can someone look over my food diary???



  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Try eliminating all dairy (yogurt, milk, cheese) and grains (anything with gluten - i.e., bread, breadsticks, pasta). Look into a Paleo diet food choice lifestyle.

    Dairy is healthy, DON'T get rid of it! It is a GREAT source of protein, AND calcium. Especially if you are woman, don't not eat dairy unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from doing so!!

    Gluten is NOT bad unless you have a medial condition against it as well. Unrefined grains are REALLY good for you. If you are eating alot of processed/refined (as in, WHITE breads) then yes cut down on those, but KEEP the whole grains.

    JEEZ. Extremist fad dieters :noway:
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Realistically you can eat crap as long as it is at a deficit and still lose.

    Now will you feel a night and day different if bit by bit you start making changes to what you put in you? Absolutely.

    Eat a complete protein, just once, twice, and see how you feel. I noticed you mentioned in other threads having headaches ,feeling tired etc. I guarantee that if you tried eating some different food items you would see much of that change.

    If you want easy recipes, ideas for grocery lists etc, hit me up.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Realistically you can eat crap as long as it is at a deficit and still lose.

    Now will you feel a night and day different if bit by bit you start making changes to what you put in you? Absolutely.


    Let's celebrate knowledge!!!!:drinker:
  • CaroSeraMince
    Thanks guys for all the input, I guess I was trying to fool myself into thinking I could eat anything if I stayed under my calorie limit. I don't cook very much because I work all day and go to school I know excuses ..excuses ...well for breakfast I love my oats and yogurt that very bad... I guess where I need help is lunch and dinner..
    I did try that pre cooked chicken but to be honest it had a funny smell and I didn't like it . Thanks everyone I do feel very bad now about all my junk food. By the way I seriously started trying to eat under my calorie goal about 3 weeks ago , I started at 160 and this morning I weighted 154 and I am only 5'1. I just feel that with all this counting calories, walking and zumba, I should be seeing better results.

    The oatmeal and yogurt is great! But maybe try Greek rather than light N fit (light N useless, in my opinion. Hardly ANY protein!). Throw an egg in there too to up your protein. Get a skim latte with no syrups for some milk if you need something on the run.

    I don't like the smell of the precooked chicken either. Have you tried poaching chicken breasts? You can do a bunch at once and they'll keep for a couple of days in the fridge. I just use water/broth and whatever spices I want. They turn out really well.

    If you have free time on the weekends, you could reserve some time on Sunday as preparation day. I'll cut up veggies and make big pots of things like soups, beans or curried lentils (my fav!) to last me a few days into the week. Boil a bunch of eggs. Portion out nuts into snack bags to take with you.

    It's hard being on the go and eating healthy, but you can do it!
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    Try only eating what can be grown or animal. Sounds weird. I do that about75% of the time. So no breads, pastas. I eat veggies, corn and potatoes are fine. Meats and fruits. Snacks are nuts, granola, jerky, fruits, or trailmix. Good luck. Kick the fast food... its only hurting you in the end.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Try only eating what can be grown or animal. Sounds weird. I do that about75% of the time. So no breads, pastas. I eat veggies, corn and potatoes are fine. Meats and fruits. Snacks are nuts, granola, jerky, fruits, or trailmix. Good luck. Kick the fast food... its only hurting you in the end.

    Nice thought, but a bit silly, more primal crap

    Girl like's sandwhiches...why not suggest that stuff that grows, being like..mixed with water, and like..heated..and HOLY CRAP BREAD IS BLOWING MY MIND.
  • neurogirl
    neurogirl Posts: 706 Member
    So, my first concern is seeing that you have alloted yourself 1200 calories, so it would be helpful to know your height and BMR first. However, just off the bat after looking at about 4 days of food, seems that you eat one very high calorie meal in a day (at least) and have a lot of snacks and fast food that are high in calories, and low in nutritional value. I also noticed that you go over calories regularly. The major flaw is planning. I'm not going to tell you to completely stop eating out (although, cutting back would be a great start), but at the very least, plan your meals a little ahead of time.

    Behavioral change does not happen quickly or easily. I'm not going to say that you need to stop having all of the foods you have on your profile either. However, swapping choices and just trying to get withing your calorie limit is a first step (and with a few trips and falls along the way while you're trying to get things in order).

    If you happen to have a smart phone, I suggest getting the MFP App. It's free and works great. I have a very hectic schedule at times, especially on days that I have oodles of errands after my work day. I find that if I need to eat out (i.e., too late to eat when I get home, blood sugar dropping even after I have my healthy snacks in my purse, etc.) I am still able to plan a meal that fits within my calorie, fat, carb, and protein limits simply by spendin 5 minutes on the MFP App before going to my final munching destination.

    Secondly, it does appear that protein is lacking in your diet,and likely fiber. Although oatmeal is great for fiber and keeping you full, that's only one meal in the morning. Increasing fiber and protein in your diet will help with keeping you full longer, and overall are much healthier than Sonic burgers (even though the occassional burger is delish :tongue: )

    Thirdly, there are only a few veggies I saw (a salad from Chick-Fil-A) and a few fruits first thing in the morning. The great thing about veggies is you can have a lot of them, they are nutritious, and filling. Best of all, they take up very few calories and make you feel (and look) great! I would strongly suggest you increase your vegetable intake to feel full and to up your nutritional value (even if just a few baby carrots in your purse). Make your own 100 calorie or less snacks ahead of time on your day off, and keep them stuffed in your fridge for a quick snack you can grab and take with you.

    Lastly, although a lot of people are not into convenience foods, there are a lot of semi-convenient recipes you can make ahead of time and microwave that are MUCH healthier for you than the foods you have listed on you diary. For instance, there is a low fat healthy version of chicken pot pie from that is delish and filling. Plus it's only about 200 to 300 calories a serving (depending on which one you make) with low sodium. Highly recommended (make it myself so I don't have to cook the next day because the left overs are THAT good). Plus it incorporates a lot of fresh vegetables.

    Most importantly, remember that learning to eat better and adjusting your diet is going to take time. Be patient wth yourself, but realistic too. Even if you know you have gone over your calories, write everything down. Don't forget to congratulate yourself for your accomplishments, and keep moving forward. Most people would be afraid to ask for advice on fear of being ridiculed and talked down to for the way they eat, but it takes a lot of insight to realize when we need to ask for help. Good luck! I'm sure you'll get a lot of advice and get yourself in the right direction.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Just as a nutrition tracking suggestion, I wouldn't use one of the spaces on trans fat. It's not in most foods anyway, and it looks like you never go over a couple grams on any given day. I suggest tracking either fiber or sodium-- making sure you get enough fiber and not too much sodium is worthwhile. Good luck!
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    well the sugar is up there. I had to cut my sugar in half to get myself back on track. As far as the carbs, I believe that's alright as long as you are burning it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Thanks guys for all the input, I guess I was trying to fool myself into thinking I could eat anything if I stayed under my calorie limit. I don't cook very much because I work all day and go to school I know excuses ..excuses ...well for breakfast I love my oats and yogurt that very bad... I guess where I need help is lunch and dinner..
    I did try that pre cooked chicken but to be honest it had a funny smell and I didn't like it . Thanks everyone I do feel very bad now about all my junk food. By the way I seriously started trying to eat under my calorie goal about 3 weeks ago , I started at 160 and this morning I weighted 154 and I am only 5'1. I just feel that with all this counting calories, walking and zumba, I should be seeing better results.

    Oh do I know that!! Worked full-time, school at night. I ate every meal away from home. It's tough but it can be done. "Junk food" is sooo much easier! Luckily the only thing by my school was subway and starbucks! One thing that helped me was to pack a cooler. I could fill it w/healthy stuff to eat all day. I just have a small igloo softside I got at Target (like this one: and then some of the freezer gel packs to keep your stuff cool all day.

    Then add fruit, veggies, greek yogurt, salad, individual tuna cups, nuts, low-fat deli ham, triscuits, low fat cheese or laughing cow wedges, etc. If you have a microwave at work or school you can expand your options. The cooler really did wonders for me and kept me away from the fast food joints! I try to have a lot of easy to grab things I can toss in the cooler so I don't have to do a lot of prep during the week. If you can do some cooking on the weekend to take leftovers that's always good too.

    And I totally agree - Pre-cooked chicken is gross and scary sometimes.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Seeing as you're 5'1", 1200 NET calories isn't unrealistic. Just realize this means eating your exercise calories. I know that might be difficult for some people to do because of the mentality of weight loss. If so, then include your exercise in your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). TDEE is your calorie goal if you're looking to maintain your weight. From that you would reduce between 500 calories per day to lose a pound per day (theoretically). Realize this is theoretical, and while Laws of Thermodynamics do remain intact, your macros and just normal body fluctuations will make your weight loss vary. I personally wouldn't decrease it much past 500 calories since you're smaller.

    I'm using and according to it, your TDEE with no exercise is 1763. That means about 1263 calories before including exercise calories.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Just as a nutrition tracking suggestion, I wouldn't use one of the spaces on trans fat. It's not in most foods anyway, and it looks like you never go over a couple grams on any given day. I suggest tracking either fiber or sodium-- making sure you get enough fiber and not too much sodium is worthwhile. Good luck!

    I agree that she should track her fiber or a different nutrient instead, but unfortunately with as much processed and fast food as she is eating, her diet is more than likely full of trans fats, but the database is flawed. You can't go by the database for trans fats here. Trans fat is not in most food in their whole and natural forms no, but once you get into processed food and fast food and most kinds of packaged goods, it's in just about everything :/ It just doesn't look like it is.

    Here is a link to what the FDA allows in the way of rounding. That is why fat-free cool whip says 0 trans fats, even though it has partially hydrogenated oil as one of it's primary ingredients. Now tell me, how something can have oil and be fat free? It can't.

    This is why I read food labels and if it says "partially hydrogenated" anywhere on it, I don't eat it. Unless I just have to satisfy a craving for something specific.
    I just wanted to share this information from our wonderful friends at the FDA as it surprises me just how many people still don't know.
  • Hannahk90
    Hannahk90 Posts: 8
    Thanks guys for all the input, I guess I was trying to fool myself into thinking I could eat anything if I stayed under my calorie limit. I don't cook very much because I work all day and go to school I know excuses ..excuses ...well for breakfast I love my oats and yogurt that very bad... I guess where I need help is lunch and dinner..
    I did try that pre cooked chicken but to be honest it had a funny smell and I didn't like it . Thanks everyone I do feel very bad now about all my junk food. By the way I seriously started trying to eat under my calorie goal about 3 weeks ago , I started at 160 and this morning I weighted 154 and I am only 5'1. I just feel that with all this counting calories, walking and zumba, I should be seeing better results.

    I'm in the same boat with being busy. I work and go to school, so finding the time to cook is very difficult sometimes. I started bringing my lunch to work and I will either make a sandwich of turkey breast (lean protein), whole grain bread, romaine lettuce, etc, or a salad and a small container of balsamic vinaigrette (you don't want to put that on until you are actually prepared to eat). I prepare the stuff at night and put it in the fridge so I can just grab it in the morning. Also, if you have a Trader Joe's by you, a lot of their pre-cooked stuff, while not better or as good as actually cooking yourself, are way better than other pre-packaged meals. They don't use any preservatives in their frozen foods since freezing is a preservative in itself. Those are a life saver for me a lot because when I get home at 9pm most days after having been gone all day, the last thing I want to do is cook anything for dinner.

    Hope this helps
  • CaroSeraMince
    Just as a nutrition tracking suggestion, I wouldn't use one of the spaces on trans fat. It's not in most foods anyway, and it looks like you never go over a couple grams on any given day. I suggest tracking either fiber or sodium-- making sure you get enough fiber and not too much sodium is worthwhile. Good luck!

    I agree that she should track her fiber or a different nutrient instead, but unfortunately with as much processed and fast food as she is eating, her diet is more than likely full of trans fats, but the database is flawed. You can't go by the database for trans fats here. Trans fat is not in most food in their whole and natural forms no, but once you get into processed food and fast food and most kinds of packaged goods, it's in just about everything :/ It just doesn't look like it is.

    Here is a link to what the FDA allows in the way of rounding. That is why fat-free cool whip says 0 trans fats, even though it has partially hydrogenated oil as one of it's primary ingredients. Now tell me, how something can have oil and be fat free? It can't.

    This is why I read food labels and if it says "partially hydrogenated" anywhere on it, I don't eat it. Unless I just have to satisfy a craving for something specific.
    I just wanted to share this information from our wonderful friends at the FDA as it surprises me just how many people still don't know.

  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    WOWZA! A lot of people have said cut out fast food... and while I agree, you also need to get your veggies and fruits in!!! You're suposed to have 4-5 a day MINIMUM! I know we all struggle with this, but not only will your weight suffer, but so will your health in the long run. Check out a book by Kris Carr called "Crazy Sexy Diet". It changed my whole outlook on veggies!

    Also! Cut out the sugary drinks, and start drinking good ol fashioned water - and LOG IT! If you dont like the taste, add a slice of cucumber or lemon / lime / Orange. But you have got to give your body lube to flush out all the crap!!! If you're only drinking 1 Dr. Pepper a day, you're screwing your body over in regards to weight loss, and overall health!

    Good luck!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Thanks guys for all the input, I guess I was trying to fool myself into thinking I could eat anything if I stayed under my calorie limit. I don't cook very much because I work all day and go to school I know excuses ..excuses ...well for breakfast I love my oats and yogurt that very bad... I guess where I need help is lunch and dinner..
    I did try that pre cooked chicken but to be honest it had a funny smell and I didn't like it . Thanks everyone I do feel very bad now about all my junk food. By the way I seriously started trying to eat under my calorie goal about 3 weeks ago , I started at 160 and this morning I weighted 154 and I am only 5'1. I just feel that with all this counting calories, walking and zumba, I should be seeing better results.

    I can totally relate to crazy busy. For me, I had to learn to plan ahead and prep ahead when I do have the time (e.g. weekends). When I cook, I try to make at least double the recipe, and the freeze everything in single serving sizes. That way I always have a quick meal on hand that I can just reheat for lunch or dinner. Soups, chilis, stirfry's all work pretty well. My slowcooker has become a huge asset becuase I can do a little prep work on a weekend morning, and then have dinner for that night and at least three other nights depending on what I am cooking. Another thing I have found that works well, is when I am grilling chicken or turkey breast for dinner, I grill some extra but take them off the grill when they are slighty underdone. Then I cut them into pieces and freeze them; I can them use them to make a quick weeknight dinner with some veggies and rice or pasta or in a salad. The other thing I do is I cut all my produce on Sunday. I plan out my lunches for the week and put whatever veggies I need into single serving containers. Last thing, hard boiled eggs and greek yogurt make for a great quick snack and will give you some good protein.
    Also...there are always going to be times when take out or eating out is unavoidable. Do some research on the places near your house or work, or those you go to often. Most chain restaurants will have their nutritional information online. Find those that have a reasonably healthy option and know that when you need to eat/take out you will have a plan for where to go and what to order. I have at three different take out options near home, so when I am out running errands and I need a quick lunch, I know exactly where to go and what to order, and I can feel reasonably good about it.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    If you want to try the slowcooker route, is a great resouce. They have a facebook page as well.