Baby weight has gotta go!!

mamapep Posts: 2 Member
I just had my second baby 5mo ago (my oldest is 5) and just turned 30 a few weeks ago, so I am even more determined to loose at least 20lbs so that I can feel good about myself again & keep on track for setting a good example of a healthy life for my kids! Although I am like most of us on here and need a little extra kick in the pants to get serious! :smile:


  • tiltahorse
    tiltahorse Posts: 3 Member
    hi!! I m also trying to lose my baby weight ..I m 27 and I have four kids..I had my first at 20 and this 4th one this past August at 26....i m trying to lose 35 to 40 lbs ...I just joined this past week so i m new at this...:) Right now its really hard for me to get the gym bc im sahm and my husband works alot so I try to walk 30 minutes a day and baby loves other kids slow me down though sometimes becasue we live on some big hills so there little legs get tired...another hard part for me is broke my anke in 2010 in three places so it causes me to have pain but im determined to push through it all...
  • riddler266
    riddler266 Posts: 5
    See if you can buy a 4 seat rickshaw - that'd keep you fit ;-)

    And they'd LOVE IT!!
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    i'm celebrating my big 3-0 in a few weeks time and my goal 16weeks ago was to have shed 15kgs (33lbs) ambitious was i?
    anyway...i'm needing to shed my baby weight and some...that I gained over the last 16mths following birth of our far i've shed 11lbs since joining...
    i like MFP and am finding it helpful...thanks to a mate who told me about it...hang in there everyone...its not a short term journey...but long term...:wink:
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I've just shed my baby weight plus some, and am on maintenance now, trying to figure out the balance between eating healthy and having some occasional treats and living a normal life

    You can do it :)
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    I've just shed my baby weight plus some, and am on maintenance now, trying to figure out the balance between eating healthy and having some occasional treats and living a normal life

    You can do it :)

    You are a real inspiration and a living proof it can be done! :D
  • Mandylongshore
    Mandylongshore Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I just had a baby girl feb 7! I gained 55 lbs! My neighbor said nows the time to eat so I ate:) bring on the pasta!! I have lost about 30lbs and I have 20 more to lose, but I really want to lose 10 after that totaling 30 lbs to lose NOW! So I hope this helps:) my husband works a lot too and it is hard to get out. Plus we just moved to a different state a month ago and we are in apartment on third floor! Good thing is we close on a house hopefully in June... But baby weight is tough not to mention all the hormones and on top of that we feel fat!!:)
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    welcome aboard. im trying to lose my baby weight... that i put on with my daughter who is now 4 and a half lol! ive 24 lb off now, and another 30+ lbs to go!
  • SlimmerSteph
    SlimmerSteph Posts: 19 Member
    I just had my second baby as well 13 weeks ago! I joined MFP last June and a few days later I found out I was prego, so put my weight loss goals on hold none the less! I'm back at it now and have lost all the baby weight plus 15 pounds since I joined last june, but would love some encouragement for those days I feel like skipping. I'm on day 4 of the 30 Day Shred and head back to work in less than two weeks. :-( I really want to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary diet and exercise stint, but worry how I'll fit it all in once I'm back to work. I too want to set a good example for my kids!
  • Mandylongshore
    Mandylongshore Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome. I just read about this site. I'm trying to lose it now. I'm approaching 33. Gets harder and harder, as I get older:)!
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    I've just shed my baby weight plus some, and am on maintenance now, trying to figure out the balance between eating healthy and having some occasional treats and living a normal life

    You can do it :)

    well done you!!
    Nice to hear that it can happen...
  • emma262
    emma262 Posts: 3 Member
    I have just joined. just had my second baby almost 4 months ago, have lost 14lbs so far and need to loose another 14-18. Been out pushing double pram, doing 20 day shred and low carbs. Please add me! Looking forward to hearing everyones success! xoxo:smile:
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    I am also trying to lose baby weight - from both my youngest (2 1/2) and my oldest (6). I got heavier with each one. It's hard when you have kids and a home to take care of. We moms are so busy and TIRED it's easy to blow off the exercise and eat what we want, which I've been doing for 6+ years. But we can all do it!! We'll be healthier and happier. And hey, you're only 30. You're still young :)
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    Oh I totally get it. You are SO SMART doing this now. I remember saying "I have a 6 month old, and I need to lose 20 pounds." Well, I didn't. I now have a 3 year old and I need to lose 37 more pounds. 20 pounds is cake. 50 pounds... makes me want to cry.
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I have a nine month old boy. I had a lot of weight to lose before him, and gained a ton with the pregnancy. I'm just getting to a point where I feel that I can take care of myself as well as him! Feel free to friend me! Let's lose the baby weight together!
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi! I am a 21 (almost 22) year old mom to a two year old little boy. Before I got pregnant I was somewhere around 150-155lbs and when I was pregnant my highest weight was like 204-207. After I had my son, I dropped down only to 197. I was that for about 2 years after until I found this site. I am happy to announce since January 10, 2012, I have lost 30.5lbs which puts me at 166.5 lbs now. Feel free to add me. I still have 20 some odd pounds to lose. (at least for now, may get lower than my first goal)
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. I am 25 and am still trying to lose my baby weight from when I was a baby! :laugh:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had my third 4 months ago. I've lost the 15 pounds I gained with her plus another 15. I'm breastfeeding, so I'm trying to eat at maintenance plus what I burn from breastfeeding until she's on solids (per the pediatrician's advice), but it's hard. I pump 55-60 ounces a day, which means I have to eat over 3000 calories a day. With the chaos of three kids that's almost impossible. But, I've found that after a few days of eating a lot I do lose a pound or so!
  • rpillen
    rpillen Posts: 23 Member
    I had my 2nd child feb 2011. I joined WW last June and then switched to MFP and got a fit bit in Feb 2012. I"ve lost 29.8 lbs so far. I'm only 2 lbs away from my pre baby weight and my first goal. I'm thinking i would like to try and go for another 5-10 lbs after that. It is definatley hard work! I'm 36 (almost 37) and both my husband and I work full time (sometimes more). Fortunately, we have an exercise facility that is free at work so i workout every day at lunch. it's the only way i can fit it in. On the weekends i try to go for walks or have fun with the kids to get my exercise in. I feel so good about what i've accomplished so far for myself and for my family. You can do it! If you start doing somehting that you enjoy you will stick with it longer. I completed my first 5K back in April and got the running bug so now i'm excited to try and improve my time. Good luck! you can do it!
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    Hi! Add me as a friend if you would like! I am 27 and have 4 kids - oldest will be 6 next month and my youngest is 7 months. I currently work full time but will be going PRN August 1st because I start grad school. Good luck to you!
  • kwheelock
    kwheelock Posts: 21 Member
    I had my first in January and gained a lot of weight with him (50-60 pounds)! I gave in to every craving I had. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds...and he was about 9 of that...big boy! I joined MFP at the end of March and have only lost 10 pounds so far. It's slow going, but I'm working really hard! I just completed day 21 of 30 Day Shred and, let me tell you, it's getting harder and harder to stay motivated so the encouragement is needed! Yesterday was a rough day emotionally...darn hormones! I'm still sporting the maternity pants because I refuse to buy bigger clothes! I would LOVE to be out of those by the end of June...right now I'm eating healthy and my exercises focus on my core with some strength training (free weights) thrown in there. Any other ideas to get this belly fat off??