Trying MFP again....Friends really needed for motivation

Hello everyone! I was on MFP last year (formerly tigereyz30) and had some good success, losing 20lbs and several inches. Then, life got in the way and I slipped a bit...quite a bit regaining 10 of those lbs back. I'm trying not to beat myself up about that too much. So here I am again, looking to lose those pesky 10lbs plus another 30-35lbs and find some support from both familiar faces and new ones too. I'm looking to continue with yoga and add in P90X workouts. I'm just begining with the P90X so hoping I'll survive them! LOL! Please, send a friend request my way! - Mariann


  • lessofel
    lessofel Posts: 14 Member
    I just rejoined today after being away for several months. I'm also looking for motivation/support and new friends working toward the same goals. I have 40-45 lbs. to lose and I think I can do it this time with the right support. Last time, I didn't reach out to anyone. Ellen (lessofellen is the name I go with on here). Good luck to both of us.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Hi you can add me. I am on daily. Lost 22 so far and looking to lose 40 more!
  • samuraidoctor
    samuraidoctor Posts: 29 Member
    Already sent you the request you requested! I'm a bit older, and am already at goal (more or less), down around 17 pounds. Any lower and I'd get all wrinkly. However, I am willing to give support and meet new folks!
  • hailsmac82
    hailsmac82 Posts: 9 Member
    Have added you :-)
  • T3LMomma
    T3LMomma Posts: 3
    Adding you as well! I am trying MFP again.