Anyone else also on Phentermine?

I am about 1 1/2 months into my phentermine diet. I DON'T get a lot of exercise but I lost 13 lbs. my first month. My Dr. is only prescribing for 3 months so hope to shed some major pounds quick! Looking for some friends for motivation and maybe some ideas for weight loss while on Phentermine. :)


  • duke1158
    duke1158 Posts: 5
    I just got my prescription for this medication today. I was wondering what kind of success I would have. It's good to know that you lost an awesome amount of weight just starting out... very encouraging. My Dr, also would only do about three months worth. I have about fifty pounds to lose... I'm hoping that this will get me most of the way there :D
  • Chelsbe212
    Chelsbe212 Posts: 5
    :) Me too. I just started taking Phentermine ( I take 1/2 of a 37.5mg tablet 2x per day) yesterday, and I am encouraged to know that you had such great success already! I'm excited to hear about your future results! Are you doing any sort of work-out schedule or any specific diet? I do Jillian Michaels's Ripped in 30 dvd 3x per week and jog 3 miles 2x per week, along with yoga daily. I'm on a plant-based, but dairy and carb friendly diet. It's basically just a common sense "eat what God gave ya and try not to cook it too long or eat too much of it" kind of diet. I drink a lot of water, too. Does Phen make you thirsty?
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    I used phentermine a couple years ago and lost 11 lbs in one week, but there was a strange side effect for me....intermittent spotting and bleeding. It was strange, the MD who prescribed it had never heard of it before and I stopped it despite the doctor saying I could continue. Just be aware of any strange body changes that may not be listed as an explicit side effect and good luck!
  • Presley0381
    Presley0381 Posts: 88
    The first time I took Phen I lost about 80 lbs in less than 4 months....I was eating very low carb/low cal and using the Walk from Home workouts and the fat just shed. I was of course at that time close to 300 lbs. My body became immune to it and it hasn't worked that good for me since then. Good luck to all of you, you're probably gonna hear a lot of bad things too but every body is different :smile:
  • makani_raine
    makani_raine Posts: 17 Member
    I have an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday, and we're supposed to talk about me possibly going on Phentermine. I have about 50lbs to lose. I hate being fat =(
  • kristalfrissy
    kristalfrissy Posts: 158 Member
    I have used it several times. The first time was the best though--I think I lost around 30 lbs in 3 months. The main suggestion I would have is NOT stop and start it alot. It seems like your body gets immune to it and now it doesn't work so well for me anymore.
  • nomoreplaying
    I have taken it, but only got it for two months. Wow did I lose weight!! I wasnt even overweight when I go it, and now that I'm really overweight I cant even get doc to "think" about giving them to me.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    it will work why you take it. After you go off of it you will really have to work to keep the weight off because your body gets use to it and wants to gain back twice as fast.
  • tomakehermine
    how many lbs over weight do you have to be for a doctor to give you a prescription?
  • anwickes
    anwickes Posts: 24 Member
    Have used it before and lost weight with it.

    However as soon as you stop using it and your appetite readjusts, you will gain all the lost weight (+ more) if you are not extremely careful. The fact is, you will become a skinny fat (someone who looks skinny but basically loses all lean muscle in the process).
    Without this lean muscle, your metabolic rate will slow to a halt which will effectively mean rapid weight gain.

    Having experienced medication like this and experiencing success, I would still recommend that going to the gym, working hard and eating clean is the ONLY way to get the physique you've dreamed of.

    Not to mention the stress you are putting your heart through by taking what (and I don't care what anyone says) is effectively a form (at least, close relative) of speed.

    EDIT: I should mention that my recent success was due to working out and not taking meds. Last time I took meds, I lost about 20kgs over 4-5 months, gained 30kgs in the next 3.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Not trying to be the b!tch here, but why are you taking a medication like that instead of making the positive changes in your life? Popping a pill may help you short term but then what? Without changing the bad habits you will be right back where you started and probably more. Losing 50 takes time but is completely obtainable with work. It took me a year and a half but with small steps it happened. My suggestion is don't go for the easy way out...put in the time and effort and it is much more rewarding
  • anwickes
    anwickes Posts: 24 Member
    Not trying to be the b!tch here, but why are you taking a medication like that instead of making the positive changes in your life? Popping a pill may help you short term but then what? Without changing the bad habits you will be right back where you started and probably more. Losing 50 takes time but is completely obtainable with work. It took me a year and a half but with small steps it happened. My suggestion is don't go for the easy way out...put in the time and effort and it is much more rewarding

    Spot on......

    I'm going to be struck down here but taking meds is just lazy..... Pound the pavement or lift strong and you will feel much, much better about yourself when you do lose the pounds you desire.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Not trying to be the b!tch here, but why are you taking a medication like that instead of making the positive changes in your life? Popping a pill may help you short term but then what? Without changing the bad habits you will be right back where you started and probably more. Losing 50 takes time but is completely obtainable with work. It took me a year and a half but with small steps it happened. My suggestion is don't go for the easy way out...put in the time and effort and it is much more rewarding


    In the long run, there is no easy way out...
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    I was on Phentermine about 6 yrs ago. For a year straight. My doc wasn't a real smart one. She just kept handing me the prescription until I said stop. From what I heard, you shouldn't be on it for such long stretches like that. But anyway, I only lost 30 in that whole time for a few reasons: 1. At that time I was fairly heavy in the bar scene. 2. It really made me tired, which you'd think would contradict #1. and 3. My heart was like speedracer! I wasn't taking the pills every day because of how uncomfortable my chest felt. Granted, everyone is different, so that may not happen to you. But, as was already said, listen to your body. If something isn't feeling right, then step back from it.
  • anwickes
    anwickes Posts: 24 Member
    I was on Phentermine about 6 yrs ago. For a year straight. My doc wasn't a real smart one. She just kept handing me the prescription until I said stop. From what I heard, you shouldn't be on it for such long stretches like that. But anyway, I only lost 30 in that whole time for a few reasons: 1. At that time I was fairly heavy in the bar scene. 2. It really made me tired, which you'd think would contradict #1. and 3. My heart was like speedracer! I wasn't taking the pills every day because of how uncomfortable my chest felt. Granted, everyone is different, so that may not happen to you. But, as was already said, listen to your body. If something isn't feeling right, then step back from it.

    Also, if you have high blood pressure already, be prepared for that to shoot through the roof after a few weeks.
    It literally does irreparable damage to your heart that just isn't worth it.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am about 1 1/2 months into my phentermine diet. I DON'T get a lot of exercise but I lost 13 lbs. my first month. My Dr. is only prescribing for 3 months so hope to shed some major pounds quick! Looking for some friends for motivation and maybe some ideas for weight loss while on Phentermine. :)

    My wife has been on it and has seen some progress with it... I am not sure how much of her loss is Phentermine and how much of it is pulling back on the calories and exercise. Exercise will help eliminate the flab though.. She has not lost a great number of pounds but her clothing sizes have been dropping dramatically.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    My sister takes it. She says it gives her rapid heart beat...I don't think it sounds like a good idea. She also has gained back all the weight during the months where she doesn't take it.

    Basically, it's hard on your body, so you have to take a "drug holiday" for a few weeks (or over a month) before you can take it again. In that time your appetite will return with a vengeance and you'll not have changed the root of the problem. The drug is a stimulant and acts as an appetite suppressant. Effectively, it just causes you to eat less and be more "active" (fidgety?) for a while. You can achieve that same result by moderately reducing your calorie intake all the time instead of drastically reducing your calorie intake some of the time (while on pill).
  • pornstarzombie
    I've taken it. I never had an issue going off of it and having my appetite readjust. However, I lost all muscle-tone and became "skinny fat" and I'm STILL trying to fix that. I'm slowly getting there, but it's been a long process.

    I have half a bottle left, I will not take it. I shouldn't have had it in the first place, as I wasn't overweight.

    I don't think it is a good idea, at all.
  • clarishi
    clarishi Posts: 3 Member
    I was going to a doctor that prescribed it. We were good, I lost 10 Kg (22 lbs) in about 2 months, but then I realized he was not mentioning stopping taking them. And I know that over 3 months can lead to addiction. I decided to quit this doc for good when I told him I had started exercising and he told me "That´s stupid, muscle weights more than fat, you will not lose weight if you exercise". What a tool! I don´t want to be a skinny fat, I´ve been a skinny fat, and trust me, you gain it back. You need to build muscle to boost your metabolism and tone your body. That´s the best way, and the one that yields long-lasting results.