How do you handle your calories poll.

derek2680 Posts: 48 Member
So, I know some people make sure to hit their calorie number and then burn some off exercising. So, they actually end up below for the day. Then there are some people who make sure to hit their calorie number even after they burn a bunch while exercising. Currently I am trying to hit my calorie goal and then burn some off. It has worked well for my uncle. So, my little poll question is which way are the rest of you doing it? If there are any computer tech people on here who can set it up to just answer and it graphs it that would be great. I have seen that on other message boards before. Thanks!! Good Luck to everyone!!


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I have a body media fit so I try to keep the calories that I consume at a deficit of 700-1000 from what I burn daily including exercise.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I gently suckle on each one until fully consumed. ;)

    Edit: Ah sorry, I only read the title.

    Edit2: Now that I read it, if you want a massive war with huge number of replies, ask the question like this "Should/Should you not eat back your exercise calories". That's the phase that works really good to prove that everyone has an opinion.
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I don't know, I just track everything on my iphone as I go along, and use my net calories as my guide. I don't really pay much attention to my actual calories, just my net, which is how MFP wants you to do it, as I understand.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    suggestion to improve the usefulness of your data: poll only people who are already at goal and have successfully maintained.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I am trying to lose 2+ pounds a week so MFP has me set to a 1000 calorie deficit a day; I almost always leave 1/2 of my exercise calories on the table each day also. This has worked wonders for the past 4 doctor beleives it will work well until I hit my goal weight.
  • k80mac
    k80mac Posts: 63 Member
    I found out what my resting rate was (BMR/RMR) basically to find out what I NEED to eat to just exist and not have my body shut down. if you have the opportunity to find out what your BMR is, do it. It helps wherein some people's metabolisms are just so different - what I do may be totally different than what works for you.

    the little formula I rec'd was: RMR + lifestyle(what do you do during the day/your job etc..) - lose/gain + exercise = calories I get to eat and still lose 1.5 lbs/week.

    Basically, I never eat less than what my body needs to function. For me, I try to stay between 1300 and 1600 calories a day. if I didn't work out that day, I REALLY try to stay around 1300. :)
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    i have 4-5 pound sleft to loose and the last few months ive lost consistently by eating back cals if im hungry and staying clear if im not lol
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I eat to 3000, & leave my exercise be my deficit, I have done this for awhile but have been eating at 3000 (from 2600) for four weeks. Although I have consistently hit my daily number the last two days I have barely cleared half my allotted intake. This is life & will all "iron" out in the long run :)

  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I eat some of my exercise calories back, but not all of them, because I know that some of the food items probably aren't always accurate, and neither is the calorie counting methods that everyone is using.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I eat somewhere around the calories MFP recommends, usually a little under, but not too far under, then I walk on the treadmill for 50-60 minutes. I figure it's pretty likely that I'm over-counting exercise calories and under-counting food calories so I don't worry about net calories unless It's running really low.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I'm on maintenance, so I eat 1600 calories + whatever I burn with exerice and activity.
  • DawnM62
    DawnM62 Posts: 60 Member
    usually keep to the limit MFP set me (1200) I tend to work out mid morning then check calls left before my evening meal and sometimes do another little work out so I can fit in maybe a glass of wine or a little treat for afters
  • cheryl4586
    cheryl4586 Posts: 1
    Do you only focus on your calories, and not the carbs, protein, and fat that the chart suggest you take? I need to know.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    Do you only focus on your calories, and not the carbs, protein, and fat that the chart suggest you take? I need to know.

    Focus on calories, and protein, at least double what MFP suggests.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I started out not eating them back and was loosing about 2 pounds a week. I kind of stalled out so I tried eating them back and that did not work either. I was driving myself crazy trying to eat all those calories back. I am now not eating them back, but trying to make sure I have way more proteins than MFP suggests. I did some research carbs and protein both account to 4 cals per gram, but the body breaks down carbs much easier than protiens. I think (fingers crossed) that I will have a 1-2 pound loss this week.

  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I eat some of my exercise calories back, but not all of them, because I know that some of the food items probably aren't always accurate, and neither is the calorie counting methods that everyone is using.

    Same here. It is working. And I ABSOLUTELY pay attention to the nutrients and fat/protein/carb ratio. I'm generally a few (g) over on fats, but I assume MFP takes into account that most people consume unhealthy fats regularly, which I do not (my cholesterol points are always 0). I sometimes go over on protein...not too worried about it...and am always under on carbs...again not worried about that, I don't digest grains well and have gluten and corn allergies so I FEEL a thousand times better when I eat low carb/Paleo style. I love that I can check potassium and calcium and other nutrients, because then if I'm low, I just google good food sources for them and add them in. The other day, I was low on calcium, and I had made a big pot of lentil veggie soup...I learned that collard greens are mega-high in calcium, and I had some in the while my soup simmered I threw in a huge bunch of collards for the last 10 minutes and voila! Calcium covered for the day. I'm having such a good time with this, the accountability and and how it keeps you consistent are the keys to the whole thing, I feel.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Do you only focus on your calories, and not the carbs, protein, and fat that the chart suggest you take? I need to know.

    I focus on calories and keeping fat low. My diet is really simple, no animal products, keep all fats low, and eat on the low end of the glycemic table focusing on LG fruits, veggies and whole grains. I don't add fat, salt or sugar to anything and do my best to stay away from processed food.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I aim to eat back my exercise calories. However, just this week I've started running 5ks, and that's messed things up a little.

    I burn too many calories on a run, now, to comfortably eat back.

    The first time, I couldn't eat all those calories but was starving the next day (lack of calories caught up), so I just ate them back the day after. Yesterday, I was under again - today, I've not been any more hungry than usual so they're now lost calories as far as I'm concerned. I still have a nice, high intake so I'm not too bothered, but I'm buying some new things on my grocery shop next week in the hope that I can start eating back to where I'm supposed to be again.
  • scottbad
    scottbad Posts: 33
    Here's how I operate: OOps I went over my limit! I jump onto my stationary bike and knock down about 300-400 calories to get back under my limit. Fortunately, I go over a lot and exercise a lot. It's working - I am losing weight, and getting fit.