risk of depression among women, a lower risk of lethal prostate cancer among men, and a lower risk of stroke among men and women. Earlier research also shows possible (it’s not a done deal) protective effects against everything from Parkinson’s disease to diabetes to some types of cancer.

    Coffee contains literally a thousand different substances, and some of the lesser lights are thought to be responsible for healthful effects in other parts of the body. Some studies show caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee as having the same effect, which suggests that something else in coffee is involved.

    It gets complicated, though. Caffeine and some of these other substances in coffee seem to have their good and bad sides, and coffee’s overall effect may depend on how much they cancel each other out.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I drink about 5 cups per day, sometimes more. I drink it black. I figure it's good in that I will continue to function. Without it, I'm pretty useless.
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member

    >>>> LiddyBit

    Yah I hear yah I drink Mas quantities of the caffinated elixir. I only drink it black once i get to work and there is no Cream available. Sometimes I will add water to weaken the flavor but it only taste bad for a moment and the effects of the coffee devil are long lasting. This helps with concentration, boredom, and attentiveness. While sparing you from the all embarasing meeting seista.
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you so much! Totally with you on having cream over sugar!
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you for the article I will def read it!