Depressed because I'm unwell and doing badly :"(


I'm glum because I have a horrible chest infection and it is really messing up my asthma. I can't breathe, I'm coughing all the time, doc has given antibiotics which make me feel rank, have to take both my inhalers which make me shake and are now affecting my vision.

A few days ago I didn't eat anything, yesterday I had a sandwich and today I've eaten 3 crumpets and that's it.

No gym, cant eat much as feel sick and horrible throat from coughing a hundred thousand times and I feel like crap.

Can anyone here cheer me up?!!!

Gum Vicki :"""""(


  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    Take this time to rest, look at some movies and drink some tea to make you feel better. Take care of you.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    You know, Vicki, sometimes I get so caught up in doing this thing day by day that I forget to step back and look at the big have done great so far and you are gonna keep on doing great and reach your goal, you're just in a REALLY rough patch right now. (((hugs))) Being sick sucks! Take care of YOU and you'll get back on track soon.
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    I'm so bored of films!!!! I'm all about the lemsip right now, I wonder how many calories are in that!
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    Or either 20 or 50 calories in lemsip!!!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    Well, the good news is your body burns more calories when you're sick. Feel better!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Well, the good news is your body burns more calories when you're sick. Feel better!

    I was thinking the same thing! hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    Rest up, you need to recover so that when you get back you can exercise the way you want. Maybe some soup might help? Get better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • alliefaye369
    alliefaye369 Posts: 2 Member
    im sorry to hear about you not feeling well. last week i got shot in the eye by a high powered air soft gun, my boyfriend who should know better shot it off in our apartment and got me right in the eye. for the next three weeks i am down. bed rest it sucks then after the three weeks is up i may not be able to exercise for a longer time period. Im afraid to eat any thing cus i know i'm going to gain what i have lost back. You are not alone, just don't starve your self your body needs food too heal the faster you heal you'll be able to go back to normal. just know you are not alone im sure there are more people like us out there. I hope you feel better soon, try your best for a positive attitude when you heal it will be a start over but will make you stronger. best wishes. keep your head up
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 229 Member
    I have asthma too. Last week I had a sinus infection. I was miserable. Can you get some vicks vapor rub for your chest, it will help a bit. I don't know if you have Theraflu in the UK, but that with a little honey is great. Drink a lot of fluids and make sure you eat so your meds don't make you sick. It should take the antibiotics a couple of days to kick in, but then you should feel right as rain. And think of all the weight you are losing.

    Catch up on your rest and feel better soon.
  • jameson023
    jameson023 Posts: 1
    i completely know the feeling, last year a spent a few weeks in the hospital due to a disease, and I could not eat anything either. Truly you have to tell yourself that you will feel better, and give yourself time to rest. Trust me, things turn out ok in the end.
  • alliefaye369
    alliefaye369 Posts: 2 Member
    whats a lemsip???
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I understand the Asthma issue as I have had it for 38 years now. I also understand that some Asthma medication can make you retain water and make you heavy.

    You need to take it slow and just get better. It is always better to take some time off and get better rather that push yourself to hard and end up in the hospital.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    My go to sick pick me up is ice cream and star wars. :happy: I say eat whatever makes you feel better and then get back on track when you're healthy again. Hope you bounce back soon. :flowerforyou:
  • haneia
    haneia Posts: 3 Member
    I hope you're doing better. The sickness does indeed make us feel bad and so uncomfortable. Now keep the calories beside (not a reason to neglect them, but) focus on your medical treatment. you can ask your doctor about the best sport that can help in this situation without harming or affecting your breathing (maybe swimming or soft jogging)..
  • rockerbaby2003
    rockerbaby2003 Posts: 42 Member
    Try to go for a short walk, even 5 minutes. Fresh air can do you wonders for your body and mind, even if you just walk down the block and sit on a bench for a minute to catch your breath before walking home.

    I love watching the Dr. Oz show, maybe visit his website and watch some videos to entertain and inform yourself.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sorry you're not feeling well, but the gym will be there when you recover. You'll get back to it. In the meantime, just take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon!
  • GraceK2012
    GraceK2012 Posts: 64 Member
    Oh, Vicky!
    I woke up this morning in so much pain, having messed up my back [badly and yet again] by doing things I hadn't planned to do and couldn't avoid doing. So in some ways I'm having a day not unlike yours. I was tempted to go with either panic or depression or just be all down on myself, but caught myself in time, thank God, really.

    I've been here before. I know more about how to help myself recover. I know more about getting right back on track as soon as I can become active again.

    Granted, I'm not on any meds and I know how draining taking antibiotics can be, and I'm not ill as you are, just laid up and in pain right now. I truly do sympathize. I'm also sure we can make up for any time lost more quickly than we're tempted to believe.

    I'm trying to find constructive things to do, like re-like my macros, and catch up on paperwork. Or watch shows saved on my DVR that I haven't yet gotten around to watching. I'm counting that as 'cleaning' so it almost counts as exercise, you see. Don't anybody give me a hard time about it because I'm really not in the mood right now.

    Love your picture on the horse, by the way. Beautiful photo. I hope we'll both be up and about and enjoying this lovely spring soon.
  • sudsy1942
    sudsy1942 Posts: 1
    ...and this too shall pass....start telling yourslf that you will be better soon, then mentally take a short trip and begin the cure yourself. Picture yourself healthy, sitting on a beach under a palm tree or whatever you perfer your trip to be, plus in some music if you want, sit or lay down ..."go t o your recovery place" and relax into it for at least 10 it every day and see if there is any takes discipline, it takes focus, but you can do it....good luck
  • Onperch
    Onperch Posts: 45 Member
    Lemsip is a decongestant sold over the counter.
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    You know, Vicki, sometimes I get so caught up in doing this thing day by day that I forget to step back and look at the big have done great so far and you are gonna keep on doing great and reach your goal, you're just in a REALLY rough patch right now. (((hugs))) Being sick sucks! Take care of YOU and you'll get back on track soon.
    ^^ This.