When I try - I do worse



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    there are days when i am the most awesome person on the planet. and there are days where i have to pretend to be the most awesome person on the planet.

    then their are days i pretend to be batman.

    what i'm trying to say is to always be batman.

    no, seriously, sometimes it's all about the mindset. you have to tell yourself to do something, and sometimes you have to pretend to be what you are not, until you are that person

    Fake it til it's real
  • emkelly27
    emkelly27 Posts: 23 Member
    :smile: it is a lot to through away. i know that because i live with my parents and they buy the junk food thats there for me to grab. most of the time its hard to say know because we dont really have that many healthy food to eat until dinner. thats whats going to change this summer. the junk food will always be there no matter where you are. it's just the matter of the will power to say no. or save enough calories to have some but not too much. thats the best advice i can give....
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have been there, and I still go there from time to time. A few things have worked for me. Setting a diet start date a week in advance helps. It gives time for mental weaning to get any cravings, etc out of the way. Eat normally for the week leading up to the diet day and start to eliminate bad foods and shop for the good. Find ways to eat the foods you love, more healthily. That way, on your start date you are both mentally and physically ready to go.

    I also put up motivational reminders in my office and around my home to keep me focused. In addition, I set a reminder at 5pm every day to go off on my phone so that I don't go home from work and snack. lol So stupid, but it helps me!
  • zolaney
    zolaney Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the advice - You are so right and I def take it to heart. I think I am ready to make a change. Last year I was successful by weighing my portions, logging EVERYTHING, drinking tons of water, and actually thinking about what I was eating rather than just eating because of boredom - time to do that again and add some exercise. THANKS AGAIN - you all look great in your profile pictures!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just don't buy the junk food in the first place. Then you'll only have healthy foods to eat.
  • doooz
    doooz Posts: 3 Member
    I know the feeling....I have been starting my lifestyle change on "Monday" for the last 5 years!!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    There is nothing to do than to just do it. Keep yourself motivated by looking at other people's success stories. The more I sat around the more my stomach bulged leading me into more depression and discouraging me. Finally I decided I couldn't take it anymore and I had to STOP WISHING and actually doing it. MFP makes it easy by taking it one day at a time and eventually you will get there. You need to sabotage those snacks so you won't eat them. Remember in the end this is for you. You can't just sit around and pray that your weight will go away. That just doesn't happen. If you and your husband take on a healthy life style it become easier. Eating right doesn't always mean you have to eat just salads. Just watch what you eat and make healthier choices. Instead of a candy bar pick up a fruit. Only you can decide this for yourself. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
  • myrahonbarrier
    myrahonbarrier Posts: 191 Member
    i would suggest that you give the bad food away - i read once "you are not a garbage disposal, dont treat yourself like one"
    once i start eating unhealthy foods its all a slippery slope from there. for example...last friday i got ice cream. and now i have had it 3 out of 4 of the last nights! and its not even house staring at me!

    That is the most powerful statement: "you are not a garbage disposal, dont treat yourself like one" ...

    I think we ALL need to engrain that in our minds!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I don't have any great advice...everyone else's was good...I just wanted to say good luck! It is a lifelong journey and we will slip but we get back up and keep going!!
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    love it!!! :bigsmile:

    The only way to start is... to start. Stop thinking about it and start doing it. I thought myself out of it for years.

    So, if you need someone to be an *kitten* about it, here goes...

    Go find those junk foods and throw them away. Right now. You're still sitting in your chair, aren't you, AREN'T YOU?!?! GO!!! JUNK FOOD!!! TRASH CAN!!! NOW!!!!

    Now drop and give me 10 sit-ups, soldier, because you start RIGHT NOW. What, you think I'm KIDDING!!! Make that 20! NOW!!! MOVE!!! FASTER!!!

    Now start logging!!!
  • Arunakae
    Arunakae Posts: 83
    Logging everything really helps me. What I used to do was go, "well I've eaten healthy all day and exercised, I can eat crappy for dinner" that's when I started gaining weight. But now that I log everything I can see if I was truly healthy and if I really did exercise enough. Also when I'm going to eat something not so healthy, like a cupcake, I log it before I eat it and I plan my whole day around getting this one treat, so that I don't over-eat before I even get to the goodies.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    The only way to start is... to start. Stop thinking about it and start doing it. I thought myself out of it for years.

    So, if you need someone to be an *kitten* about it, here goes...

    Go find those junk foods and throw them away. Right now. You're still sitting in your chair, aren't you, AREN'T YOU?!?! GO!!! JUNK FOOD!!! TRASH CAN!!! NOW!!!!

    Now drop and give me 10 sit-ups, soldier, because you start RIGHT NOW. What, you think I'm KIDDING!!! Make that 20! NOW!!! MOVE!!! FASTER!!!

    Now start logging!!!

    I love this one.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    When I try to eat healthier/exercise I seem to do worse...am I the only one? Last year I lost about 25 pounds (being part a weight loss group that held me accountable) and I am quickly putting them back on this year. I start out the day thinking "its going to be a great/healthy day" - Then I think "well if I am going to eat healthy I need to get the unhealthy snacks out of the house so I may as well eat them!" then I dig myself in a hole and I think "well, maybe tomorrow will be better" My husband works out daily and has so much will power and I do not. I want it (in my head), but I lack the motivation to do the work to get there. I am not completely lazy...I have two small children that keep me busy and I do a little (exercising) here and there but it is not consistent. I want to be one of those people that are addicted to eating healthy and working out! Any suggestions?

    so stop making excuses, and doing dumb things (like eating the unhealthy food to get rid of it) *No offense* and just do the damn thing!! It's not that hard, you're the one holding yourself down. don't say you wish you were on of those people - just be one of those people.
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    there are days when i am the most awesome person on the planet. and there are days where i have to pretend to be the most awesome person on the planet.

    then their are days i pretend to be batman.

    what i'm trying to say is to always be batman.

    no, seriously, sometimes it's all about the mindset. you have to tell yourself to do something, and sometimes you have to pretend to be what you are not, until you are that person

    Fake it til it's real

    ^^ YES! I had a teacher in high school that lived by the motto 'FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!"
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    The weight watchers program allows unlimited fruits and vegetables. I really struggled with the idea of getting started on weight loss because I didn't like the idea of giving up sugar, which I love. BUT, I felt like I could live with eating as much fruit as I wanted. This was a "transition" period for me. I knew when I got hungry I could reach for fruits if it was between meals. I didn't join weight watchers, and I track on MFP now, but it helped me during the first week or two, so I didn't feel deprived. Then, viola, I found that my cravings for cake, cookies and especially ice cream had subsided. The foods I find satisfying has changed. Give yourself permission to have all the veggies and fruit you want for several days to get started. It will be easier to bypass the unhealthy stuff, if you have something else to reach for.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    When I try to eat healthier/exercise I seem to do worse...am I the only one? Last year I lost about 25 pounds (being part a weight loss group that held me accountable) and I am quickly putting them back on this year. I start out the day thinking "its going to be a great/healthy day" - Then I think "well if I am going to eat healthy I need to get the unhealthy snacks out of the house so I may as well eat them!" then I dig myself in a hole and I think "well, maybe tomorrow will be better" My husband works out daily and has so much will power and I do not. I want it (in my head), but I lack the motivation to do the work to get there. I am not completely lazy...I have two small children that keep me busy and I do a little (exercising) here and there but it is not consistent. I want to be one of those people that are addicted to eating healthy and working out! Any suggestions?

    I was having the same problem, so the only one who really dont gain weight oin this house is my bf. I let him eat them all for me n of course another one who is supper skinny is my oldest son. I let him snack too. I buy certain snacks for me. Another way I do it too, is I measure my snacks n put them into baggies. It works.