
Hi all!

This is my first post although I have been reading the forum ever since I started on MFP. I started in the middle of March and have lost 15 pounds. I am pretty happy about this!

Now, here's my problem. I haven't lost anything in about 2 weeks. Is it what they call a plateau? and how do you get out of it?? I started going to the gym on Monday so I'm sure it will help, but I just feel disappointed because I'm still eating really healthy and never going over my calories. I allow myself one cheat day a week as to not go cray-cray. I just mean I don't count the calories that day, but I don't binge-eat either :) Anyway, thanks for any help or advice you can give me!!

btw, I am really overweight (230 lbs for 5"3) and have made a drastic change in my eating habits for this weight loss to work. I am proud of what I have accomplished and just want it to keep going :)


  • Few tips: If you are eating the same meals over and over, change them up, increase dairy intake. There's no real research to prove dairy helps with weight loss, but I think it helps. Dairy has lots of good things your body needs. Try not to consume too much of the fake sugar stuff. Real sugars from fruits and vegetables take longer to digest = burning calories :)
  • scaredofcoasters
    scaredofcoasters Posts: 90 Member
    Plateaus are normal! :) Great job on losing 15 lbs, you're right at the point where it's the first hurdle, but you can do it! What I do for a cheat myself is I allow a snack every day if I need it. Something sweet, usually chocolate, and I work it into the diet for the day. Personally, I choose dark chocolate. It actually knocks out my cravings, and it's good for you! If you like dark chocolate at all, try a Lindt 90% bar! Eat a square of it a day (don't be surprised by the calorie amount on the back either, that's for 4 squares!) and try to cut other portions down just a little. I don't know how well it will work for everyone, but giving myself a treat every day has made it so common that sometimes I don't crave a treat for a day. It's gotten me to stop binge-eating a TON of chocolate, but I still get to have a little. Don't worry though, you're on the right path, and it takes a lot of time and effort, so don't get discouraged!
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    I am eating the same meals a lot, never thought of it as being an issue but you might be right! I'll try to change that :) As for the fake sugar I hate it and try to stay away from it. I hate the after-taste, ughh. Thanks for the suggestions!!
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    Yeah I do that too, I need a yummy snack sometimes! I think I got used to eating better because I feel so much better now that I stopped eating like a 4 year old (fries-cheese sticks-chicken nuggets used to be all I would eat for days ha!) and like you said, I find myself not really craving the old stuff I used to eat. I have discovered how much I LOVE strawberries and I don't mind eating those as a snack...without the guilt it makes it even better!!
  • roseeerickson
    roseeerickson Posts: 295 Member

    This is my favorite article on weight loss plateaus. I go through them about once a month it seems. But after two weeks, I usually see the scale drop. I also do measurements so I can see that I am still on track even when the scale doesn't show any loss. Remember that the scale is just one way to measure your weight loss. You are treating your body right and that's the most important part. Keep up the great work!
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    thanks for the article, and the help!! I will start doing measurements :)
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I started my journey in January, tomorrow is my 4 month mark. In those 4 months I have had 2 weeks of plateau (not consecutive). What I do the following week to get me out of the plateau is change the foods in my diet and exercise plan.

    For example, in the last plateau week I changed one of my zumba work outs to a jillian michaels video. I also changed my typical breakfast of veggie bacon/veggie sausage to cereal. I also added a salad to my dinner.

    I aim my carbs to about 100grams a day (try not to go over, but not always), and eat a minimum of 120 grams of protein.

    My advice to you is to change it up this week. Change your exercise routine, and introduce new healthy options in your diet.

    Add me if you like!
  • katieklg
    katieklg Posts: 38 Member
    I noticed that you said you started going to the gym this week ... that's what did it for me! As soon as I added exercise into my weight loss journey I plateaued .. for about 2-3 weeks. Someone told me that sore muscles tend to retain more water ... so up your water intake to flush all that out. I also add a drop or two of lemon essential oil to my water - it's supposed to help flush toxins out of your system and it helps your sore muscles repair themselves more quickly. And DEFINITELY take your measurements!!! That's what saved me from feeling depressed about the scale ... when I remeasured myself I found that I'd lost 5 inches, even though the scale hadn't moved at all. Good luck! You'll do great - just keep at it!
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    Thank you all so much for the advices. I am pretty knowledgeable about nutrition, what's good for you and what's not, but I never thought it could be that complex!! I will definitely change things up a bit! and I started taking my measurements today so that will help a lot I'm sure!! Thank you thank you!!