Yikes! Anyone wash your Fitbit?

My Fitbit went through the laundry tonight...I realized it when I removed my bra from the washer and there it was, still firmly attached...(that clip is amazing!).

I heated some rice and put the Fitbit into it and by 1:45 am, I was able to turn the thing on (a good sign). It is now charging (I hope not prematurely) and hopefully will be none the worse for the wear!

While reading other people's posts, I kept thinking, I have no idea how someone would not remember to take it off and end up washing it...I now understand completely...yesterday was a very hard work out and I was stressed because a good friend had to go to the hospital...and well, the rest is history...so, this thing has a very dead battery (shows no charge, but had enough to display the battery charge indicator) and is charging...please pray with me that it will work fine after charging, because I really like being able to track steps, floors, miles and cals and like the "push' it gives me!


  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I am praying with you myu friend. I have been think of getting a HRM but I have been tossing up between it and the fitbit, not sure which now!!
  • brettjcohen
    brettjcohen Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not sure what a FitBit is exactly but I hope it works out for you Bobbie. Rice is always a good idea to dessicate things.
  • ladylonglegs21
    ladylonglegs21 Posts: 27 Member
    What are your thoughts on the fitbit vs using this site and a pedometer? I just read a little bit about it, but am still kind of in the dark. I'm trying to lose weight/get in better shape, but it is hard to pass by the chocolate.