Weight Trainging for Fat Loss

scottywor Posts: 140 Member
Morning all,

Looking for some advice...

Currently Im ~26.5% BF, Im 5’11, 190lbs. Looking to cut. I maintain a 15% caloric deficit during the past few months, with constant progress. Is a better rate for fat loss running a deficit 20% or higher? Thanks to this site and others I have gotten my diet tight, and in good order. Which leads me to wonder about my training which leads to this post.

Just looking for some advice on my routine…After reading the Weight Training for Fat Loss articles, Im thinking of tweaking it a bit. But this is what I have been doing. I just really got back into lifting after being out for few months. I do have muscle mass. But from January to end of March, all I did was moderate to high intensity cardio 6 times a week. Ya bad. and ran at about 1200 calories. Yeah, I lost weight, coupled with a low caloric intake. Over 50lbs. But in doing so I lost muscle mass… As I became enlightened...I started lifting again in April, but haven’t really lifted heavy.

Tension training - I do a total body workout 3 days per week, MON/WED/FRI As follows : Squat, Deads, Bench Press, Bent over row, Overhead Press, Pulldown, Abs. I throw in Bicep Curl and Tri Ext. every other day. I do 3 sets of 10-12 for each, and 2 sets for arms. Not including warm up sets. I have not been lifting heavy, I would guess 40-60% RM for 10 or 12 reps, could probably get 5-10 more depending on exercise.

The metabolic portion, I plan to continue running 3 days per/week on TUE, THUR and FRI, possibly a fourth on Saturday or Sunday.

Is this a reasonable approach to follow for a goal of fat loss? Or should or could something be changed? Should I lift heavier, and lower rep range? And do some Metabolic Training with weights? Similar to Monday and Thursday – Heavy, and Tuesday and Friday – Meta, and throw in some cardio in the evening? Or is the cardio I do 4 times a week, enough, I do enjoy running.
Has anyone had any success with anything like Im doing, or like Im thinking of doing?

Also as far as eating goes, if I will be lifting heavier, is it a good idea to set up calories as follows - Eat maintenance on heavy days, and run a 20% deficit on non Heavy days? I know that an increase in LBM and Fat Loss is not practical. So Im looking at maintaining what I have, and cutting. Would something like this work? I know if its not broke dont fix it, but If there is a chance I could omtimize my fat loss, Im all ears.

Appreciate all your feedback, sorry for the novel…



  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    BUMP for answers
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Bump for answers too.......
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Time for a bump!
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    bump for answers!
  • aspethe
    aspethe Posts: 15 Member
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I would suggest doing split weight training - do your ab training on the days you do cardio...

    You could check out my workout regimen - though I am a girl - this was put together by a male who tries to push me beyond my limits... I am usually the only girl in the weight room at 5:30am... -- you can find my regimen on my blogs...
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I would suggest doing split weight training - do your ab training on the days you do cardio...

    You could check out my workout regimen - though I am a girl - this was put together by a male who tries to push me beyond my limits... I am usually the only girl in the weight room at 5:30am... -- you can find my regimen on my blogs...

    Whats the link to your blog?

    and bumping again for more answers!
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Bump.. :(