I've gone totally off the rails :(((

ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi there guys & gals

I was doing so well I'd lost 20.4lbs and was going great guns ... I went on a hol just over to the UK for a couple of weeks and put up a few pounds :grumble: I was managing to slowly work them off again and I damaged my back :explode: Even now I am "walking like a duck" and cannot exercize at all as my back seems to go into spasams :frown:

To top it all 3 weeks ago my little man Smudgie (kitty kat) went missing for 2 days and when he got back (crawled on front paws) we found him curled in one of our bushes :brokenheart: He couldn't make it into the house as he couldn't get over the gate/wall ... After a visit to the VET I found out that he had been hit by a car and may never walk again :sad: He spent the first week in the VET hospital on a catather the first 48 hrs were critical I was told :cry: and they also gave me the "E" option as if he had any hope it would take months :brokenheart: but they couldn't make any promises :sad:

He is my little soldier and battled on ... I visited him everyday sometimes twice depending on my lifts as I couldn't drive with my back :grumble: He never gave up and after 5 days he came off the catather ... He has now been home for 2 weeks with me under cage arrest and he is starting to wiggle his toes and move his tail slightly ... :love: I am trying to stay positve about him :heart:

We are going to see the VET again tomorrow to see if he has a chance of having a "good life" if they don't think he is going to improve much more I will have to consider the "E" option which is going to break my :heart:

I'm totally petrified to go near a scales as at the mo I am living on icecream because of the tablets I am on for my back as they upset my tummy ... Plus with all this worry I cannot stop picking at really bad foods :huh: :blushing:

I really need to get back on track again but with everything going on dunno how to start :blushing:


  • I'm sooooo sorry to hear about your back and your kitty. I will pray for you both to get well sooon!!! I hurt my back a few years ago and I gained a few more pounds at the time (I wasn't trying not to though). I know you can't exercise (probably doing good to move much at all) so you will absolutely have to watch your calories. They say bottom line is calories in vs cals used so don't go over on those cals regardless if they are healthy cals or not. That's one thing you do have total control over and this site is a great help on that. God bless you and remember how far you have already come and you really don't have too much further to go so just don't slip too much right now. Good luck to you and your trooper kitty.
  • I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Hang in there and even if you get on the scale and you've gained a little remember that each day is a new day.

    I hope your back is soon better and your little kitty recovers. I have a dog and love her dearly.

    Stay encouraged!! It's only one moment at a time...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • My heart goes out to you and your little cat.. :cry: ....sending you positive and healing thoughts:heart:
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I am so sorry about your cat. Very recently I took in an elderly cat and I didn't want to believe she was having health problems. She had a very large tumor and started having seizures. It breaks your heart. I know exactly what you're going through. Thank god you did find your cat so she can feel your love again.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    So sorry about your kitty, but cats are notoriously resilient. My little guy spent 10 days in the hospital after complete urinary blockage, and he was near death when we took him to vet. Many hudreds of dollars later, he's doing great, and is back to normal. No worse for the wear- I can't say the same for my nerves though. I'm constantly checking to make sure he's peeing proper amounts, and I stress over what I should feed him...but he's still here, and that's all that matters to me.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
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