tummy toning

This is really embarrassing but I cant do a sit up I get a few inches off the ground and cant pull myself up any higher... I try but it just don't work. Is there something I can do to tone my tummy other than sit ups? This girl needs abs lol


  • ShawnaRaeDunn
    ShawnaRaeDunn Posts: 59 Member
    Start with the crunches. Try lifting light weights and strengthen your back and core. that should help. Even I can't do a sit-up! But crunches are golden.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    lucky for you, sit ups will never give you abs.

    Reduce bodyfat and concentrate on isometric core work, like planks, squats, and deadlifts. You won't see abs until you're in the teens in bf% anyhow, so if your ticker is right it's not something you need to worry about anytime soon. Lift heavy, eat at maintenance, and watch the fat turn to lovely, shapely muscle.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    You already have abs. In order to see them, reduce your body fat percentage.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen... I say wait on toning those muscles until the diet has done its work.
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    Clean eating will definitely getting you to notice your abs quickly. You can try planks, they are great for all over. I would say keep at it, you will continue to get stronger. A true crunch doesn't have to be crazy high off the ground if done properly.
  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    Work on core strengthening - basically everything that wraps around your middle section, belly to back. A strong core helps hold everything in better, like a girdle. Planks and side planks are the way to go. Just concentrate on holding them a little longer each time. Crunches and other ab work can be supplements to this, but a strong core is essential for being fit overall. It helps you run better, it helps balance, it helps prevent injury.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    That is not going to help tone. You need to lose the fat around it, and with a high amount of weight to lose "toning" isn't really going to happen yet.
    Eat a moderate calorie deficit, lift weights (heavy compound movements) and give it time.
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    Try the plank - very simple holding position but very effective!


    Also try leg raises - lying flat on you back raise your legs up and down, imagine that your core is a lever pumping the up and down.

    Hope that helps!
  • islandpwp
    islandpwp Posts: 32
    My personal trainer suggested starting with a partial plank for 10 sec twice a day, I can realy feel it on my abs
  • zoeelizabeths
    zoeelizabeths Posts: 93 Member
    I built up to being able to do sit-ups by using the abdominal crunch machine in my gym. It gave me a little extra support to give those muscles some strength. But like others have said, just doing sit-ups won't give anyone abs. You need to do cardio to burn off the stomach fat first.
  • Crunches! Once you get used to those, you can try sit-ups again Planks are great for abs, too, and they have the added bonus of working out your arms. :)
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I built up to being able to do sit-ups by using the abdominal crunch machine in my gym. It gave me a little extra support to give those muscles some strength. But like others have said, just doing sit-ups won't give anyone abs. You need to do cardio to burn off the stomach fat first.

    I honestly agree with you Zoeelizabeths
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    he below is a copy and paste cuz I get that question a lot, lol.... hope it helps you :)

    I myself never thought I would be able to get rid of my belly until I read an article which talked about the importance of getting off the floor to accomplish stomach fat burn - at first I was thinking these people are crazy but as you can tell they were right... when you do crunches you are developing the ab muscle but not burning the fat covering that muscle - but I won't get too much in to that.

    So... no matter what exercise you are doing, always and I mean ALWAYS have your core engaged (stand up straight and suck in that belly) - on the treadmill, while lifting weights... ALWAYS...

    Here are some of the exercises I do -cable machine (I am not sure if you use the gym or not) it is the motion what really works so free weights are ok...

    Cruches on a stability ball holding a weight straight up over you chest
    Standing side crunch - weight over head as if pulling down to the side as I lift straight to the side the leg of the same side (hope you understand that explanation, lol)

    it will take time to see the results... there is plenty of fat that accumulates to the mid section. Drink plenty of water and if you have any stressors learn how to fight them - via working out, music, what every you have to do - I can tell when i am stress, my mid section blows up immediately :(
  • HisJellyBean
    HisJellyBean Posts: 112
    I do lots of cardio.. dancing 20 min a day 7 days a week.. 10 min wii fit every other day.. walking 10 min everyday.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I do lots of cardio.. dancing 20 min a day 7 days a week.. 10 min wii fit every other day.. walking 10 min everyday.

    yeah, that sounds like a lot!! keep up the good work!!!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Keep doing your cardio, and add in some strength training. And give it time.
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    When I first started, all I could manage was a walk around the neighborhood.

    Over time, it got easier to go farther and faster, and I was able to add in more things.

    At this point, just focus on getting healthy - eat well, exercise (include some strength training), drink water, and be patient.

    That is a million times more important than whether or not you end up with awesome abs or not. You are going to get healthy, and that is a big deal.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    You have far too much weight to lose to even begin to concern yourself with problem areas. Just focus on dropping pounds, for now.
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    Planks are HUGE core builders. I was in a class the other day doing assessments and we tried to see who could hold the plank position the longest. I did but I tell you what, my abs were SOOOO sore the next day.