Really confused about net calories...

Hi! okay, maybe you guys can help. I'm really confused. My goal is calculated by the app at 1200, food so far is 427, exercise is 1388, net is -961 and remaining is 2161. Does that mean I really need to consume 2161 more calories today?!? I generally consume about 1200 and work out (today is more intense - generally it's 500-800 cals/workout).


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yep, you've got it figured correctly. You've got an entire Domino's pizza to go to reach your calorie goal. Well, hopefully you can find something healthier than that!

    Are you sure about your exercise calories? I'll only come in that high if I do multiple workouts, like an hour spinning plus 30 mins jumping rope or and hour lifting weights. And that's still the high side because I'm a 250 lb male. I can't imagine what a lighter female would have to do to hit 1400.

    10 mile run today?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about your exercise calories - that seems REALLY high unless you were doing hours and hours of something.

    But to go back to your question, I would make sure that your intake for today is at least 1500 calories, but try to get closer to 2000 if you can without eating junk. Don't eat whatever just to reach a calorie goal. That said, there are a few foods that are healthy but calorie dense like nuts, nut butters, avacado or lean read meat. Get some of these in if you can.

    Also, a warning - not eveyrone's like this but I'm usually not hungry after a big calorie burn until the next day. So be prepared for the munches with plenty of healthy snacks on hand.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Yep, you've got it figured correctly. You've got an entire Domino's pizza to go to reach your calorie goal. Well, hopefully you can find something healthier than that!

    Are you sure about your exercise calories? I'll only come in that high if I do multiple workouts, like an hour spinning plus 30 mins jumping rope or and hour lifting weights. And that's still the high side because I'm a 250 lb male. I can't imagine what a lighter female would have to do to hit 1400.

    10 mile run today?

    This post exactly. If you know you will be working out you may want to try pre-planning your meals ahead of time so you aren't stuck with that many calories left at the end of the day. I would also suggest you check the exercise calories for accuracy. It's important that you consume adequate nutrients to fuel your body so I wouldn't suggest EVER netting below your BMR.

    Best of luck!
  • katrinam2012
    katrinam2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Close! LOL I do an hour of Body Pump and then I turn right around and do Turbo Kick for an hour. TKB is where I burn the most calories! (per bodybug and this app) There is no way that I can eat that much though. Maybe on my double class days I'll have to start eating more during the day. Blech! Thank you for your help! :)