Looking for fellow female lifting buddies



  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    CrossFit was the way to go for me. I get great cardio and my weight maxes are consistently going up. Best way to combine the two that I have ever found. It was difficult to get used to the idea of eating more, but I try to make sure my extra food is super packed with protein so that my poor little broken body can rebuild.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    I lift... and I'm working up to lifting heavy! :)

    I was also stuck in the 1200 calorie + chronic cardio horrible cycle.... but now I do New Rules of Lifting For Women... LOVE the program. I also eat Primal now...

    Feel free to friend me if you want - but I don't necessarily log calories every day... I log about 2x a month or so just to make sure I'm still in check.

  • byrdamy
    byrdamy Posts: 40
    Ok, I have never really posted but here it goes. I started back going to the gym after 4 years on Feb. 29th, I am 5'7 and I was 160lbs and out of shape. I was size 10.

    I started 5 weeks ago with a trainer, he is pure machine and pushs me to excel. I work out with him MWF, then Tues I do ellipitical and abs, Thurs I do his bootcamp, and saturday and sunday I do ellipitical or freelance.

    I lift as heavy as I can, he mixes cardio moves with weight lifting because he says it helps the woman lean out and build muscle, but you have to get your heart rate higher to see calorie burn while lifting. So we do a mix of weights, then he will have me do knee highs or mountain climbers, or steam engines, in between weights, to keep my heart up.

    I was out of shape in regards to cardio, I have asthma so get the breathing down was the hardest, I just started C25K and I am on day 2, running is hard because my ankles are not conditioned and I have a hard time pushing myself to keep going.

    I have lots several inches all over, I am def more toned, everyone has noticed and I am in a comfortable size 8. I would love to be around 135 with serious muscle definition, but I haven't seen a lot of weight loss. I eat about 1200 calories a day, and I try to eat as "clean" as possible. Biggest weakness is ALCOHOL!!

    Somebody friend me, I get tired of just reading the boards I need a buddy.
  • nutandbutter
    nutandbutter Posts: 447
    All Pro's program is solid. I like it much better than Jaime Eason's or NROLFW. A newbie should be focused on their compound lifts to see the most gains. I've been lifting for 9 months now and I'm still seeing gains just doing compounds (although they are definitely slowing down).
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I lift heavy using the Stronglifts 5x5 program (very simple and effective), and I run 3-4x/wk as I'm currently training to run a leg of a marathon relay in June. When I started in Jan I couldn't even run 1 minute straight or lift much of anything.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Lifting and eating.Great plan. It gave me great results.

    Good luck
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'll take some lifting friends :). I just recently decided to up my calories and focus on lifting (NROL4W). I however am NOT having a hard time eating those extra 500 calories. At first, yes. Now, I'm hungry! I'm hoping it has to do with my lifting. oh and Im 29 and 5'11. Im wanting to lose about ten lbs of straight fat.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I love lifting! :drinker:

    21, 5'8, 144lbs (goal weight of ~135lbs)
    Eating 2000 net calories a day, to try and lose slowly, retain as much muscle as I can and keep making strength gains, no matter how minimal :D
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi! I'm Holly. 5'8", 27F, 160-ish #, 22-25% bf. I am actually up almost 10 pounds in the last year from lifting. BUT!!!! My waist is smaller and my body fat is down. So don't let the scale be a judge.

    I am becoming obsessed with lifting!!! In the last 6 months I have discovered that compound barbell movements are amazing and even more so Olympic lifting. I got into these movements through Crossfit and continue to WOD 3 days a week. Last weekend I even set up my garage with a lifting platform and over 1000# of bars and plates! My current focus in on the clean, jerk and snatch. I just can't get enough. I have even gotten hooked on strongman competitions this spring! I go travel in two weeks for my second competition. My PRs are listed on my profile :-) Feel free to friend me!
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    I eat about 2200 and lift heavy but Im currently on restriction and have to start over. Im starting off light and slowing going up in two weeks again.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I completed the program (book) "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and loved it! Here are some links to MFP groups targeting weight lifting:



  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    I am a 6.1 ft girl. only twenty years old, but devoted to health and fitness. I am using lifting to get lean and strong.
    I do heavy weight lifting 3-4 days a week and cardio on top of that. usually i work out 6 days a week. Sometimes seven if I have taken it easy one of two days in my work outs. But I strongly believe in a rest day.
    Squats, lunges and deadlifts are my fav,
    and I do a lot of tai Chi, tai Bo, Pilates and Yoga to strengthen my muscles. (it takes a different kind of strength and much more control! it kills)
    And I love my 5 k runs and elliptical trainer.

    So if there are any ladies out there who love strength training and lifting and are serious about their goals! Feel free to add me!!!!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Ok, so I do only lifting, 3 days a week. My schedule is recorded on Jetfit, but here is what I do:

    Shoulder Press
    Standing barbell press
    Barbell raise
    Walking Lunges

    Bent over rows
    Tricep extension
    One Arm Tricep Extension
    Bent over tricep Extension
    Iron Cross (this one REALLLY tires me)

    Bicep curls
    Calf raises
    Hammer curls
    Romanian Deadlift
    Incline dumbbell curls
    Arnold press

    I don't have much trouble eating the extra calories as I'm usually more hungry those days. I do no planned out cardio, but I walk to and from the train to work 5 days a week, which totals about 30 minutes a day of walking, but I don't log it. I only log my lifting sessions. Oh and I loooove it! Amazing results and it's only been a few weeks. :-)
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    that sounds like an amazing program! i'm loving lifting soooo much more than cardio. i actually look forward to lifting days!
  • Mishka84
    Mishka84 Posts: 17

    Mishka - welcome! i'm sure your bodybuilding other half will get you started on an awesome routine. don't be afraid to push yourself with heavier weights - it's really rewarding! i've noticed i get completely famished on lift days, so you almost have to eat more if you don't wanna be really irritable all the time.

    oh yeah, and if you click on someone's user name you can go to thier profile and send them a friend request.

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to it, going to start Paleo too just to see if I can manage it although I have a really sweet tooth so I'll have to see how that goes!
  • LifeChangingExp
    Hi, I'm very new to MFP this is my first post so don't really know what I'm doing! I'm 27F 5'6'' 150 pounds. Dieted since early teens, you name it I tried it, always come back to around 155-160 ! Quit smoking early February and within 4 weeks None of my jeans would fasten, so here I am!
    I have been running 2-3 times a week and doing a little weights and strength on the days in between. Am about to start a routine with the barbell, dumbbells and kettle on Monday and I am scared!!
    My other half is a bodybuilder, he's over the moon that I've 'seen the light' and thinks Weight Watchers is a swear word! He's going to show me the ropes but I can't seem to shake the mantra that's been drilled into me since a young age, 'eat less weigh less'

    No matter how much research I read about the benefits of building muscle vs reducing caloric intake I know I'm going to struggle with the idea of eating more (albeit healthier food) and not obsessing over how many calories I'm eating!

    Only time will tell!

    Oh and how do I add friends?!

    Just go for it.. youre going to feel amazing. It took me a while to accept i needed to eat more, but you really must. Im still learning, but i know Im going to be sexy soon lol
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey I'm pretty new to lifting but feel free to add me :] I alternate lifting and cardio days.
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! I've been working on adding weights, and recently finished reading NROLFW. I'm in a class right now that mixes weights, cardio, and circuits, but stays fairly high intensity, so I'm going to be adding just one heavy lifting day until I finish the class. I don't want to overdo and have to lose time for an injury. Really focusing now on learning to eat good food in balanced proportions, and adding activity to a primarily desk job life. I'm excited about learning to lift heavy, and I'm psyched about finding something that supports my philosophy that I'm training primarily to DO STUFF not look good.

    Imma send out adds to people in this thread - anyone welcome to add me, too. I'm a beginner, but I'm motivated. Current goals: achieve an unassisted pull up and 100 consecutive pushups.
  • melissam226
    melissam226 Posts: 59
    I'm about to start lifting soon. Anyone is free to add me! :-)
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    I love lifting! I do a lot of KBs and do zumba for cardio. I work out with my trainer 2x wk and do zumba 3-5x a wk. Anyone is free to add me and FR sent.
