lack of self esteem

I've been trying to stay on this plan for a week now and honestly have only been good my first day maybe. It doesn't help that i work at a pizza hut. I've always had low self esteem even to the point where I make fun of myself so others don't. And I always start of the day thinking of exactly what ill eat and drink but by the time noon hits I've already blown it. Lucky I'm on my feet all day, so far because of it I've maintained my weight. I'm beginning to fear that I'll never lose the weight. Does anyone have any advise?


  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    Unfortunately I am not having a good day either. Hang in there. Take one day at at time. It does get easier. I lost 12lbs at the end of 2011 only to put them back on the last 3 months and am starting over. I am angry at myself for allowing the weight gain. I keep telling myself that everything worth achieving requires work and hard work. It doesn't come easy. We can either fight for our weight loss-any change in life or we can sit on the side lines and feel sorry for ourselves. I'd rather be in a bad mood working out and eating healthfully than to down cookies, cake and ice cream and really feel like a completel loser. I hope this helps you! Good luck and stay strong YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Stop thinking of it as something wrong with you personally. Even if you don't have self-esteem, you can lose weight (and I'm speaking from experience). It's just a matter of cause and effect.

    I think of it this way: your body exists and functions regardless of your feelings. Some habits will cause it to be healthy, and others will cause problems (including weight gain). If you work on doing more healthy things, you'll get healthier. And it's not a matter of being perfect overnight, it's just about doing a little better than you were before. Say you drink two liters of cola a day, for example. If next week, you're drinking a liter a day, that's improvement. Is it ideal? No, but you're closer than you were before, and it will still have an effect. Those little improvements will eventually add up to major change.

    And one of the best results I've noticed that I gain self-esteem as I see progress. I realize that I'm not hurting myself anymore, and that makes me feel better. I realize that I'm totally capable of achieving my goals, and that makes me feel in control. I couldn't fix my mindset to begin with, but it's getting better and better as a result of my actions.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The cold hard-to-swallow truth is that you have to want it more than you want to eat the crap and sit on your bum. This is how it works with everyone.

    Most of us have self esteem issues, or had them when we were obese/overweight. You have to make a decision every day at every meal which step you want to take: the right one or the easy one.
  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    First of all - Don't be so hard on yourself. If you are just starting out on a new path in life it will take time to get adjusted to. I started out by always having the right food on hand so that I did not cave and eat what was in front of me. Planning ahead by bringing protein powder, vegetables, etc. will make a huge difference. Before you get hungry have one of the pre-planned snacks to help curb your appetite. Find foods that you like to eat that fit with your plan so you do not dread eating them. You will get there if you keep your eye on the goal. Best of luck

    Add me as a friend if you like and I will do my best to help you keep motivated.
  • brittdaw32
    brittdaw32 Posts: 14
    I have been larger, and I have been skinnier and I found that I never really was happy. So first, you have to love yourself for who you are right now. Other people don't matter and what they say doesn't matter. I also found that when I would say I was on a diet I would psych myself out thinking I would be hungry. So I would start craving all of this stuff that "I couldn't have because I'm on a diet" and I would overeat. I would totally eat stupid stuff that on a normal "non-diet" day I wouldn't even want. For me it is definitely a mental game that I finally had to say "I am not on a diet, but do I really need three brownies after I ate a huge bowl of pasta?" No, I really don't need three brownies! Good luck and don't give up just because you may have had a few hours of weakness!
  • barney50501Missy
    Being around pizza all day can definitely be a hard thing to avoid. As others have mentioned this is a life change, and it can be hard, especially at first. I find that I bring my food with me more than I ever did before just so I don't go looking for the wrong things to eat. I still eat some of those, don't get me wrong, but I keep how much I eat within the parameters of my calories. I also drink a lot more water which is helpful to a point. Also, keep in mind, that if you exercise you can increase your number of calories for the day. Hang in there to have low self esteem, I know. Sometimes it makes it even harder to stay motivated. Making friends on here is SOOO helpful because they are going through the same things and seeing their ups and downs helps you realize we are all just human.

    Friend me if you'd like.
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    I've been trying to stay on this plan for a week now and honestly have only been good my first day maybe. It doesn't help that i work at a pizza hut. I've always had low self esteem even to the point where I make fun of myself so others don't. And I always start of the day thinking of exactly what ill eat and drink but by the time noon hits I've already blown it. Lucky I'm on my feet all day, so far because of it I've maintained my weight. I'm beginning to fear that I'll never lose the weight. Does anyone have any advise?

    Can you try small by having just one goal for the day...say drinking your water or watching your portion sizes? It's a long journey and you don't have to have it be all or nothing. Baby steps if you have to. And learn to forgive yourself for slipping up, but then get right back on the wagon.

    Hang in there!