Looking for motivation!

Hi there MFP! I have been tracking my food on here for a bit now but my cousin has told me to reach out and get some friends to keep me moving! I have a long way to go but i know i can do it. Posted looking for friends!



  • foxkitten
    foxkitten Posts: 7 Member
    Hello :) i am also looking for friends to help me stay motivated i have 100pounds to lose its going to be a long hard start for me ><
  • 2befit2
    2befit2 Posts: 58 Member
    you can add me :happy:
  • MsLean66
    MsLean66 Posts: 3
    Hey Guys! I am a personal trainer and I would LOVE to help motivate everyone. I am NOT one of those people that has been thin all her life. The truth is...until 3 years ago I was 50lbs heavier and wouldve laughed if you called me thin. I have lived through it. emotional eating, yo-yo dieting ,and I can tell you...It is NOT an easy journey, but it is one the YOU MUST TRAVEL!- MsLean66
  • anoroc751
    anoroc751 Posts: 57 Member
    Try to set up a goal for yourself. For example- I want to run a 5k by the end of July and I want to do it without stopping. Make a goal to excercise 4x per week. It can be anything where it makes you breathe like fast paced lawn mowing, brisk walk. jog and walk, treadmill. Just get it in and don't worry about how long or how hard for now. Just work on making the goal and it will add self confidence.

    I have been overweight all of my life. Even when I have lost lots of weight and have felt good I would still be considered overweight according to the bmi charts. I am doing this for me know. I don't care about anyone else or what they think.

    Good luck and keep working it.
  • ShayShayFletch
    ShayShayFletch Posts: 89 Member
    Wow that's what is so amazing about this site is that you have so many people out there trying to reach and do the same thing! Thank you do much for the motivation and @ fox kitten you can do it even if you just start by keeping track of your calories and staying in your range. Plus you will have lots of us to help motivate you after all we are all here to motivate each other! I'm going to add you and a few others in this post I hope you don't mind!
