Looking for Accountability and Support

Hey All!! I'm looking for some people I can partner up with to rock this diet and exercise thing! I'm almost a year out from having my most recent baby and would LOVE to lose (at least) 15lbs. I've shed quite a bit last fall but sat still (literally) until recently. I've recommited, am focused on the goal & want to kick some serious boo-tay! Who wants to join me?!?!


  • kkleesmama
    kkleesmama Posts: 13
    I'm working on losing my baby weight too. She is 9 years old now, so I am really late! :) Add me if you'd like, I am on a lot!
  • catrionas21
    hi just joined my self im a bit the same just joined n wanna loose baby weight.
    had my last 2 yrs ago lost most of it in first few months after having her now im wanting to loose last of it. im trying to stay on track but wi 3 kids its hard.
    iv got bout 18 lbs to loose
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I just joined, too. Thanks for posting this! I just started May 1 - goal is to lose 25 pounds. My sister started me on this - she is so consistent - she inspired me! Every day I see her progress and it encourages me. It definitely helps to have accountability and give support... count me in!
  • VooDooChylde
    VooDooChylde Posts: 36 Member
    I could use some support and accountability too so count me in as well!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    So excited girls!!! We're going to take this by STORM! Each day is a new opportunity to be the best you!
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I just joined, too. Thanks for posting this! I just started May 1 - goal is to lose 25 pounds. My sister started me on this - she is so consistent - she inspired me! Every day I see her progress and it encourages me. It definitely helps to have accountability and give support... count me in!

    Hey there - just a note: I started MFP May 1, but I started my fitness overhaul in January... so I updated my MFP weight-ins from my Jillian Michaels Weight tracker - that's why my lbs lost increased to 13 pounds suddenly. I've lost 13 lbs since Jan 1 and 3 lbs since May 1.

    I wore short sleeves for the first time the other day without a sweater and it felt so good to not hide myself! :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi add me if you want I had twins almost 8 years ago and am nearly at goal but it took me ages to get around to it. After my first son the weight dropped off but this time not so easy probably an age thing.