A new start...

Hello everyone - I'm Adam. I'm 44. I've got a couple of stone to lose....

I played Rugby all my life until I hit 40, then I stopped playing and since then I've had trouble controlling my weight.
I lost a load of weight over the last couple of years, but the end of my marriage and a new job have seen my weight creeping upward for several months.

So, here I am - I've re-introduced exercise into my life. I play Squash and I do weight training at the gym. I'm trying to bring myself to go out for the odd run too, but I'm still working on that one!
I'm trying desperately to cut the rubbish from my diet. I enjoy a beer with friends at the weekend, but I've realised that my problem is night time bingeing - I get bored and hit the fridge and end up eating rubbish until I go to bed. So, I'm making a real effort to stop - I often don't know I'm doing it, until I am so stuffed I can barely move!

I'd really like some friends on here to help keep me motivated - anyone?

Thanks for reading this far - and good luck with your own goals..wish me luck



  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    Hey Adam,

    I'm Darren, an exiled Geordie now living near Cardiff. I have only been on here a couple of weeks so feel free to add me.
  • jvansyckel
    jvansyckel Posts: 45
    Hi Adam! Cute dog!! :happy:

    Welcome to MFP. I have only been here for a couple of weeks but love it! I have been a lifetime weight watchers member since 2007 and find this site just like the online tools except you count calories instead of points. and it's free!!

    I have had a battle with weight my entire life, but for the last 5 or 6 years I have been winning fluctuating with in 5 - lbs of my goal, however I am now closer to 20... So I need to get serious. I do love my beer, but my problem is portion control

    Feel free to add me as a friend, and good luck on your weight loss / life style change journey
  • lcashy
    lcashy Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya Adam, I am in Liverpool. Joined MFP on monday and so far so good. Good luck with everything. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • Gillianleighmc
    Welcome Adam! I'm Gillian and always here for a word of encouragement! Feel free to add me and we can support each other through this journey! :)
  • Adamskk1
    Adamskk1 Posts: 14
    Thanks all - what a lovely welcome :happy: