Eating out a bunch next couple days. Help.

Kylabgeek Posts: 47 Member
I know that so many things are common sense. But, I have read so many good ideas and opinions that come from experience here. I have a scheduled lunch date tomorrow at Mi Mexico. First time a friend and I have been able to lunch since my seizures started last fall. Then every other friday night we meet friends at Bdubs. And Saturday we have a Movie Tavern Date with friends to watch the Avengers (don't even get me started on how excited I am for this movie, I feel like a teenager lol). I was looking on the Movie Tavern website and they look like they have some great salad options and will do dressing on the side to avoid my salad drowning in it.

But what about Mexican? I plan on a great workout in the morning and Saturday morning. I am more worried about eating out twice in one day. I like eating at home where I can control my food and know what goes in it. At least next week when a bunch of us are getting together I offered to host the lunch at my house.

I absolutely love love love mexican. Every part of it. What are going to be my healthier options? Will they do fajitas minus the butter or oil? Avoid the rice? Do black beans?

And at Bdubs I usually get a salad or buffalitos. I just discovered buffalitos and wow. I want them like right now. I will try to avoid any shrooms at Bdubs :-( It's hard when we all get a bunch of food and just graze for hours. Hoping we go dancing after to burn off some calories!

I guess I have been doing so well on feeding my body the good stuff that I have this fear of setting off a roller coaster of bad eating. Plus I got into a size 4 today and it just made me tickled pink :wink:

Thanks Ya'll!


  • chase7512
    chase7512 Posts: 76 Member
    If your metabolism is good then this shock to it will actually help (or so i've read).

    As for eatting out remember the basics:

    Water vice Soda
    whole wheat (if possible)
    Have protein (Chicken, Tuna, Beans, Eggs, etc..)
    Oils vice cream for salads
    Green Tea after meal
    Burger/Sandwiches try to have open faced (if possible)
    Skip Appetizer / Desert

    I wouldn't let it bother you, enjoy it and then get back to it when it's all done...Have Fun, Enjoy the movie it is going to be EPIC!
  • Feddyvon
    Feddyvon Posts: 47 Member
    The number one rule when eating out at a Mexican place while dieting is SKIP THE CHIPS! They will sink your daily intake in a hurry, and you won't even notice it.

    After that, just trust your instincts and knowledge to select a plate that you know fits the program: High Protein, Moderate Carbs, as little processed food as possible.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I'm in a similar situation tonight, going to an end-of-semester celebration for one of my classes. I calculated a glass of wine, 6 crackers with cheese, fruit, and a cookie (or three)--not enough to fill me up for dinner--and came out at 750 calories!!! Don't know how I'm going to manage being full and keeping within calorie goals tonight.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Chicken or shrimp fajitas, no rice, no cheese, no sour cream, guac on the side, loads of fresh salsa and any fresh veggies they offer, black beans, OR some sort of salad minus all the cheese and sour cream, etc. Mexican food is tricky but stick to common sense and you'll be fine. If you're really worried ask for a grilled chicken breast and a side salad or fresh veggies, most places will do that. I agree, stay away from chips. x
  • Kylabgeek
    Kylabgeek Posts: 47 Member
    I had a great shopping trip today that showed I was a size smaller and was able to run a mile without stopping today so definitely incentives to have fun and be smart. I need to worry about enjoying the company not worry about the food. Plus I got in another walk this evening and will get in a good workout in the morning. After the movie Saturday I will be working in my garden so I am sure that will be a workout!

    Thanks you all!
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Took me a second to figure out what Bdubs was, but the buffalitos clued me in (we call it BW3, heh.) Every one of those that I've gone into has been GREAT about special orders - my favorite twist on their menu is to ask them to make me a jerk chicken sandwich, but in salad form. I've done the same with the Black & Bleu burger as well. They usually ring it up like a grilled chicken salad (or like a sandwich with a salad as the side), and I get an amazing meal without the unnecessary bread or wedges.

    Don't be afraid to think outside the menu, and come up with something amazing on your own...the kitchen may actually appreciate the unusual break, too!
  • Kylabgeek
    Kylabgeek Posts: 47 Member
    That is a great idea! I will scour the selections and the seasonings and create something! Thanks for tip! I appreciate it. I already logged my workout today and had a good protein and veggie filled breakfast so I am not famished when I go to lunch.