Where are the former Weight Watchers??



  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    I LOVED the old ww program just Points..I can not get my head around the new program I just didnt want to have to relearn everything stubborn I guess...plus I lost my job going to school and a big move so I wanted CHEAP..oh wait FREE

    I also love MFP database you can find anything in that thing!!
  • cactus39
    Still on the fence. I am still with WW. I started with meetings that did not help so I switched to online. Since March Ive lost 42lbs. What I find now with MFP is that the food database with WAY more advanced with much more options. Its scary how they have almost everything I plug in.

    The Points Plus systems is getting boring for me and I have been stuck at my current weight since mid-July. I reecntly started using MFP and i really like it so far, especially because of the phone app/scanner. But also the community here is awesome and you get a bunch of replies very fast.

    I like the calorie system and that you can earn extra calories by working out. This plan with a heart rate monitor seems to be a very good thing. The only thing so far I would like to see is a weekly weigh in type thing where it shows the graph, like on WW.
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    Ill say it...MFP = naked weigh-ins! :0

    Plus the weigh-ins are private; no one asking me what I could do differently this week, etc.
  • ann2diet
    Hi there

    Im doing MFP and converting it to WW PP
    MFP has some great features you can find an abundance of foods from all major supermarkets and build you own recipes

    When WW PP was first launched I did a lot of research on it and I read the theory behind the plan is to divide the calorie value in food by 40 so if a chocolate muffin is 350 calories it would be e.g. 350 / 40 = 8.75 which would be 9 PP

    1160 calories = 29PP
    1960 calories = 49PP

    I do a MFP daily diary up to 1160 calories then divide the total by 40

    Good luck and I hope this helps
  • rsratkie
    WW was great, but this has all the features I need for free. My dietician recommended it. :flowerforyou:
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I switched over in the spring, mainly because WW didn't have a real app for droids. I'm a huge fan of MFP! I have lost weight a lot slower on here, but I've also stuck with it a lot longer. I had a tendency to burn out every few months on WW, probably because they decided how much I could have on a daily basis. On here, you can choose how quickly you want to lose weight without being unhealthy. And it changes as your weight goes down - usually about 10 calories depending on the change of your weight - which I think works better. MFP also has a much larger, and ever-growing, nutrition database. WW flat out refused to add some places and types of food.

    Oh yeah, and the biggest kicker? It's FREE! That, and I like the community a *lot* more on here than on WW.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    I like them both for different reasons. I am a WW Lifetime member so I still do it but don't have to pay. I like the structure of WW, and I find it easier to just count Points (or Points+). Here on MFP, I like the support and participation with other members. I don't use the food diary, but I do log my exercise here just because I where a HRM and like to log my calories burned, even though I still log them as Activity Points in my WW tracker.

    I say everybody is different, and everybody should do what works best for them. For me, it's a combination of the two.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    i love MFP! It took me 4 months on WW to lose 17lb and i've been doing mfp since aug and im down about 27lbs! Plus its free. In the real world my food has calories not points. I personally dont think WW teaches me how to eat/be healthy in the long run
  • vmccartt21
    vmccartt21 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one who used the old WW tool and had trouble with the new points plus system they have now. I did WW in 2007 and lost 20 lbs in the first three months, and a total of 70 lbs. I have slowly gained half of it back, and started back on WW again. This time around I have only lost 11 lbs in four months. I know it's different this time around, I don't have as much to lose, and I'm five years older (ugh!), but I really did not feel like I was having the success like I did before. I almost felt like they were way more restrictive with carbs than they were before. And I really have a hard time with that. I'm hoping MFP will be more "balanced" for me - I just signed on this week, and if all goes well I will be cancelling my WW online subscription.
  • Truebeauty101
    Truebeauty101 Posts: 15 Member
    done WW...much prefer MFP! and yeah, its FREE! ;-)
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I just find MFP and counting calories much easier to monitor than WW and points. For some reason I feel much more freedom knowing I have at least 1200 calories per day (and even more when I exercise) to use at my discretion. I don't find myself hoarding calories (I was constantly "saving" points) and I feel as though I can truly eat enough on MFP to not feel hungry. I was hungry a lot on WW.

    I'm a big fan of doing what is best for yourself. And thus far, MFP has been the perfect fit for me. I love the message boards and the kind words of support that I receive from everyone here.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I have a friend who swears by WW but her success is mainly by eating fruits and vegetables, very small portions, and little carbs besides the fruit. She often eats the same meals every day of the week. Honestly, I think all of that is her decision as far as what/how much to eat. She walks maybe 30 minutes a day so she eats less vs exercising more and eating more. She loves it and has both of her daughters doing it successfully as well.

    I myself wanted to join WW but considering I am broke as heck I thought I'd do it my own way. A coworker of mine introduced me to MFP and I love it. It's free, user friendly, lots of support and informatiob, and everyone is free to diet and exercise how they choose. I have learned a lot from people and the articles posted.

    I think you could easily do both and get the best of both worlds.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    its free :)

    but also with the new changes to ww. you have to have the calc to figure out points .. with the old way, i was able to do points in my head ( i have done online, at home and meetings)

    i love the support here, the layout is super easy to use ( have tried sparkpeople and some others)

    and just like weight watchers, you can eat back your workout calories
  • perpetuarose
    perpetuarose Posts: 4 Member
    I just started MFP today and I've found so much more freedom with it. I put it in the same amount of food in WW and on MFP; on WW I have 5 points left, on MFP I have 700 calories. That feels less restrictive to me and lets me eat more. I always feel hungry on WW. And honestly, I like knowing the "how" behind my weight loss. WW has a formula that no one is allowed to know; MFP uses calculations anyone can figure out for themselves. There also seems to be much more food on MFP. Since I eat a lot of whole foods I always had to create items on WW, whereas I found them easily on MFP. I also like knowing how many actual calories I've consumed and what my carb, protein, and fat needs actually are, rather than having my food life dictated by the mystery of points.
  • Donnellardh
    I am a former WW and had a lot of success on that program also. I find on here I have a tendancy to eat more "clean" (more proteins less empty calories) I personally like this one better just because I got bored with WW and needed a change. I speak hightly of both programs.
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    I have nothing negative to say about WW, it is a great program that has helped change a lot of lives. I myself have used it and lost weight with it as well. But MFP is the greatest of the two in my humble opinion. Counting calories is so much easier than figuring out the points. I like logging my food with attention to carbs, fat. protein, fiber etc. I think tracking these things are more important than just knowing how many points I have left. And as another member mentioned I can exercise and earn more calories. One last thing and this is an important one ,is the community and support found here. I hope you find the same support and joy that I have found here. :flowerforyou:
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I am doing MFP, and WW now, and have dropped over twenty pounds. I find that both programs have helped out a lot!!
  • k_pattie
    k_pattie Posts: 34 Member
    I did WW for about six months and lost, at the most, 14 lbs before I decided to stop going to WW meetings and paying for the services. My weight fluctuated between the four month period that it took for me to find MFP and I've been much more successful with MFP in the past couple weeks than I ever was with WW. Initially I stopped going to WW because I was getting frustrated with the points system and felt as though the meetings were not very helpful - I couldn't find a meeting time with people my age or with similar goals and felt as though the meeting was geared to career-focused adults (which is okay, just not what I needed). I had a problem with WW advertising their foods - which were full of chemicals and not healthy in the slightest. I also felt that on WW, I wasn't eating healthy, just working with packaged foods to fit within my daily allowance.
    I really love MFP! I feel that I am held more accountable by allowing my friends to view my diary and really enjoy the 24/7 support I receive from my friends and members via the message boards. I also like that I am able to contact people with similar backgrounds (college student, diabetic, food allergies etc) and find how they are approaching weight loss. As a diabetic, I love that I have access to the nutritional information - my blood sugars have been under much better control during my time with MFP. Finally, I feel like MFP is really helping me make this a lifestyle change, instead of a long-term 'diet.' I like that I am learning more about healthy foods and working out, and how our bodies use what we put in them.
    At the end of the day though, whatever works for you, works for you. I know a lot of people that have had fantastic success with WW and others with MFP. You'll figure it out eventually! I, though, am a definite MFP convert
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    I used both until this one took over - WW isn't free either
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I used WW for a while but w/ MFP, I've found much more success than anything else I've tried.