New and looking for hope!

Hi Everybody! My name is Kelly - I am 31 (32 this month) and I am from Southern NJ – really Southern Jersey as I live on the Delaware Bay. I’ve always been a little heavier but since I was married in 2007, had my daughter in 2008 and was separated in 2010, laid off and divorced in 2011 things have spiraled out of control. I am now about 230 lbs and not happy. It really hit me when my daughter was watching a cartoon and turned to me and said “Look mommy, that mommy bear is big like you!”. One day I hope to be able to laugh about that, but right now I am using it as the kick in the butt I need to do this. I lost about 45 lbs in 2004 doing Atkins, but gained it all back and then some. For the past few months I’ve gone on and off of Atkins and I have recently decided that I just can’t (or don’t want to) do low carb. I am currently on a 1200 calorie a day diet (today is the first day and I am completely starving!). Here’s to hoping that it works this time!!


  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Kelly!

    How r u? I have joined MFP a year ago but been on in on and off! This time I am determined to stay. Recently turned 30 so I wan to live a fitter life! I want to feel better about myself & live a healthier lifestyle.
    At the beginning of 2011 I got into running and so far, I did two official races, mostly for charity. In a few years, I want to run a marathon :)
    Currently I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which is kicking my *kitten*!
    Feel free to add me and let's get healthier together!

    xoxo Fat Fighter
  • tshields65
    tshields65 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Kelly!! Glad to have you aboard. I am several, ok so 14 years older then you but our stories are simular. I have actively been using My Fitness Pal for about 3 1/2 months and I really like it. I track everything I put in my mouth, even the overages. It helps me see when I am eating more then I think. Have you set up your settings? 1200 calories does not seem like near enough. If you eat too few calories your body will think it is in starvation mode and actually hold on to everything it can. One of the things I did when I first joined was go under find members, looked up women about my age wanting to lose about the same amount I did and with in 25 miles of my zip code. Then from the list I found a few that i befriended on MFP. After a while I exchanged phone numbers with one and to make a long story short, I now have a new supporter that I get together with atleast once a week and walk with at a local park. If you would like to add me as your friend I will try to encourage you every chance I get.
  • electrocurves
    Hi Kelly!
    I am new, as well... You seem to have a wonderful outlook, and I wish some mega motivation for you! This is a tough road, but it's going to be so worth it, so we'll just focus on all the little victories on the way.
    I wish I had taken action when *my* daughter was younger and I weighed what you do. ;-) Now she's 11 and I weigh 278. But not for long!
