2 week progression pictures!!!



  • alynicoleee
    alynicoleee Posts: 11
    Yeah, Im definitely dieting as well, i mean not a super hardcore diet like veggies veggies veggies haha but I'm eating a lot of fruit, cheerios, oatmeal, chicken and stuff like that! haha its super hard! i actually have multiple injuries from working so hard so the past week I've been taking it easy cuz it hurts to run! i never thought id lose anything cuz i always just worked out and still ate like crap! just keep working out and eating decent :D
  • angelboyd
    angelboyd Posts: 7
    Thanks!! I needed to hear that. I was the same, I would still eat crappy and workout and there would be no changes. I have only been at this since last Tuesday and I refuse to weigh myself until two weeks from now. You look great!!! I hope I will be posting progression pictures just as great!!!
  • alynicoleee
    alynicoleee Posts: 11
    Im sure you will! just try and not to give in to bad food, I've had donuts at work the past 2 weekends and then i eat them and there amazing, but then there gone :( hahah! you will do great! i weigh myself every week, try not to do it more then once a week!
  • missodu
    missodu Posts: 234 Member
    wow! great progress in such a short amount of time!
  • smesch
    smesch Posts: 15 Member
    Nice progress! What's your calorie intake with this progress?
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    There is an obvious difference...granted you were good on the first...but flatter and tighter...I Love the change...GOOD JOB!
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