The Gym

I'm new to the gym and working out so maybe its just me but sometimes I get looks from the "fit" people in the gym like why am I even here they just look at me funny kinda makes me feel akward!!!! Anyone else experience this or is it just me?


  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    no thank goodness but i do feel a bit awkward when i'm doing weights...but luckily by boyfriend is there with me so its not too weird.

    dont worry about what they're there to do your thing and that's all that matter. i've discovered over the last couple of years i dont care what people who dont matter to me think...i only care what my family n friends think.
  • SamueLF0nG
    SamueLF0nG Posts: 11
    Yeah, I do get that sometimes but just tell yourself that they were once like us. Everyone has their first day so just chill and do what you are there for. All the best! ;)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you're probably just projecting. most people are in the gym to get their workouts in, not people watch.
    they are probably looking at you funny because you are the one staring at the them, expecting them to look at you funny.

    just go in and get the work done. noone's watching you. the ones who might be watching you are so completely sneaky about it that you wouldnt even notice them looking.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I always have the impression of getting "a look" from some people at the gym.... I tend to think it's because I look terrible: I'm very fair skin and when I'm at the gym, I go all out: there is nothing "pretty" about it. This means I'm the one with the red almost purple face that is sweating faster than I can wipe my face with a towel. But when I get "that look" (usually from ladies with full makeup talking more than working out or groups of guys sharing a machine that have time to spare between sets and do some people watching), I brush it off as "hell yeah, I'm giving it my all people!" and it just motivates me to keep doing what I'm doing.

    I think there is some truth to a prior post here: much of it is in our head. Some of the people we think are judging may simply be saying "good for her" or "wow, she's killing it!"...we assume the worst, but often, it's not.

    Oh, and on a funny note, my trainer once told me that when I run, I have a mean stare. I never realized it, but it's true that when I use the treadmill, I tend to stare at an area right in front of me (keeps my balance) and then, really, I just zone out (my brain goes to lalaland where I'm picturing myself in a race, or going through events of the day). But for anyone that comes between me and where I'm staring, they would get the impression I'm staring right at them with an angry look on my face...or so I'm told :)
  • kimbel28
    kimbel28 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback I thought it was just me
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    I don't think they are looking at you in any "bad" way, the reason I say that is I find myself looking into space sometimes and I realize I am taring at someone! I dont jdge people of any size in the gym because they are doing more that 90% of the population but I do give looks of disgust at the one that grunt and moan so load I can hear them over my headphones.
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    A long time ago, I got over the notion that something is wrong with me because I'm the plump girl. NOOOOOO! If anything, heavy people get the props because there are a lot of overweight people out there in denial and fear losing a pound. I say, let the knowledge of being part of this elite group of people who care motivate you. YOU'RE IN THE CLUB NOW BABY!

    A normal day at the gym for me:
    At my gym, all the cardio equipment is behind the weights. When I'm in the weight area, I see people and I think about them watching me. However, I'm totally into the attention even though it takes me a minute to warm up. I think those men must be looking at my bodacious *kitten* wondering what it's like next to them. I imagine the chicks jealous of me because I have the balls to be throwing around weight in my yoga pants. It's all about the attitude you have. I know I my own little world.

    I also met my boyfriend of 4 years at the gym. I was NOT looking for him. It just happened. He was persistent! He is a body builder and personal trainer who likes me for me. Thank god! I really thought I'd never pull a guy like him without being a size 2 but he loved me at size 16, 18, and now 20. Now, I gotta love me!