Helloooo Out There!

A relative newbie to the site, yay! Have to say that I'm LOVING the calorie counter and am totally shocked at how many things are in the database..It's insane! I'm sort of a novice runner and am currently training for the Disney Half Marathon in January with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. It's a lot of fun actually and I highly recommend it!
I'm also trying to stay with "choosing better foods" and making this a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Ideally, I've got about 43 pounds to lose. So, we'll see how it goes.
I'm finding that it's taking longer than expected to lose the first bit of weight, meanwhile my husband is all "I lost 11 pounds this week." So my question is...am I eating too much or not enough? and is the fact that I work night shift keeping me from losing fat and becoming more efficient and healthy? Some days I don't even come close to my calorie goal and others I over shoot by an average of 700 calories...What is up?? Am I'm in starvation mode and confusing my body or am I just still eating like a fatty? Any ideas?
Have a great day! (All you folks with normal circadian rhythms) :wink:


  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    First, welcome. I too am pretty new to this site.

    11 pounds in one week? That sure is an awful lot, especially when you take into consideration that the max is usually 2 pounds a week.

    As far as if you're eating to much or not enough, that's hard to say because there's so many variables, like age, height, current weight, what you're eating now, etc.

    I work the midnite shift. When I tried losing weight a few years ago, my one mistake was having different eating times on work days and non-work days. This time around, I keep everything on the
    same time table and my body isn't confused any more.

  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! And yes, 11 pounds in one week is a lot...i was exaggerating a little. I apologize :-) It was the frustration taking over. lol
    I've changed my food diary to 4 hour segments instead of "meals" and "snacks" and i try to eat every couple of hours when I'm awake...i guess we'll see how it goes! How is your fitness goal working out for you, Doug?
  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    I'm down 39 pounds (298 down to 259). Began in late May of this year.

    My personal trainer tried to get me on that eat every couple of hours routine, but I couldn't
    get it thru her head that midniters are on a totally different schedule than 'regular' folks.
    I usually work out from 7:30-8:30am. Then by the time I get home and do other stuff, get
    to sleep by 10am. Then I get up around noon, stay up, eat my main meal at 2pm. Go back
    to bed around 4pm. Get up again around 9pm and go to work at 10:30pm.

    As far as eating on my days off, thats the routine I try to keep. Except for dinner, I'll eat
    something around 8pm.

    I'm also not giving up my biggest vice...Pepsi.

    My trainer hates my eating schedule, but hey, it works for me and you can't argue with
    the results. I think thats why she tries to kill me during our sessions :laugh:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    good morning:flowerforyou: I am visiting from the 50+ Womans thread. I love MFP and thank God for who ever had the idea to get us started. Just thought I would stop by and say hey:smile: I would like to comment on the losing 11 pounds in one week. When I started dieting I did lose 10 lbs in the first week. Most of it was fluid and because I gave up Vanilla Capuccino's I wasn't getting all that fat and sugar every day. It also depends on how heavy you are and if you go from being a couch potato to exercising every day. Congratulations Doug, I started my "change for life" June 1st 2009 at 221 lbs and am down 37lbs. I originally set my goal for 175 and depending on how I feel I might have to change that goal. It is such a boost to the confidence when people I haven't seen for a while compliment me on how good I look, and at my age I need that boost. Everyone have a great Tuesday and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water, Rosemary
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • fullmoon
    fullmoon Posts: 7 Member
    Don't let your husband's weight loss discourage you. The first week I was so proud of my 1 lb and he announced that he had lost 15! :grumble: Just try to stay on track and if you slip off, tell yourself you're human and get right back on! :happy:
  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you guys so much for the encouragement! The scale hasn't budged in a few days but I'm feeling pretty good... so no worries here at the moment! Gotta run today and then have the training group run tomorrow. Wish me luck :wink: