Insanity or PX90 or.... ADVICE????

HEY EVERYONE... thanks for taking the time to read this... and the advice if you have any... I am looking to do a little something more while at home. I go to the gym currently and rock out some great cardio but am looking to have something to do at home on the days I cant go to the gym (im a single working mom.. so somedays gym time isnt there) I LOVE TO WORK OUT.. it is my new addiction. HIIT is possibly the most amazing feeling ever...
So my question is... I have started working out hard about two months ago.. and am wanting the best and intense work out for home that I can get. What do you suggest.
I am looking for fat burning and for some toneing as i drop the fat.


thanks so much.. and hope you all have a wonderful day!!!


  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    Resistance band sets are highly versatile and can be easily used at home. I love mine.
  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    Insanity is going to give you a high intensity cardio workout. It will help you shed inches and you will burn a lot of fat. It's not so much a toning workout as a cardio one, although, you will see some definition. P90X will give you more muscle buiding and strenghth. (Insanity graduate!)
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Hey, I am a beachbody coach. I suggest you start with P90X. Use weights, it's easier. Most ladies use 8,10, and 12 pounds. That includes my fiancee. You can go with bands if you like. I suggest you use Bodylastics. They are relatively cheap and they come with door attachments and a whole lot of goodies. You can use the door attachment for the pull up exercises on P90X.

    I own both, adjustable weights and bodylastics for when I travel. That way I have no excuses. LOL. By the way, another member here Kchill and I are starting a P90X/Insanity Group. We are set to start May 14th. Please let me know if you want to join us. We have a number of people that will be in there. It's a great way to share, stay accountable and encourage each other.

    For fast weight loss, Insanity is the way to go, but it's very tough and it doesn't include weight training which IMO is a very important part of any workout. Also, don't think P90X is a walk in the park either. Some people substitute P90X cardio days with Insanity. I usually do that. Anyway, feel free to message me or email me at . I would be glad to answer your questions. Good luck.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I love's got some great strength routines, but also some awesome cardio ones. That's my vote!
  • Emmadasupermom
    Emmadasupermom Posts: 15 Member
    Turbo Fire worked wonders for me!! Insanity is pretty good as well!:wink:
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I agree with the others but it really comes down to personal preference. If you love HIIT, then Insanity is the way to go. You will burn more fat with Insanity than P90X. I have done both, am a trainer and a BB coach. I love P90x for the strength, but Insanity for the leaning and toning.
  • logatha
    logatha Posts: 5
    I highly recommend Insanity over P90x. I have both. In my opinion, the P90x videos drag on a bit, and feel long. Also, I do not feel that my cardio is challened enough during a P90x routine. I think P90x is a great way to build muscle mass, but if you are looking for tone and improved cardio, Insanity is the way to go. You will be drenched with sweat, the 40 minute (up to 60 on the harder videos) work outs go by in a flash, and you do plenty of body weight movements to build some muscle as well.
    If you want to get crazy, many people I know do a blend of the two, with maybe 3 days of P90x and 3 days of Insanity. But if you are not sure you want to buy both, or want to start with 1, I would personally suggest Insanity hands down.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    there's alot of great advice here already...I've done P90X and I'm finishing up month 1 of Insanity now. I love them both for different reasons - although, P90X cardio is NOTHING compared to Insanity, haha. I really built up my strength with P90X and once I finish Insanity I plan to do a hybrid of the two for a max workout.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Inity is more focused on burning fat where P90x is more focused on building mucsle which one do yu want to accomplish?
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    Insanity is high intensity cardio workout which will help you lose weight but to me i see px90 as in building muscles
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I built a good amount of muscles doing Insanity. From your post I think you may like Insanity more.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Biggest misconception is to think that P90X is a building muscle program. It can be. But only if you want it to. To build muscle, you need extra calories (you won't be getting that if you are not eating at a surplus or if losing weight, meaning eating at a deficit). I have done both programs. Yes, Insanity Cardio is superior, NO DOUBT. But doing strength training will help you maintain your muscle mass.

    YOU WANT to keep muscle. Muscle burns more calories and it makes us look lean. It doesn't matter if you are a lady or a guy. You won't get huge unless you start eating over 500-1000 calories over your maintenance level AND you lift weight like crazy. You won't get muscular with small weights or eating at a deficit.

    Also Insanity helps you burn fat. And many will report that they "gained muscle" when in reality they lost fat which makes you look like you have more muscle. Only way to track that is by tracking body fat %.

    In the end, both programs are AWESOME. Insanity though, it's not something I would do long term. I am currently doing P90X and using Insanity cardio.
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    I'd definitely recommend Insanity. For a single working mom you're getting your workout in, in about 45 min. A very intense HIIT program that your kids will enjoy LOL at & with you on some of these moves....but it really works the body. I've done both P90X and Insanity...and along with several others....I'm a Beachbody coach as well.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I've done both P90X and Insanity. While my fitness improved with both, I much preferred Insanity over P90X. I disagree with folks who say there is no resistance. Insanity uses a lot of body weight for resistance in the form of plyometrics, push ups, etc. You will definitely see results if you stick with the program. The other thing (that earlier replies mention) is that the P90X workouts kind of drag on. I feel like I could get a better workout if Tony Horton would just stop talking! :) Each workout is a minimum of one hour, when you add ab ripper x, you get to 75 minutes. Yoga X days it is over 90 minutes. While I do workout about 90 minutes a day, I don't have to listen to the same thing, the same jokes, every time. P90X does improve your strength quite a bit, but if you're looking for weight loss, unless you strictly follow the diet plan, it probably won't be much (although your body composition will definitely change).

    Finally, with Insanity all you need is space to do the workouts. There is no need to purchase equipment of any kind. The first 4 weeks the workouts run about 45 minutes or less. The second 4 weeks, they run about an hour. You will drip in sweat. They are tough, but extremely effective. For some reason, I find Shaun T to be extremely motivating.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I am with the previous post Shaun T is extremely motivating... "I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to make you better"...this is said about 3/4 through one of the workout when you just want to quit. makes me laugh every time because I feel like I'm about to die instead! But it keeps me motivating. I also like that he tells you it is OK to take breaks when YOU need them
  • lvhuse
    lvhuse Posts: 18 Member
    I have no advice, but am looking at both of these products currently as well. However, I currently have a healing stress fracture in my foot, so I am not sure which program would be best to do (when I'm healed, of course). Is P90X high-impact? If not, I'll go that route since lower impact means less chance of reinjury. However, my goal is to strengthen my body so that I stop getting injured when I run. Any advice from those of you who know these programs?
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I have no advice, but am looking at both of these products currently as well. However, I currently have a healing stress fracture in my foot, so I am not sure which program would be best to do (when I'm healed, of course). Is P90X high-impact? If not, I'll go that route since lower impact means less chance of reinjury. However, my goal is to strengthen my body so that I stop getting injured when I run. Any advice from those of you who know these programs?

    I had a stress fracture in my foot about 4 years ago, had foot surgery (not related to the stress fracture), and I've had knee surgery too (I was a college athlete - LOTS of wear and tear). P90X didn't bother any of them except for a little on plyometrics, but you can always sub the "cardio X" video for plyo if it bothers you. Insanity, on the other hand, is much tougher on my past injuries. I have to modify quite a few moves for my knees, but it's definitely doable. If you give your foot the proper time to heal and are TRULY injury free when you start, as long as you're careful I would think you'd be okay. But I'm no expert :) You just have to be smart about it, and if they're doing power jumps and your feet are hitting the ground hard, you would need to modify.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    wow thank you all so much.. i am also scared if i can do it.. hopefully!!! i am excited to be dripping the sweat!!! i love that feeling
  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    With Insanity you don't need any equipment and and the videos are short, definitely a plus. I haven't done PX90, but I've heard you need some equipment.
  • KevinNichols
    I have px90 and didnt really care for it, I just saw Insanity and it looked like something I would try.