Fairly new, looking for friends

iroze Posts: 78 Member
Hi! My name's Irene and I have registered with this site in January 2012. Unsuccessfully did a few months of Weight Watchers but always felt like I was starving and came to a point where I was beginning to hate all the fruits and veggies I was munching on to keep my stomach from grumbling. Being able to track my calories here has proved incredibly helpful. I have lost 11 lbs in 4 months and I'm not stopping there! As it stands now, I am 34 years old, 162.5 lbs and 5 feet 1 inches short :)

I cannot tell you how inspiring all the success stories I have read on this forum were to me! Seeing someone's life change completely in a year, or two years, or some tangible period of time, seeing them so happy and feeling so proud for them - it's given me an incredible boost in my desire to join their ranks. However, apparently, it's not happening at the speed I was hoping it would.

My goal is set to loose a pound a week. I eat between 1100 and 1300 calories a day and exercise daily - Zumba or cardio in front of my Nintendo Wii. I eat fairly healthy - my 5-a-day fruit/veggie intake is there, I watch my sodium intake, there is an occasional chocolate candy on the horizon but that's maybe once a week or not even that often. And yet, I am lucky if I lose 3 pounds a month.

Maybe it's time to accept that my metabolism is just not what it is with other people, but it's so frustrating. There are days when I wake up after 15 hours of not having eaten a thing (like if I don't eat after 6pm on Friday night and wake up at 9 Saturday) and discover I have gained a pound or two.

Is there anyone out there going through the same slow changes? I would love some new friends to share this experience with.


  • Hi irene,

    I wa exactly the same on weightwatchers - i successfully lost 2 stone a few years back but i was hungry all the time and began resenting it hence the gain plus a bit!

    So, i decided to join mfp and lose weight the healthy way! Im getting married next year and have ordered my dress a size smaller so im determined to do this!!

    Maybe we can support each other a little? Friend request sent :happy:
    SLTENOR Posts: 3
    Have you had your thyroid checked? There could be a medical reason behind your slow weight loss.
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Hi Irene,
    I'm Sherrie! I've had an account here for a while but haven't used it seriously and am now determined. I lost about 30 lbs a while back doing a group program at Tidewater Bariatrics and felt great but it was costly (buy the HMR food, pay for required classes, pay to see the doc/nurses monthly etc.,). Also, I just retired from the Navy and got REALLY lazy (justified time off I told myself) and have gained all my weight back so am starting over!!
    I like getting encouragement and giving it too!! Friend request on the way!!
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, Irene,
    When you put in your profile how many calories did it say that you should have. You may not be eating enough calories. If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose weight. Add me as a friend if you like. I have been a member for about 10 weeks. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I'm Sami

    I have been using this site off and on for a while now but I have made the commitment to stick with it & now I'm looking for others to help keep me motivated & hold me accountable.

    I was thin my entire life until I started eating horribly and became very lazy & sedentary. I have no problem eating healthy, I eat a mostly clean diet with only lean proteins. But, I completely lack the motivation to exercise. I feel like I really have to talk myself into it & it isn't enjoyable for me, at all!

    I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day & I look forward to hopefully getting to know you better =]
  • zorylopez
    zorylopez Posts: 23
    Hi Irene, is very easy to gain weight but very hard to lose it. I had lost 52lbs with a diet pill but i gain it back. I realize that the faster you lose it the faster you gain it . So take one day at a time. I need to lose 30lbs i need support maybe we can support each other i sent you a Friend request. We could do this..
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have been using this site off and on for a while now but I have made the commitment to stick with it & now I'm looking for others to help keep me motivated & hold me accountable.

    I'm in the same boat!
  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been here for 240 day. Love MFP. Fill free to add me if you what. I have lose 47lbs and still have more to go. My friends are the best.
  • claireyf12
    claireyf12 Posts: 106
    Hi Irene, welcome to MFP I too have tried WW several times in the past but to no real avail, I am finding this site invaluable and it is really working for me this time. I log on every day and am always willing to show support/motivation, please feel free to add me!

    Good Luck :)
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Your metabolism is set on SLOW based on how you are eating. When your body is NOT hungry every 3-4 hours, that is bad sign. You MUST reset your metabolism to work for you! Here is how:

    Eat within 30 minutes of waking up- hungry or not- DO IT to wake up your metabolism
    Eat every 3-4 hours, hungry or not, to keep your metabolism burning. People who are overweight and/or gain weight only eat 1-2 a times a day which creates a slow metabolism. Plus, when they eat, they consume WAY too many calories all at once and the body is overwhelmed thus stores it as fat.
    Drink half your weight in ounces of water, thirsty or not. This speeds your metabolism, cleanses your body and is NO 1 for energy source.
    You are retraining your body to run a DIFFERENT way. It may be "weird" at first but it is what healthy people do.
    Use MFP to keep your total calories in check.
  • 2befit2
    2befit2 Posts: 58 Member
    you can add me :smile:
  • iroze
    iroze Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks so much for your replies everyone! I'd love to add you all, and I will.
    You MUST reset your metabolism to work for you! Here is how:

    Eat within 30 minutes of waking up- hungry or not- DO IT to wake up your metabolism
    Eat every 3-4 hours, hungry or not, to keep your metabolism burning. People who are overweight and/or gain weight only eat 1-2 a times a day which creates a slow metabolism. Plus, when they eat, they consume WAY too many calories all at once and the body is overwhelmed thus stores it as fat.
    Drink half your weight in ounces of water, thirsty or not. This speeds your metabolism, cleanses your body and is NO 1 for energy source.
    You are retraining your body to run a DIFFERENT way. It may be "weird" at first but it is what healthy people do.
    Use MFP to keep your total calories in check.
    I very honestly do all this already. I'm not one to deprive myself of food if hungry or I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now size-wise :) Thanks, though, I appreciate your post very much!
  • NinjaChickie
    NinjaChickie Posts: 118 Member
    I'm seeing slow / small changes too. 6lbs in 70 days.

    Do you take your measurements? I'm seeing changes happen there.

    I'm trying to not focus on the scale any more.... more on the inches being lost and the other benefits, my cardio has improved, my endurance is up, I'm not as cranky.

    Friend request on the way.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Hi Iroze,

    I am new too and we are about the same weight & height! I know what you mean about things being slow but this time round I am going to not set myself such unrealistic targets and be happy with a healthy 1-2lb a week weight loss.

    This time when it's off, it is staying off therefore crazy 4lbs+ weight loss each week is not what I am going for. I find that water helps, and eating a proper lunch sets me up and makes me not overeat in the evening which I am terrible for.

    I am looking for new friends with similar goals so would be happy to be a motivation buddy for each other :) xox
  • iroze
    iroze Posts: 78 Member
    Not seeing many changes in the measurements either. All my clothes fit fine :(
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    11lbs is a great loss! Don;t be demotivated - I would be over the moon with this.

    Just keep on keeping on and if you are in doubt, make an appointment with your GP to make sure there is no thyroid problem :) xox
  • MareeS77
    MareeS77 Posts: 5

    My journey is very similar to your's..... I am 34 year's old, from Australia with around 90 or so pounds to lose..... 50kg in our measurements.....

    I stick to 1200 calories a day, go to the gym or use my own home gym every day, go to zumba classes, boxing classes, bike classes and do loads of cardio. I joined my fitness pal in January and am plugging along nicely :-)

    We could be friends on here if you like to support each other :-)
  • missa0208
    missa0208 Posts: 25
    Hi Irene, Add me as well please. I've been on here for about a week & found lots of tools and tips to help me w/ losing my weight. I think the more people we have as motivation & inspiration the better ! Good luck to you.
  • betina8
    betina8 Posts: 10
    Hi Irene,

    I am going through the same too. I joined MF pal at the end of January and I've only lost 11 pounds so far. I don't exercise as often as you do so maybe that's the reason why I'm not losing fast. But I am not giving up. I actually would like to weigh 150 or so and I weigh 200 lbs. I have a long way to go and sometimes I get discouraged but it helps me a lot to write down everything I eat. Keeps me on track. Sometimes it's better to lose slowly and keep it off for good.
    You can send me a friend request if you wish.
  • biologic
    biologic Posts: 81
    i'm also looking for more friends