b12 or phentermine

My friend works at the weight loss clinic and told me she would give me both these for free. Im seriously thinking about doing the b-12 shots, but kind of aprehensive to do phentermine, but looked online and haven't read drastic side affects from it. What are your guy's advice on this?


  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I know most people on here will tell you not to do any type of diet pills. Everyone has thier own opinions and ideas about it but I will just tell you mine. I am not trying to start any type of argument or anything just speaking from experience.
    I have been taking phentermine for about 4 months now. At first when I started they really gave me a lot of energy and got me to exercise. They make me very thirsty. After the first month the jittery feeling went away and I just kep the energy levels. I don't take them on the weekends. I have lost 30lbs since I started taking them. Every time I go to the doctor (once a month for a check up) he always tells me the same thing "Remember, it's not the phentermine that's making you lose the weight, it's you doing the right things making the right choices, the phentermine is just there as a reminder". What it does for me now is makes me drink my water. I get so thirsty that I drink a lot of water. I notice on the weekends when I don't take it, I'm not as thirsty. I am slowly making myself stop taking them. I think I have come far enough and know what I need to do to keep losing.

    Just my opinion.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    This helps so much. All i need is the energy push because i work two jobs and i HATE to exercise. I need something to give me a little umph and i am thinking phen will do that for me. Has anyone ever had side effects from b12 shots? I heard phentermine can make you really thirsty.....which will (like you said) help me drink more water
  • Clara
    Clara Posts: 88 Member
    i am taking b12 for other reasons. side effects - makes your hair grow fast - all hair, head, legs pits.......
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    hmmm...that's good for my head hair....id rather be a skinny, energized, hairy beast rather than a hairless fatty lol
  • kimberjones
    I have never taken b12 but I have taken phentermine. I also have a dear friend who took it for a long time. The biggest thing that I noticed (and she did too) was mood swings. Hers were far worse than mine but I still had them. It's been a while but, if I remember correctly, she was somewhat manic with it. Mine were more of the highs and lows.

    I hope this info helps. Good luck with your weight loss. Be careful with anything you take! :flowerforyou:
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey there! I've done both in the past but this time i am going to try and loose the right way with ugh....dare i say diet & exercise!

    Phentermine is great when you very first start taking it. You sometimes have to remind yourself to eat because it completly kills your app. You will feel like your tongue is made of cotton and stuck to the roof of your mouth for the first few weeks....so you will def need to drink lots and lots of water also to prevent bm problems. HOWEVER...EVERYONE I HAVE KNOW INCLUDING MYSELF THAT LOST WEIGHT FROM IT STARTING GAINING IT BACK.

    I also had b-12 shots and didnt really notice much difference until i stopped getting them. I really had a lot more energy at the gym and could do more.

    Now its time for me to make these changes for me and i'm planning on doing it the healthy way without the risks that go along with diet pills. Whatever you choose good luck to you!
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    Oh i forgot to add that once you are on phentermine for a while your body builds up an immunity towards it and it looses its effectiveness. This happened to me :( i lost 46lbs with phentermine, diet & exercise. After i stopped taking it over a 2 year period i gained back 21lbs, tried phentermine again and lost only 4lbs in 2 months. So...it really wasn't worth it in my opinion. If you do things the right way you won't have to keep doing it over again.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh i forgot to add that once you are on phentermine for a while your body builds up an immunity towards it and it looses its effectiveness. This happened to me :( i lost 46lbs with phentermine, diet & exercise. After i stopped taking it over a 2 year period i gained back 21lbs, tried phentermine again and lost only 4lbs in 2 months. So...it really wasn't worth it in my opinion. If you do things the right way you won't have to keep doing it over again.

    Thanks so much......Most people i talk to haven't been on phentermine for more than a few months, but i really wanted to know the long term affects of it. It sounds no bueno in my eyes lol. I need to get out of my mind that i need a "quick fix" and just buck up and do it without pills.
  • tabstattooed
    b12 can be taken in shot (monthly) or sublingual pills (daily)

    I took it back in the phen phen days and had to have an ekg.

    Most of the initial weight lost is usually water weight.

    It does have side effects.

    Many people regain what they lost and then some.

    You still need to exercise because your muscle tissue goes fast....and you need muscle to burn fat. With in 2 weeks of not working out a person loses the muscle mass.....so if you dont work out in general I dont know what you might face....flab....saggy skin....no muscle tone.

    There is no magic pill....if there was we would all be skinny.

    Some docs who prescribe it require blood work before you get the next bottle.

    Yes it can be dangerous if you have an underlying medical condition you may not know of .

    Most sites you look at say it must be used with proper diet and exercise.......see everything points back to proper diet and exercise.

    If you take it just be careful . I would not suggest it to anyone knowing what I do now about it. I cant believe docs are prescribing it.....and it has many names....FASTIN, IONAMIN ,ADIPEX, PHENTERMINE. I also would not take it unless under a docs care.....if it was safe it would be OTC.

    but once again....my opinion.....it was not worth the side effects and regain and it was fast regain too.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I took phentermine for a few months and had no problems with it. Like everyone else mentioned I got extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely thirsty!

    I stopped taking it because I moved out of state and because it's so regulated and restricted, I couldn't transfer the rest of my prescription with me. :grumble:
  • tabstattooed
    so since it is regulated and restricted doent that tell you something right there? It can be dangerous if not properly used. It is like trucker speed back in the day. Mini Thins did the same thing and they are off the market in some places. I live in the crack capitol if the USA......I can not buy sudafed unless I sign a book have my driv license copied and give them my first born. Its all the same thing a stimulant. People have died from using it.

    I too took my chance because I was lazy, desperate, and not educated enough on the drugs. I would suggest you only use it as a last resort under a docs care if you have too.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    It's regulated because people break it down and use it in creating meth, along with a bunch of other chemicals and crap. Same with Sudafed and Claritin and many other "over the counter" meds.

    And I agree with your previous post, there's no magic pill. My doctor prescribed it to me so it would help jumpstart the weight loss. She said it would help curb the appetite, so therefore it will help shrink the stomach making me eat less. And she only approved it because she saw that I was already losing weight slowly due to diet and exercise. She'd only give me refills if I continued to prove myself as not being solely dependent on the pills. Hopefully everyone else who might get it will be under such a watchful eye and it's not given out like candy.
  • tabstattooed
    my concern with the original poster is going to get them free and not see a doc....thats just plain crazy.

    I was given them once to jump start. I did not see results at all. You do build an immunity to them too.

    I know about meth,,,,,trust me......meth capital........they are still not safe. because it increases your heart rate and yes there is a slew of side effects...some people have them some dont.

    In the end it is not worth it and it does not replace what one really needs....healthy diet and exercise.
  • melkay40
    I have tried every diet and diet pill on the market. Oh yeah they work.....for a very short time. IMO stay away from the pills. Write down everything you eat and exercise. That will work much better for you than any drug you can take. Just my two cents.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Done both - B12 Yes, Phentermine - never again! Works while you take it with plenty of side effects but you gain it all back and more after you stop.