30 day shred questions

Do you have to be super fit in the first place to do the 30 day shred DVD without passing out (like I am expecting to do?!)
I have around 50 days until I go away on holiday and for exercise I have been burning an average of 250 calories a day by doing 20 minutes on my exercise bike, but I'm thinking I might shake it up a little and invest in the DVD...but I don't want to just waste money like I have done in the past!
Any help would be great :)


  • MySweetPotato
    MySweetPotato Posts: 175 Member
    No you dont have to be super fit, just gota do it properly and it's not easy but it is worth it. Are you buying the book or the DVD? I tried the book and lost 10 kilograms in 30 days with a very strict 1200 calorie diet. I did gain it back but that's just because I got lazy and ate crap. If you do it properly and stick to it, it's deffinatly not a waste of money. Hope this helps! :)
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member

    No you don't need to be super fit! I'm not and I am on level 2, day 15 and although I feel like I'm going to die by the end of it I don't actaully pass out!!!

    also, Jillian says, in the DVD, I haev 400lb people who can do jumping jack - so can you!

    There are easier moves all the way through so you can work your way into it. I love it. I don't think I'm, losing much if any weight but I am definitely seeing a difference in my fitness, strengh and inch loss!

    I would advise the world to get it!!

    Good Luck!
  • specialtreat
    I've only just started walking the last 3 weeks [ as my only exercise] and right now I am about to give it ago. So I'll let you know.
    Oh and I am 38, have 5 kids youngest is 2 1/2. I am not fit at all!!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    You don't have to be super fit...just super dedicated. I completed 30 Day Shred last month. I will completed Ripped in 30 this Saturday. I plan to purchase J.M.'s 30 Day Revolution next week. I can tell you this...the dvd's work. Heck, any plan works...you just have to work the programs. I had already lost 25 lbs before starting Jillian Michaels dvds. I have lost 15 additional pounds for total of 40 lbs. She's tough. All you have to do is determine to be just as tough as stick it out and the results will follow. Good luck.
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not very fit, I was almost screaming at the tv on Day 1 ('are you serious??? and stuff like that). It's tough but you get used to it, remember to breathe and why you're doing it. The results will be SO worth it, well that's what I keep telling myself. Stop when you need to but try to get straight back into it. Best of luck.
  • specialtreat
    I've only just started walking the last 3 weeks [ as my only exercise] and right now I am about to give it ago. So I'll let you know.
    Oh and I am 38, have 5 kids youngest is 2 1/2. I am not fit at all!!

    Ok so I have just finished it!
    Was it easy? Hell no!
    Was it doable? Yes!
    The jumping jacks in the 2nd half, well my poor old body just couldn't be pushed to do them, so I bounced through them to keep the cardio workout going. I am sure after a couple of more days I'll be able to do them.
    I have a pouch on my tummy [hello mummy tummy:laugh: ] that I really want to tone up so I AM going to push through and do the 30days :happy:
    So to answer your question "do you have to be super fit?" NO you don't have to be super fit, just super determined to get through it and get results :happy:
  • fuzzybear123
    fuzzybear123 Posts: 32 Member
    When I started, I laid on the floor huffing and puffing in between exercises.. My daughter would laugh so hard; 4 months later, I can cruise through the videos--still challenging but my body has changed immensely for the better...
  • Autry403
    Autry403 Posts: 88
    Day 1 For me was really hard , I realized then how out of shape I was . I started with my cousin who is already fit , even she had a hard time doing some of these workouts . I was so determined to finish it , I just pulled through with no resting points . Like Jillian said if you need a rest only 5 sec. so I did . Today marks my 3rd day and I noticed that I could do all the pushups ( moderate version ) without falling or taking breaks . It went by a little easier , then again I jogged 4 miles today . If you're determined to lose weight and get in shape , then you will get through it . You will lose inches with her DVDS and gain muscle , so don't be alarmed if the scale doesn't move much at the end of your session . Muscle weighs more than fat ... Good luck , add me if you like ! :flowerforyou:
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    My fiance and I are on Level 2, day 16. We have a love hate relationship with Jillian...... It's a hard workout but it's worth it. Definetely need to focus on form. Without proper form you won't get the full effects. I would highly recommend the DVD. We are using this as a stepping stone into P90X......... Maybe......lol......... I haven't measured since I started but I'm hoping to see pretty good results.. I burn on average 425 calories for the 27 minute workout.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    You don't have to be really fit to start 30DS. You will most likely be soar after the first day but that should only last about 3-4 days if you do it daily.

    I pretty much everyone above me has all the info you need to know!
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Tomorrow marks day 10 of level one for me! was that easy heck no...am i fit no where near it! But i have lost inches girl inches and it feels good! if you cant keep up with her try to switch up the moves! Like with the push up whew i use the wall and the jump rope I just alternate feet instead of jumping up and down it is a whole lot easier on my knees. if you are determined than yes you can do it! good luck
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I started it for several days and decided that since the weather is nice I would ride my bicycle for a long time instead on some days. I also use a Tae kwon do workout on some days instead with music. It is quite hard on my ankles and my lower back to do a lot of her exercises. I am hoping to do it a couple of days a week again now, because I have done a lot of bike riding lately. It is an excellent workout if you can shower right after...lol.
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    Just thought I'd jump in here and say that if you'd like to try it out before you buy the DVD, the whole level 1 workout is on YouTube. I plugged my laptop into my TV Tuesday night and did the workout with a friend. It was a great workout! We couldn't do everything (I have a weak upper body, so push ups are a huge challenge) but just kept going as much as I could.
  • makeitbetter
    You can find Level 1 on YouTube and try it before you buy it. That's what we did. The compound exercises work multiple muscle groups to maximize results. The video shows modified/easier exercises, but you can modify them even more to work your way up to the harder versions. For example, do push ups against the wall or against the arm of your couch, then progress to floor push ups.
  • bhuinker72108
    I love it. Its like everything you need in 20 minutes. BUT how do you guys record it under your daily exercise? Since its both cardio and strength??
  • makeitbetter
    Log it as circuit training.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Her video (level 1) is on You Tube if you want to give it a shot for a few days to try it out before you buy it. I have been doing her video off and on for about 10 days now. I'm on "day 7" of level 1 today. I also use my teadmill though or some sort of other exercise when I'm not doing the video. Is it hard?...not gonna lie, yes it is but you'll feel great when the video is over and it's only 20 - 25 minutes and it goes by pretty fast.