My *kitten* hurts, my arms hurt

leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
*kitten* from yesterday. Arms from today (using weights walking).

And I didn't meet my exercise goal today because I had a bit of diabetic get dizzy thing start so I had to stop, eat 2 pieces of hard candy, and then I just finished up with walking, stretching, and sit-ups. And it took longer than my normal routine so I'll have to work tonight from home to make up.

Tomorrow will be better, right?


  • paul7799
    paul7799 Posts: 98 Member
    It'll get better. Hell some days my arms fee like noodles.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yes it will.

    My first day on the elliptical I made it exactly 12 minutes on the lowest resistance and almost fell to the floor getting off. Seriously thought I was going to have the gym call 911.

    Now I am up to 35+ minutes at higher resistance and it has only been 3 weeks (and this is after 2 1-mile walks during the day). And when I get off I can actually walk not try to crawl out to my car. I find it has been better for me to break up my "sessions" into shorter ones. I do my 2 walks on breaks and work then go to the gym for 30 or so minutes and then if my knees aren't killing me a 2 mile walk at night. Works better for me then going all it until I drop (or pray to die).
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thanks guys. I've been running/walking a long time but the weight lifting and serious toning, that's just starting, hoping it will help increase my metabolism.

    BTW, gorgeous cat.

  • txbjp371
    txbjp371 Posts: 7 Member
    are you taking amino acids and L-glutamine they both of these supplements help with muscle soreness trainer had me taking them when I st started weight training with him.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    It took at least 10 times before I could make it through a 50 min strength training class. I got on the AMT a month ago and lasted 8 MINUTES! I could do the elliptical for an hour after 6 months. Walking a mile was so hard 18 months ago and now I walk a 5k per month. Keep pushing forward and challenging yourself. I have had days when it hurt to sit on the toilet to pee. If I had had a pamper I would have peed in it LOL Arms sore, legs sore, arms sore, butt sore...STRETCH and DRINK WATER! Stretching will hurt at first but feel oh so good after a few seconds ;-) KEEP IT THE GREAT WORK!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    It always gets better. I have a joint disorder that constantly pops, dislocates, or partially dislocates them so when I started on weights back in January (8lbs) I was mega sore from next to nothing and took days to heal enough to just repeat the same things and reps. Only recently have I been able to use a 15lb dumbbell for some things without dislocating my wrists.

    Same pretty much with everything. I used to induce migraines and waterfalls of sweat from some weights or speeds on machines and now doing them it's nothing. To be cliche, all good things come in time. You achieved something despite the minor set back with your diabetes and you'll achieve more down the road.