How does my diary look?

I changed my drinking habits to Thur- Sunday instead of pretty much every day. I know still bad, but I'm in college it's aloud :) Anyway, before I was eating in the mind set that I'm saving calories for alcohol, I'm trying not to do that anymore.

Check out my diary and let me know? 5'6 110 lbs... On days that I drink the protein shake for lunch are personal trainer strength training days. The other five days I run for 3 miles every morning.


    LBTRS Posts: 10 Member
    Well, I can't really advise a 110lb woman on weight loss so I won't even try.

    Your diary is entertaining with the amount of alcohol and it's a wonder you're able to make it to class on Mondays. :happy:

    Anyway, at 110 lbs you're doing something right so keep it up and enjoy the weekends.

    Good luck.
  • anunknownmouse
    You look like you're undereating, and possibly avoiding fats? I can't really tell considering you're not tracking them.
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    Only trying to tone now, not really lose any more. I don't track fats. I do eat low fat foods to keep the calories down more though, not to mention why have the extra fat when it is not needed. I think I get enough recommended fats overall.