Babywearing rocks!

I was SO stocked to see that walking while carrying a baby is included in the list of exercises. I am a huge advocate of babywearing and my almost 12 kg daughter is always on my back, I rarely use the pram and so she is pretty much on my back if we're out and at home if I'm cooking and she's getting tired. I have so often said that it's like carrying weights but it's great that it was already there for me to select - awesome!


  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    It's a good reminder of how tired one gets if they're overweight, too! Lugging around all that extra weight is hard! Six years ago I lost 55 lbs. That fall, our family went to Disney World and I spent quite a bit of the day carrying my then 5 yr old (poor little guy's legs got so tired walking all day). Ironically, he was 55 lbs at the time. I was EXHAUSTED! That's when it hit me.... no wonder why I was always so tired when I was heavier! I was ALWAYS lugging around an extra 55 lbs!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    LOVE babywearing I use to wear both my girls at the same time it was awesome. I would put my oldest in the beco on my back and have the baby in a sling or soft wrap on my front (also made nurseing in public so much easier since the carriers fabric covered everything).
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Babywearing is a life saving, sanity saving, calorie burning miracle :-)
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    Babywearing is a life saving, sanity saving, calorie burning miracle :-)

    ^^^THIS!!!! I love babywearing...I have worn both my kids and it was a huge sanity saver...don't get to wear DS much anymore he's too independent
  • bittersweetinsanity
    bittersweetinsanity Posts: 7 Member
    Babywearing is the best! <3 I wish my 2.5yo would let me wear her more, but there are the rare occurances when she allows me to get some snuggles! <3
  • NomadicKris
    NomadicKris Posts: 90
    So exciting to see so many replies! And yes, babywearing solves so many problems in my life that's for sure. My son is 18kg and I still love putting him on my back when he'll let me in either my beco or my ocah. But it is my daughter who lives up there, even for the quick shopping trips, my arms are needed elsewhere.

    I am in Australia, NSW North Coast and there are slowly more of us around which is wonderful to see.
  • weathergirl320
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.
  • NomadicKris
    NomadicKris Posts: 90
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)
  • 4ksmommy
    4ksmommy Posts: 11
    I think its awesome too! I just wish I was better at it lol I always have my 5 month old in my arms unless she is asleep so it would be nice not to have free hands. So far I have tried a moby, mai tai, and a bjorn! I'm in texas and always get funny looks but I just smile and go on my way :)
  • weathergirl320
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)

    It's something I feel semi strongly about. Thought I would give another perspective. Good luck to you too.
  • 4ksmommy
    4ksmommy Posts: 11
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)

    It's something I feel semi strongly about. Thought I would give another perspective. Good luck to you too.

    Ill bite, why do you disagree with it?
  • bittersweetinsanity
    bittersweetinsanity Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)

    It's something I feel semi strongly about. Thought I would give another perspective. Good luck to you too.

    There are many of us who live and breathe attachment parenting. I don't believe it was necessary for you to post you opinion (which I feel is very negative). My daughter has been worn since she was 3 weeks old and is a thriving 2.5yo.
  • weathergirl320
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)

    It's something I feel semi strongly about. Thought I would give another perspective. Good luck to you too.

    There are many of us who live and breathe attachment parenting. I don't believe it was necessary for you to post you opinion (which I feel is very negative). My daughter has been worn since she was 3 weeks old and is a thriving 2.5yo.

    Well this is a public forum. And my opinion isn't negative, its just different. Everyone else on here seemed to understand that. And just as you feel strongly for babywearing, I'm sure if you saw a post saying how awesome it is to never wear your child that you would post your opinion as well. I stated very clearly and calmly I was trying to offer a different perspective. This is an open public forum and there will be DIFFERENCES of opinions. If the op just wanted to hear how great bsbywearing was she could have made a private group about it. I never bashed the practice, or bashed any of the other moms on here who practice babywearing. I simply stated my opinion in a non judgemental statement in a public forum. Everyone else seemed to be fine with it. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • weathergirl320
    I'm not a fan of baby wearing. I don't really care for it or believe its best. My personal opinion.

    Yep, you are totally entitled to your opinion.. but not really sure why you felt the need to add it to this thread to be honest.

    Good luck on your fitness goals though :)

    It's something I feel semi strongly about. Thought I would give another perspective. Good luck to you too.

    Ill bite, why do you disagree with it?

    Well, I don't necessarily think its bad in s pinch, but I think in this modern world, where moms cent always be around, when you don't give your child time on its own, it may lead to separation anxiety issues. I have seen and lived this first hand. I just don't think it should be a constant thing. I thing in theory attachment parenting is great, but the fact of the matter is sometimes you can't be attached to your baby. Whether working or going to the store or you have other children, whatever the reason may be. And I think this makes it harder on the baby when you can't be there. I dont think its necessarily going to cause long term issues or anything, but I have seen in my experience babies who are worn all the time have a harder time adjusting when their parents can't be there. The other reason I don't particularly care for it is because it doesn't give them their full range of motion. I don't believe in the constant use of swings, seats, strollers, and any other baby contraptions either. I think if he kid isn't mobile yet, they should be on their tummies on the floor. Playing and moving their limbs and learning. If they are mobile, in a crib or playpen or something like that that they can crawl and stand and play and have full range of motion. Again this is not in judgement or anything. This id just what I have noticed from my experience. And I don't think its detrimental per se either. And at the end of the day as long as your baby is cared for I don't think they could ask for anything more. Good luck with your weight loss journey ladies!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Man, I could burn CRAZY calories wearing my baby. She's going to be 15 in a couple of weeks! :)

    Just kidding of course. Wish I could have been that kind of parent to her. Instead I had to go back to work when she was 2 weeks old so we could eat :(
  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 67 Member
    I love babywearing and wore all 3 of my children. They were all early rollers, crawlers, and walkers, and all 3 are very social in their own way, all independent as well.

    One time, when I was wearing my youngest at the farmers market, a woman came up to me and applauded me for wearing my child. She said she had very fond memories of being worn on her mother's back as a child in Japan.

    For me, babywearing is so much easier, especially in the early days. I am fortunate to be able to stay at home with the kids and homeschool as well. I know that others don't have this advantage. Babywearing is also easier for me since I am short and HATE to lug those babyseat carrier things and I hate strollers. hehehehe... I am all about EASIER!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Most moms that wear their babies feel that the sense of security and trust attachment parenting gives their little ones acutally HELPS them be independent as they grow. Just wanted to throw that out there. Just b/c it's not a good fit for you and your family does not make it bad for others.

    It's not about limiting your child's movement or making them absolutely dependent on you, it's about giving them a sense of security when they are very young and need that comfort and closeness.

    It may not be the best or most practical choice for all families, but there's no need to be completely negative about people who do find it to be a helpful tool in their parenting style.
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    How much do I love babywearing? Oh my goodness it is amazing. When I wear both kids (2.5 year old and 10 month old) on a walk I burn mega calories too. Not trying to get in a debate and I do value everyones opinions. Being close to mama and daddy is so so important for babies. Touching, feeling mamas heartbeat... it is awesome for babys growth and development. I have some great research and links that I need to dig up.