Critique this workout

My question is should i change anything or just stay on track till i'm "stalled" on everything.
I ask because it just doesn't seem like i have the strength in my legs i usually do now.

Wednesday i felt drained at the end of the deadlift. Today i couldn't do the last rep of the last set on the Squats. I swear 3 weeks ago i could have done that weight easily.

I'm not trying to get out of the cardio I'm just curios if it's hurting the muscle development or my ability to perform.

My current workout program is cardio 7 days a week. 10 minutes on bike to warm up then 40 on elliptical. The elliptical kills my knees for some reason. I've been religious about this only missed 3 days in 3 months. Did a couple of 3 mile walks with 40lb pack instead at 3mph pace.

Then i lift mon wed fri. alternating workout a,b,a one week b,a,b the next Been doing this for 7 weeks now.The program said to start with the bar and add 5lbs each workout to everything but the dealift it gets 10lb.

Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5

Workout B
Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

My diet probably isn't perfect but i try to eat "good" foods.

Sorry for the long post just trying to give an accurate description.......


  • tamraj
    tamraj Posts: 50 Member
    From my own personal experience, it seems like you might need to incorporate some rest days- maybe one day a week? Muscles need a chance to recover. I would workout hard every day if my body could take it because I am addicted to the endorphins, but I have also finally learned that I can't do that week after week and still maintain energy and be pain-free.

    Also mix up your cardio workouts so that different muscles are targeted and others are rested. I alternate running, which I love the most with power walking, elliptical, biking when weather is good, various types of aerobic DVDs- getting ready to play with my fiance's Insanity DVDS; I add weights and core work throughout the week also. And STRETCHING afterwards is essential for making sure my muscles feel good for the next workout.

    Eat enough of your exercise calories back if you are not. Learned that the hard way, too-gotta fuel the machine. And if you are already eating mostly quality foods that is great!

    These are just the things that I have learned work for me.

    I want to add that I joined MFP in 2010, but didn't start using it until a little over 2 months ago. Didn't want you to look at the join date and think " Jeez, whatever she is doing doesn't seem to be working too well" : ) I have a long history of maintaining a great exercise program and making fabulous progress and then letting it slide and going to hell in a handbasket when the semester gets rolling, and then starting again. This is the first semester I have maintained a good fitness program, thanks to MFP.
  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    ^^^ This... you HAVE to have a rest day... not giving your body a chance to recover is why you are weaker. Your body has to recover from the previous workout and grow (or over compensate) to prepare for the next workout. Rest is the key %100... diet should compensate for the days you aren't burning extra calories in the gym.
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    Well i took the weekend off from cardio completely.

    Lifted monday felt like a new man.

    After talking with some other people i decided i'm just going to take this week off from everything.
    Try to eat as clean as possible.

    Start back lifting next week and go much lighter on the cardio for a while.

    I'm getting much closer to my goal weight. I'm more concerned with building muscle now than loosing weight "fast"
  • tamraj
    tamraj Posts: 50 Member
    That is good to hear- one of the best side effects of exercise (aside from the weight loss, improved health and better looking body!) is how good it makes us feel- so I'm glad you are feeling good again. Sounds like you have a great plan.

    Congratulations BTW on your progress!
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    What are your goals? Plus you don't need to be doing cardio 7 days a week, take some rest days.
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    My goal honestly is to look good
    Be 190 and muscle .... Just overall good shape
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    My goal honestly is to look good
    Be 190 and muscle .... Just overall good shape

    Stop the cardio then. Eat big lift big.