First Time.

GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
I am thinking about buying a bike, I have never ridden one before though. I just need to get something CHEAP on gas and that can get me back and forth from the school I will be commuting to. So if anyone has any kind of advice I would appreciate it!


  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Do you already have your Motorcycle license or endorsement?
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I have a motorcycle & a car. The bike is a lot of fun but as a primary mode of transportation, it can be a pain. Rain/cold/wind can make for a miserable ride. You'll also need to figure out how to deal with wrinkled or wet clothing and crazy helmet hair. I take my bike to work occasionally but only when it's convenient for me to do so.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    .....and this whole time I thought you meant a bicycle....:blushing:
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    Do you already have your Motorcycle license or endorsement?

    No but I will soon! hopefully.. I just need to know though what kind of motorcycle I should look for so i can save up for it.
  • Breezedew
    Breezedew Posts: 134 Member
    .....and this whole time I thought you meant a bicycle....:blushing:

    ME TOO!!! So don't feel bad :) This is My FITNESS Pal --- after all :)

  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I've got a Ducati. Probably not really a beginner friendly bike. There are a lot of different makes/models. Something 500cc or less would probably be a wise choice until you figure everything out. Things happen very quickly when you're on a powerful bike. Shop around for used bikes, you'll get a better deal and won't feel so bad when you drop it (yes, that's when, not if). Also call your insurance agent to get a quote because some policies & premiums can be surprising.
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    .....and this whole time I thought you meant a bicycle....:blushing:

    ME TOO!!! So don't feel bad :) This is My FITNESS Pal --- after all :)


    It is no big deal! Thanks though, even if it wasn't about bicycles you still took time to check.