Cramping wile running

billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
Cramping While Running.

When I run I never get any pain or soreness in my legs, in face they feel like they aren't even getting a full work out.
Currently I am doing about a 5k (3.2miles). Last year I was up to 7-9 miles a workout.

When I run I start to breath heavier, and get pains between my shoulder blades and in my abdomen. middle and lower right side. I can slow down and take a breather and the pain will subside, but I can only run a little bit more and it starts again. There is no running though this, it just happens. The pains get so bad that I have to stop.
I keep myself well hydrated. I drink some water before the run and usually carry a water bottle in my jogging stroller.

I have no idea what I can do. I know I can go further, my legs are willing, but the back and abdominal pains are saying, "no no no."


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Run slower or with longer strides. Try this: Counting your steps, time your breath to the steps. One foot lands = one step

    breathe in

    breathe out

    continue that. you may have to slow down to keep your breathing from reaching hyperventilation stage, or take longer strides which would increase your performance anyhow :)

    This is a huge struggle for me on my runs and I have to turn off my music and listen to my footfalls to really get in touch with it. sometimes it clicks well and I don't get the cramps, but mostly all runs, probably 90% will have massive painful cramping in abdomen / sides unless I focus on this.
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    Definitely slow your pace. Cramping generally means you're running too fast for your current fitness.

    If you exhale on the same foot each time, you might get side cramps.

    Also, focus on running easily and naturally. If you're carrying a lot of tension in your shoulders, that might be why you are getting pain.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Check your calcium, potassium, and sodium intake. Too much or too little of either will cause this.

    Also, breathing too shallowly might cause pains - try to concentrate on good deep breaths.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    The shoulder tension is because I'm pushing a toddler in a stroller. So not much I can do their.
    I'll try to slow, and take longer strides. I try to take shorter ones now.
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    You have to poop.

    Check your carb intake before you run.

    You probably have to fart, too, go ahead and let it out, it'll propel you forward.

    How is your water and protein?

    ETA: what is your stride like? Try an easy relaxed run - leave your watch at home and just RUN for the love of it, see how that goes.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I do stroller jogs too. The higher the handle the better your posture will be. I made the mistake of using a ghetto roller the other day for 3 miles and guess what? The whole next day it hurt to take a full breath!

    When I push my normal stroller I keep my shoulders back and my chest open. Sometimes I push for a min with one arm and pump the other arm, then switch. It slows down the speed but you should be able to last longer.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    When I get the cramps in my side I press my hand into where it hurts and try to concentrate on my exhaling. Don't know if that's any help.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Cramping While Running.

    When I run I never get any pain or soreness in my legs, in face they feel like they aren't even getting a full work out.
    Currently I am doing about a 5k (3.2miles). Last year I was up to 7-9 miles a workout.

    When I run I start to breath heavier, and get pains between my shoulder blades and in my abdomen. middle and lower right side. I can slow down and take a breather and the pain will subside, but I can only run a little bit more and it starts again. There is no running though this, it just happens. The pains get so bad that I have to stop.
    I keep myself well hydrated. I drink some water before the run and usually carry a water bottle in my jogging stroller.

    I have no idea what I can do. I know I can go further, my legs are willing, but the back and abdominal pains are saying, "no no no."
    I know my friend and I have had this issue since we were very 7 years old! I still sometimes have it, but now that I think of it that has decreased in the last year or two. Thank you for posting this because I would love to know too. I would guess it is just that we are exerting ourselves too much at that time for some reason.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Could it be that you are running slightly at a angle forward due to pushing the stroller? Which is hurting your back? Does it happen when you run without the storller?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    So much info. I think it could be a side stitch!

    I went out last night, no stroller and forced out a BM. I tool bigger than normal strides and tried to slow down a little.
    There was almost no pain this time. So now its just a matter of eliminating variables. This has helped so much. Thanks mfp.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    The stroller ?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    The stroller ?

    I normally go out and push my toddler. We end up at the park or something like that.

  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    If you exhale on the same foot each time, you might get side cramps.

    If this is legit, it's the most helpful tip I've seen in a while. I always get a stitch on the same side! I'm going to try timing my breathing differently. Thanks! :drinker:
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    Are you breathing through your stomach? I can run a good distance now (well... maybe some better runners wouldn't say so but I'm happy with 6 miles(: ) and I still get those pains sometimes. But once I take deep breaths through my stomach (as opposed to bretahing in your chest) they usually go right away. Hope this helps!!! :flowerforyou:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Sounds like a stitch all right. Exhale hard (on a single step) as your left foot hits the ground, then inhale over the next three steps and repeat. If that doesn't work swap to the right side. Don't run too soon after eating or drink or much on the go.
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    I have this same thing. My doc says its the ligaments that are connected to your lower ribs in the front being inflamed and irritated. She put me on a once daily anti-inflammatory and it has works wonders!!!
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    I used to have similar problems. I think slowing down is a good idea.

    I actually think that my pain (between shoulder blades) was due to swallowing air. Sounds goofy I know but I found several references to it on-line. This may be part of your problem too, especially if you are drinking water while running.

    Two things that helped me were trying to make a conscious effort to relax while I was running (slower pace and shorter strides too) and I started chewing gum as a I ran.

    I've now pretty much eliminated this problem when I run.

    Goo luck! :smile:
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    You mentioned earlier that you use to run up to tem miles without experiencing any pain. Did you have the stroller with you when you did this?