anyone into green tea?

I've started drinking green tea with lemon, I have to say I cannot stand it but i'm trying to stick with it. Was curious if any other green tea flavours have the same benefits as the lemon one?
I drink 3 cups a day without sugar, and I really hope I see the benefits but I don't know how long I can force myself to drink it!
Anyone else have this issue?


  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I drink green tea and use honey as a sweetener. Not a fan either but makes it just a tad bit more tolerable.
  • I feel the same way! I'm trying to like it because i know all of the health benefits,but I think it has a bitter kind of after taste.The only way i can drink it is with a little bit of honey.I prefer cammomile or peppermint :)
  • yllom333
    yllom333 Posts: 3
    Try another kind of flavored green tea bags like rapsberry. As long as it is a tea bag with full leaf tea in it, and you don't add anything to it, it should be just as healthy and easier for you to drink so you should stick with it longer! I personally love green tea and drink 16 to 24 oz a day of just hot plain green tea in any flavor. I love ginger peach green, rapsberry, and lemon.

    Another suggestion is try another brands of tea. I personally hate lipton teas. I like to buy mine from health markets or co-ops and get good organic or all-natural.
  • What. If you don't like it, don't drink it. The effects on weight loss are minimal, and any cardiovascular/antioxidant effects it may have you won't really 'see'. That being said, how can you not like it? It's so much better than plain water. :drinker:
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    ok thankyou! maybe I will try it with some honey and if not maybe raspberry or peach flavour. Just reminds me of Lemsip so maybe that's the problem???
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    What. If you don't like it, don't drink it. The effects on weight loss are minimal, and any cardiovascular/antioxidant effects it may have you won't really 'see'. That being said, how can you not like it? It's so much better than plain water. :drinker:

    Normally that would be my motto however I am not just doing it for weight loss, I know the health benefits are so good. Many people have said they do learn to love it so that is why im trying to stick it out
  • KarenPries
    KarenPries Posts: 1
    Does it have to be hot green tea. I drink diet green tea (cold). Is there any difference?
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    Just sat down with my afternoon cup right now. I drink plain Celestial Seasons and have a piece of dark chocolate, my afternoon treat at work. My hubby never liked tea but he's coming around, don't worry, your tastes change.
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    Does it have to be hot green tea. I drink diet green tea (cold). Is there any difference?

    I heard the heat does something but i dont know in what way...maybe some research...shall have a quick look
  • What. If you don't like it, don't drink it. The effects on weight loss are minimal, and any cardiovascular/antioxidant effects it may have you won't really 'see'. That being said, how can you not like it? It's so much better than plain water. :drinker:

    Normally that would be my motto however I am not just doing it for weight loss, I know the health benefits are so good. Many people have said they do learn to love it so that is why im trying to stick it out

    Fair enough, it definitely does grow on you. Perhaps try higher quality green tea, brewed with loose leaves.
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    Just sat down with my afternoon cup right now. I drink plain Celestial Seasons and have a piece of dark chocolate, my afternoon treat at work. My hubby never liked tea but he's coming around, don't worry, your tastes change.

    yummy! cravings for dark chocolate now ;)
  • jeawashko
    jeawashko Posts: 40
    over the last year i've been drinking a lot more green tea! since coming back to MFP a few weeks ago, i'm really trying to drink it. i will admit i am a diet coke additct but have successfully weaned myself down to 1 can a week, on sunday's as a treat. so i've tried a LOT of green teas! i drink them without anything in them. here are some of my favorites:
    - tazo zen green tea
    - celestial seasonings candy cane lane green tea (tastes like a candy cane!)
    - yogi green tea blueberry slim life
    my best suggestion is to go to a health store and look at their green teas, they usually carry a lot of flavors and if you see a flavor you like, try it! my other advice is to make the tea and then put it in the fridge, i don't know why but sometimes it seems to taste better that way and if i drink it cold with a straw i can even kind of pretend it's soda! haha
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    What. If you don't like it, don't drink it. The effects on weight loss are minimal, and any cardiovascular/antioxidant effects it may have you won't really 'see'. That being said, how can you not like it? It's so much better than plain water. :drinker:

    Normally that would be my motto however I am not just doing it for weight loss, I know the health benefits are so good. Many people have said they do learn to love it so that is why im trying to stick it out

    Fair enough, it definitely does grow on you. Perhaps try higher quality green tea, brewed with loose leaves.

    I drink Clipper and it is loose in the bag but to be honest I don't really know much about brands ...I never really drink hot drinks so its all new to me
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Makes me vomit... I tried switching to green tea for the health benefits, but my stomach didn't like it very much. I did lose a lottle weight that week, lol.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Has to be Matcha Green Tea for me, love the test and making it can be really relaxing, it's quite a process
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    over the last year i've been drinking a lot more green tea! since coming back to MFP a few weeks ago, i'm really trying to drink it. i will admit i am a diet coke additct but have successfully weaned myself down to 1 can a week, on sunday's as a treat. so i've tried a LOT of green teas! i drink them without anything in them. here are some of my favorites:
    - tazo zen green tea
    - celestial seasonings candy cane lane green tea (tastes like a candy cane!)
    - yogi green tea blueberry slim life
    my best suggestion is to go to a health store and look at their green teas, they usually carry a lot of flavors and if you see a flavor you like, try it! my other advice is to make the tea and then put it in the fridge, i don't know why but sometimes it seems to taste better that way and if i drink it cold with a straw i can even kind of pretend it's soda! haha

    haha such an awesome idea! Ditto with the diet coke/pepsi thing! 4 days without fizzy drinks and I already feel less bloated.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    I actually really enjoy green tea, but I'm not sure why, since it doesn't seem very popular.

    If you really don't want straight green tea flavor try Yogi Green Tea Pomegranate. There's the green tea but there's lots of pomegranate flavor in there so it's sweeter with just as many antioxidants. :)
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    Makes me vomit... I tried switching to green tea for the health benefits, but my stomach didn't like it very much. I did lose a lottle weight that week, lol.

    here's hoping ! :smile:
  • It grows on you for sure. I like it plain or with lemon or honey or both. Mmmmm. Having some sweetened with honey right now.
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    I actually really enjoy green tea, but I'm not sure why, since it doesn't seem very popular.

    If you really don't want straight green tea flavor try Yogi Green Tea Pomegranate. There's the green tea but there's lots of pomegranate flavor in there so it's sweeter with just as many antioxidants. :)

    wow sounds yummy! I will have to root around, I don't really know the difference in brands from America to the UK so will have to google them