May Challenge - 5 plus pounds - WHITE TEAM (only)



  • bmaxwell31
    bmaxwell31 Posts: 48 Member
    SW: 156.0
    GW: 150.0

    Challenge: Attend fitness boot camp at least 4 days a week.
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member

    I had started adding a jog in my treadmill work out, currently can only jog two minutes at a time, so my challenge is to jog three minutes.
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    SW: 157
    GW: 152 or lower!!

    I am adding an extra workout day and trying to stay a little below my calories this week.

    Go White Team!!!!!

    I like that "or lower!!" GREAT thinking!!! I will think the same positive way as you!
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    GREAT job passing on the info... You rock! and so does TEAM WHITE!!!!!
    White Team,

    I thought I would copy and paste this post from Satyrakk, who set up the May Challenge:



    The goal of the month is to lose 5 pounds (or more) while staying accountable with our intake and calories spent throughout the month.

    On the first, and then every Tuesday following, we will weigh and report to the group page (or original thread if group page not working).

    On this page we will put on May 1:

    1. Team COLOR
    2. Current weight
    3. Month's weight goal

    There will also be available a "challenge" for the teams. By completing the challenge, each team will be able to earn bonus for weight loss or calories for the week.

    During the week, team members should be in contact with other team members for encouragement and support. (Remember there are some people who value being anonymous, so if someone on your team is sticking just to weight loss/exercise and not sharing their life history, that is okay). Try to send encouragement to each team member as often as possible.
    Every Tuesday after that we will log:

    1. Team COLOR
    2. May 1 weight
    3. May 8 weight (and add a date to every week after 15, 22, 29)
    4. weight difference*
    5. Calories burned that week*
    6. If you completed the challengE

    Look for the challenge for the next week as you report!

    Our wonderful stats/math people (thank you) will then take the information provided on the * spots and come up with team averages. Wednesday morning we will post the top five teams in each category with their numbers. We will post after the first week the winners for the week and the winners for the month totals... so every week your team has a new start!
    (Team leads please let me know if there are any people on your team who are not participating so we will not average them into the statistics.)

    Please note-

    Calories burned should be only reported if it is actually caused by effort, sleeping with a heart rate monitor on and logging the time DOES NOT COUNT! If you have questions over what counts as calories, please discuss it with your team members. I trust you can work together to be honest in your reporting.

    Second, remember we are in this for the long haul. Please be healthy. Eat at least 1200 calories and do not do any type of exercise that your doctor would not approve of.

    Third, if you do not report, for whatever reason, you are out of the challenge. If you know you will be away from the computer all day on Tuesday, report on Monday.

    I hope this is clear enough. We will see if the group sites are up (hopefully) for weigh in on Tuesday. If not, please put your info on the original thread.

    Good luck to all! FIVE POUNDS FOREVER!!!
  • magsue
    magsue Posts: 90 Member
    I am going to challenge myself to do some exercise every day......
  • jkmcfar1
    jkmcfar1 Posts: 3 Member
    1. Team White
    2. sw 161.8
    3. gw 156.8

    Work to exercise 5 x week, 30 minutes at least.
  • florencekane
    SW 191
    GW 186

    I am trying to do 1200 calories, difficult when you eat out alot. Any advice? I am a widow and live alone, no fun cooking for one.
    I am going to try and excercise every day.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Okay, White Team, here's where we stand (SW/GW for May):

    florencekane 191/186
    bmaxwell31 156/150
    katescleaning 139/134
    mcmom0725 157/152
    kellysmom78 153.6/148.0
    jkmcfar1 161.8/156.8
    turnm65 138.6/133
    heidihurl 131/126
    magsue 144/139
    teresaWash 287/282
    Cando055 158.6/153.6

    Still missing stats from tina01i, who checked in but didn't give us numbers. If she checks in we'll have an even dozen, which is a very nice number.

    Okay, ladies. Together we weigh 1,818.6 lbs. If we meet the goals we set, we will weigh 1,760.4, making the world 58.2 lbs lighter than when we started!

    Eleven of us have checked in and made a commitment. My own personal goal is that 11 of us finish the month with a weight loss -- whether you meet your goal or not is not as important as moving in the right direction. Think now. At the end of the month I'd like each of us to answer this question: What I know about myself now that I didn't know on May 1 is ____________. We "win" this challenge if we each strive to meet the goals we set for ourselves, and if we support each other along the journey.

    Let's use this thread for check in, requests for help, great ideas to share, etc. Friend each other as you see fit. I'm so happy to be doing this with all of you.

  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Whoo Hooo....

    The Groups thread seems to be fixed.

    Each of us is already showing as a member. Kindly check in by responding to my initial post, and we'll take it from there.

    "Groups" is more private and easier to access than the general threads we've been using.
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    Good Morning!
    CW: 130.5
    GW: 125

    Feeling pretty good. I am not quite sure WHAT happens when I get into this "life change" mode.. but I feel different. There is a kind of adrenaline high going on.... I don't want to call it a diet... My husband isn't too fond of it. But I LOVE it. I shouldn't say that hubby doesn't love it, it's just that I am not all about the BIG meal.... and he is such a meat and potato kind of guy. Going to have to figure a way to have him join me... HA! Any thoughts out there?

    I have kept up with the sit ups (That's my challenge each night: 50 sit-ups) which is really my focus area. Belly FLAB. Two nights in a row... Woo Hoo!