Lose weight, get in shape in 12 weeks?

boothyyyy Posts: 12 Member
Hi All, new to this!! I'm here basically looking for some tips on getting in shape before a summer holiday :D

I'm looking to lose a stone in 12 weeks and also try and get in some sort of shape!! I wondered what the best methods are to achieve this!! Apart from the obvious eat healthier and exercise does anyone have any good advice??

Any help would be much appreciated :)


  • CraigyLee
    CraigyLee Posts: 1
    Good luck marra
  • MaryKathleen50
    From the look of your picture, I'd say you just need to cut out any 'junk' food, fatty, sugary stuff; you know what I mean? and start walking or jogging regularly. If you have weights or can get to a gym with some weights that will help create muscle which ups your metabolism too. Good luck, you can do it.
  • boothyyyy
    boothyyyy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm definitely trying!! I'm trying to go to the gym 3 times a week! Sitting in an office all day its too tempting to rubbish! I definitely need to start jogging more! That picture i put on is pretty bad ill upload some more at some point :) Thanks for the post!!
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Try 30 day shred by Jillian Micheals. Good luck :smile:
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Sitting in an office can be rough, drink lots of water at your desk, it helps keep the cravings for the junk food down!!
  • bunnygirl1978
    bunnygirl1978 Posts: 32 Member
    Try 30 day shred by Jillian Micheals. Good luck :smile:
    This is a brillant method as an add on with cardio
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Sitting in an office can be rough, drink lots of water at your desk, it helps keep the cravings for the junk food down!!

    so true, i drink at least 2 litres sat at my desk and i rarely feel hungry
  • boothyyyy
    boothyyyy Posts: 12 Member
    Ill have to have a look into 30 day shred thanks :) Yeah I definitely think more water might help especially with the hunger! I just wondered if it was possible to achieve what I'm trying. I used to do so much more exercise than I do now, full time working arghhh! your comments are great motivation thank you :D
  • mrsweasley23
    mrsweasley23 Posts: 20 Member
    My bf has lost 18lbs in seven weeks following low carb (we are doing www.pig2twig.co.uk but it is basically less than 20g carbs pr day). He plays squash and football, but weight loss is mainly due to diet change as he hasn't upped the exercise
  • arisher
    arisher Posts: 15 Member
    I have a sitting job as well and it's challenging but you can do it. I agree with all the other comments....cut out junk/fatty foods. Try to plan your food.....especially when you're at work. Eat lots of fruits and veggies....and I chew a piece of gum everyday at around 3pm. I get hungry even though I shouldn't be, if I pop a piece of gum it'll usually help. Best of Luck!!!!
  • fullagrace
    fullagrace Posts: 75
    Yeah the 30DS. Look up results on here. Its only 25 mins a day. You will be impressed with the results
  • boothyyyy
    boothyyyy Posts: 12 Member
    I think I'm aiming for 14pounds in 12 weeks, by reading other posts seems achievable! I do miss playing Football on a Sunday need to get back into that! I only started tracking everything I ate the other day and so far haven't fell off the wagon!! Need to cut the processed rubbish out!! Definitely going to try the gum advice thanks :D I better wait until I'll have a look into the 30DS sounds good!